Wednesday, December 30, 2009

weekend at home...

... is something to be cherished.

anyway, this is how much alcohol dad's consumed since gramps left for australia (yes, again)...

this is how much stock he still got... have not include 3x 15yrs glenfiddich (obviously his favourite), i think there's another dimple and martell VSOP and co...

human models~ haih~~ sigh in satisfaction~~

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


呼~终于静下来了,好hectic的几天。果然没办法连续超过72小时地拥抱人群呀。。。结果今天一放工就早早跑回家了,明明不该先回的 :P

见到你们真好 :)

再和backpacker接触真好 :)

LL嫁入豪门真好 (哇咔咔,以后破产有人救命~)

看到你们,就会记得最原本的自己呢 :)
而看到Silver仔用手抓食物,开开心心睡阳台的样子,会记得生活其实有多么的简单,会记得刚开始回到现实的时候那种“大家怎么都那么有礼教?”的感觉 ^^



Sunday, December 13, 2009

broga hill take 2

nearly take 3 this morning, turned out that i FFK >_<
thousand appology! ppl in stream and lake, body not from self XP

anyway, lets see pics from the 2nd hike with my beloved siblings~


when the sun and light is doing magic, there really is not much left to be done ^^

a lalang pretending to be a caterpillar ="=
精神分裂症的lalang ="=

all the way up~~~

my models posting ;P

you jump i jump~

karate kid~

we are the world~

looking back at the first peak. xuan having a rest before attacking the 2nd peak~

finally at the 3rd peak! memo shot ^^ everyone looks tired~

fabulous sunset at the peak :)

journey down hill~

australia has sign boards of kangaroos and koalas, sweden's got moose and reindeers, we have cows~

nite nite~

Friday, December 11, 2009


favco 6 share values 里的第一条 ^^ integrity呢?我也常问自己。问的时候会难过呀。坐在篱笆上的人,integrity会脆弱吧。。。

所以,真的没哭,反倒是成了教材,给我好好上了一课,是怪胎还是冷血啊? ^^


Saturday, December 05, 2009

Thursday, December 03, 2009



hmm,唱十二月的歌似乎不多啊。这一首也不是 ^^

开钢铁厂的铁平有一个开银行的弟弟叫银平 XD
能做这些事,算是很称职的materials scientist吧 ^^ *才怪*

是有为之身,才有机会有为吧 ^^
左耳上那颗钛合金耳环,(说了是称职的materials scientist呀~)


答应过自己的期限是26吧。backpackers "youth" 和 "adult" 的分水岭。

望这个12月也晴朗 :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

scattered thoughts about... astro

the sun has just completed 2/3 of its journey, shifting from the equator towards tropic de cancer.

when the sun went to rest this evening, orion lies low on the eastern sky.
the moon, hanging high in mid sky, is half shadowed by the earth.

the dim street infront of my current resident, stretching in the east-west direction, provides a decent venue for star gazing ^^
Hej, orion. it's been a while!
seeing every single member star of it so clear, so unmistakable, conjures a smile onto my face :) it's just like seeing a familiar old friend, of familiar old ways, of familiar old voice, of familiar old smell, of familiar old laughter... 严重恋orion情节。。。

but if meeting orion brings such joy, such delight, please explain why dont i just go and see it every clear and cloudless night? in tropical malaysia, it's right there, hanging low and sweet all year long, no?
hmm, not to be understood XP

Friday, November 20, 2009

found a potential photographer's treasure island - favco factory

(mr. ang, if you are reading, please be so good to jump this coming line)
also found a very innovative way to curi tulang... XD
go down to the production factory for these treasures~

just a couple of snaps from this afternoon. checking Dom's powerpack and wondered how they actualy put a fastener thru the dampener. decided there must be a hole in the middle, decided to go to verify the existance of the imagined hole. hah! it is there! *pretend syok*
love the blueish rays creeping in from the test yard~

also accidentally found out that somehow the door hinges on our powerpack assembly drawings are not tally with the details, therefore affecting the opening radii by... well not much, just a tiny wee bit :P production is ofcoz following the details? the shot is affirmative.

needed a bit more time to better the shot of the hinge. but i suddenly realise that i was really indulging in my hobby during work by then ^^ so there u go, a hinge of nearly focused. adrian newey's loyal student, just cant help to strive for "artisticallity" within engineering >_< wakaka...

fingers got really itchy by then, thought i better go~

should go for a good long photo shooting visit someday. wait til i finish this rework H14T and F4T! mm, main dish on my desktop for the next fortnight.

finally, gotta say this no? well done and congrats on your UPSR little bro! ^_^
and my good little model ^_^

Tuesday, November 17, 2009






Thursday, November 12, 2009


续《冰点》和《kite runner》之后的另一本好书啊T.T
classics果然是不一样T.T 让人感觉其它书看了都是在浪费时间。。。。(作者们抱歉了,给你们鞠躬Orz)

慢慢看,慢慢看~希望会继续感动 :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

a lot of unorganized thoughts wei

engrossing in the routineness of life ^^
kick me~
really, sometimes it's nice to have the settling feeling. if you know wot i mean. otherwise, try sleeping on 15 different beds in a month. then you might know wot i mean ^^

farewelling a few from favco, all the best yo.

looking forward to the return of a few jedis ^^ the one finally homecoming from the land of long white clouds; the one who's already planning to cause food shortage in malaysia; and the one and only who's sooo high profile her return is making me plan to take leave already XD
ak, it's that time of the year already. news from up above says temperature in sweden's been dipping. eddie's going to shenyang somemore XD cold die~

mm, time for housekeeping.

to end this post, allow me to quote two lines from the two books i picked up this wk.
one is:
guess which famous book is it? ^^

another one is actually from the 2nd book's author's biography:
haiz~ *苦笑* ^^

Friday, November 06, 2009


more cold apples :)

ish, today even worse, faulty load sensing line, data fedback not processed XD
only the last ball was alright i suppose...? ^^

still, endorphin makes everything won~der~ful~~ won~der~ful~~ weee~~~~
which gland produce endorphin de ah? i shall get mine checked.

and yup, you are right, futsal again ^^

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

sweet november

by keanu reeves. used to be LL's favourite movie? ^^

hm.... why do all the months have exactly opposite moods when you live them in Malaysia vs. in Sweden? november used to trigger titles like "november rain"...

for the past two years, september had been wonderful. it's the mushroom month, where smurf houses of all designs and colours mushroom out in the wild. it's the month when the woods are at their prime, so brilliantly colourful under the setting sun. when temperature hangs at the comfortable late-teens, and people beautiful from the active summer ^^

while september this year is concluded by one sentence from zyan: "wake me up when september is over". simply dreadful XD

our 7-week-semester system in chalmers means october comes along with the pressure of project due dates and exams. definitely a grumpy month. as the emotion of being away from home catches up after the hype of september.

october this yr... ehe... go read my futsal post XD
nah, at least things are more settled. i'm happy enough :)

the nordic/english november is well-known for its magic to bring depression to a climax. sweden will be loosing daylight every single passed day, desperate rain drizzling non-stop, draining and freezing my lifeliness along. so? replanish with alcohol la~~ XD

four days into this month and it seems healthy enough ^^ hope the trend continues ^^

Friday, October 30, 2009

话说。。。it's thursday again

and thursday has very recently become futsal day ^^

oh~ ppl on the pitch are not that scary any more~ (though still a bit bit scary)
and i still play crap ofcoz~ having demonstrated it personally, now i understand how they miss a header a yard infront of an open goal~ XD

cramp.... again.

cold apple tastes good~
especially good after futsal~
everything is wonderful after futsal~~~
yang will tell you it's highly excessive endorphin working~~~~~
who needs marijuana~~~~~

ak, there are a couple of pics from daily life. life is beautiful indeed ^^ shall take more pics! (that's endorphin loaded me again...)

weeds ^_^
换个角度就看到了它的美 :)

golden bumblebee~
在踏着被路灯拉长的影子而归的时候 ^^ (macam ini pun boleh jadi running gag ah?)
hor, go buy 4D

Friday, October 23, 2009


mom's gonna kill me but FUTSAL ROCKS!

how wonderful it is when you dun have to ask others to fly on the pitch on your behalf...

it was a fine afternoon and the tedious BOM transfer process was suffocating me and i thought i might as well go run myself sampai putus nafas (against mom's wishes in my best interest, i should add). so i went.

warming up in the net-enclosed pitch has already gave me the redbull effect.
erm... in case anyone needs a reminder, redbull give you wings.

play starts.

the feeling everytime i got the ball was like... eh? how come there's a homo sapiens closing in on me?
help!!! XD
so you can imagine i am really crappy XD the last time i actually played a game was with the eight-country-link-army made up of iraqi, afghans, palestinians, egyptians and our neighbouring indonesians (yeah i know, even with me, a malaysian in, there are still only 6 countries). and that was in May last yr...
and then it was me and my ball and the ever companionable walls of motionhall since.
told u i'm a hermit. (read the last post if you are missing something)
for christ's sake.

and somehow, it was the very first time i see a dear friend play. teo is indeed good :)
i myself played until my legs gave up and gone cramp. even driving home switching feet on the throttle and brake was fun ^^
no dad, pls dont yell...

girls, pls dont yell oso... come back we go basketball ^^

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


once upon a time, woei said: "people are very important, very important"

so important that she had to repeat how important it is.
well, as important as i agree they are, they tend to give headaches.

in malaysia, it is quite impossible to get into hermit state... especially when one starts working again. especially especially when one rejoins her ex-company...
where the reason again lies within people.
kinda miss sweden for this matter.

as dad would like me to put it, in the evening, when i leave office and 踏着自己被街灯拉长的影子而归 (only sometimes, right? other times are pulled by the setting sun), i go back to a place they call... hostel.
i call it sanctuary myself.
housemate 家荣 is a nice and quiet guy. leave early every morning and back late in the night. the only time he would knock on my door is when he comes and ask if i would join him for dinner.
a non-intrusive housemate is an essential part of a sanctuary ^_^

in sweden, among the immigrants like myself, we have this sentence that popped up quite a few times already in my short stay there. it reads:
"sorry for not respecting your privacy the swedish way..."

it is used when some iranian got ur phone number from someone else;
when some spaniard is enquiring something very general about your family;
when some chinese has just found out that you have not signed up for a group project and offers you to join their group.
which are all perfectly normal in our beloved malaysian society, and societies outside sweden (and other scandinavian countries for that matter), i suppose?

which i'm somehow not used to. after living it for more than 20 yrs.

collectivistic culture...

i've been on total freedom for a little bit too long XP

working on it...
working on it...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


half way thru october and the sun slowly moves away from the equinox position. miss 见光死, that is, I, am feeling happy about it. it means leaving office at 6.50pm will be a good time to witness a colourful sunset.

gaining immunity to UV, especially after the company treasure hunt. got a shade darker, and that renders me no more allergic reaction since the one i got from the hunt faded away :)

pictures from the hunt shot by my nikon coolpix L15 are trapped in it, since i wasnt using the memory card and the camera cable is lost somewhere between eastern equatorial malaysia and western arctical sweden. beat that.

borrow a few pics from everywhere else for illustration purpose ba.

ok, still unable to upload pics... ="=

Monday, October 12, 2009

broga hill wf dad and bros finally here~

i see red,
i see blue...

but the silver lining gradually takes over...

the lalang from lalang hill

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

N/A w/o title as per SOP

one (probably not sufficiently good) reason i like to stay back in the office til late, is the one minute solitary walk from the guard house to where my golden bumblebee is parked. the lack of homo sapiens existance; the street lamp which had already gone off twice when i was walking pass; flocks of birds hanging out on the trees by the road; the factory opposite emitting the only audible sound along with a distinguishable chemical smell; and when it's the right time in the month, the moon will be hanging accompanied by a few startlets.

lily strongly warned me against writing anything work related. in case a certain mr. ang drops by.
nah, i could just do it in chinese...

Monday, September 28, 2009

hugging nature

broga hill wf dad and bros :)

i see red,
i see blue...

but the silver lining gradually takes over...

eeek! cant upload pics... wait, tmr continue in favco XD

.....a few days later....
ok... i lied. still cant upload pics, will try to do it again. but somehow video works, hehe

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


so there went the hydraulic circuit to Choy's desk for checking, say woohoo~
pneumatic circuit is on the board next.

i'm gonna kill myself... after 3 weeks of cold turkey supression, a dose of jun-e tan and co over the raya holidays has brought me straight back into that freaking care free backpacker's mind set T.T maybe i should let it out and blend it into the office life instead of more supression X| 我们的大脑怎么有那么复杂?真是自己给自己麻烦。。。

lets talk about something else, like... june and i had experienced another life-death situation together again! *gasps!* ok, actually, it was nothing more than a bunch of stray dogs... some 7 or 8 of them, rushing towards us, and were stared away by us :P fan, semenyih is a wonderful place. even with the dogs. and the little tortoise that piggybacked ontop of a bigger one.

my hobby is to write things that only ppl in the loop understands XD nah, sorry folks. not in the mood to write, cya nxt post XD

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


刚下班不想看到工作这两个字的抱歉了 ^^

ME就是mechanical engineer。
第一天就被介绍给尹晴小姐,中英文名字都有,似乎是个混血儿,1st name Engine,middle name叫Attachment,姓Spec。之前我还在favco当engineering coordinator(此后简写为EC)时,算是和她照过一两次面吧。脾气有点燥,声量也很大,有点像河东狮,一发作大家就得戴耳塞,还不时要gas cooler来帮忙让她冷静下来。那时候和她也不过是点头之交,这次大家在工作上产生交集了,就得花时间沟通了解一下吧。

然后陆陆续续的,又重新认识了powerpack抛先生,外国人史皮利特(splitter gearbox)等之前感情不太笼络的哥哥姐姐们。还有久违的韦殷慈同学。和小韦重逢算是最开心的吧 ^^ 有种终于遇到了熟人,愉快地给个拥抱的感觉呢~ 虽然两年多不见,也有不少东西要catch up。她说,总是给她动力的两个好友gearbox兄弟,Brevini和L&S(是史皮利特的堂弟弟),这两年里也来流行二夫二妻制了 O_O,和motor家族两姐妹,Sauer Danfoss和Rexroth拉起天窗。

昨天,师姐Lily花了一个小时,镇重其事地把我介绍了给海先生。是久仰大名,如雷贯耳的海先生咧!早在EC时代就想一睹他的英姿了!海先生名叫多利,咦,怎让我想起了复制绵羊多利XD 呵呵,别扯远了,反正从昨天开始,我就一直在想办法和多利培养感情。当真认识了才知道他真是一个不好沟通的家伙呀。。。性格怪怪的,是没交往过的类型 XD 师姐在的时候还好,让她做中间人就是了,师兄师姐们到底是怎样开始了解海先生这怪胎的呀 T.T 一个lunch break回来,和他坐下来我看你、你看我的,晕 @_@ 结果看了几分钟就逃掉了,找engine spec可爱的小妹rope spec玩去。

逃了一天,今天良心过意不去了,一早又去看海先生。一面想办法和他沟通,一面 T.T。师兄Choy过来让我替他去找reeving diagram阿姨,我乐得立刻出发,勤手勤脚地和阿姨忙活了半天。回来,又要继续火星撞地球,对着海先生了。。。ish,陈asa,干劲在哪里?深呼吸,来吧!想起师兄Choy今早给了我一本什么东西,拿来一看,是一本14页的短册,叫“打开海先生心中之锁的钥匙”XD 心里大乐,有这个就好办了~ ^^

短册果然很有用。海先生那稀奇古怪、比瑞典语还难懂的文法一下子有纹路了:D弄懂了他那个circuit国的怪文化后,才发现这家伙其实还真有趣~~明白他的过程进度虽然缓慢,但对他了解越多就爱他越多是这个意思吧 ^^ 听着他满口的circuit腔虽然还是很要命,但到了放工时间却也有点舍不得说再见了呢。

最近都会继续和多利培养感情吧。接下来不知道还要为他哭几次,祝福我吧~ ^^


Monday, September 14, 2009

oooak, connection!! XD

wait i resurrect myself first ah... wait wait... :D

Sunday, September 06, 2009



是的,上班了 :)
好多新东西要学,好多埋了很久的东西要开封,扫掉蜘蛛网,重新打蜡一下 ^^

大家好好的过吧 :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


噫,这个题目听起来好严肃啊 :P 最近在看三浦绫子1965年赢得一千万日币的征文小说《冰点》。是打算在开始恢复上班族生活之前把它看完的。

书中谈到了终生的生活意义。。。日本人果然很严谨啊,必须有意义才能生活下去吗? ^_^ 角色中有一个叫辰子的日本舞蹈大师,是个不拘繁文缛节,却又不忘自重的人物。拥有真正热忱的兴趣,还有一群不需要言语也能互相了解的朋友,这样的人,竟然也因为没有终生的生活意义而感到空虚呢。

记得《the alchemist》里面有这样一段。。。来自西班牙安达卢西亚的主角,将自己放牧的羊群卖了,用换取的钱当旅费,去追寻自己的梦想。在摩洛哥遭人骗走所有的金钱后,他在一家玻璃店住下,讨生计。



敢于追梦的牧羊人主角最后获得了一大笔财产和温柔美丽的妻子,但自此之后的生活,是像童话故事里经典的"happily ever after"那样含糊的交代的。。。

还是像周杰伦的《稻香》里说的,换个梦不就得了?^_^ 这跟日本人的严谨很格格不入,但也发人深省吧。。。 :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

oops, india posts stalled - day 3

we toured the mysore palace again (bloody pretty wedding hall! with peacock as design element, luxury and elegance in one~), decide that the builder was indeed a corrupted king XD, went to the famous market, ate more mysore park, had another thali lunch and left.

the train ride to chennai, the old madras, is one that shan't be overlooked. again we were on the 1st class, just that this time it got even more impressive. snacks/tea/coffee/softdrinks were served every hour, and there was a meal in the end also. it's just like air travel service~ the karnataka-tamilnadu landscape was magnificent. mountains and ranges pop up from the flat land all of many suddens. people with belly full of yummy food and eyes full of yummy scenes are happy people. it was a happy ride.

when we arrived chennai around 9pm, tejas was there to receive us T.T to make sure we find our way to chennai park station T.T told u he's the vishnu.... he brought us some munchies for our 1hr train ride to tambaram, where our host sachin (tendulkar!!) stays. he got onto the same train with us, got us both places to sit and then got off at egmore station. the train that doors never shut, and electricity goes off once in a while was actually a pleasant ride, as the people around us are all friendly and eager to help (praise indian hospitability~~). the guy sitting opposite me couldnt help smiling when he saw me taking out dad's camera snapping random shots (hey, for me they are all new and interesting ok ^^). tejas's continuous sms to make sure we were alright was heart felt. thanks buddy :)

we got our own room at sachin's place. he is an experienced couchsurfing host who has hosted 23 people from all kind of countries before us! we had a short chat and he let us off. june was so tired that day she left the tedious job of bathing to the next morning ^_^

right, 3k in 15:46 this time. keep it up!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

the second nut shell full of india

good, my 3k time reads 16:39 now, slashing 50s off in the space of 5 days~ sweating really is a problem XP

anyway, lets continue at india day 2.

breakfasting at the same dark little coffee shop, we consumed more dosas and tea. the first half of the morning was spent exploring tipu palace, a well kept old palace, which june and i believe, belonged to a clean and uncorrupted king ^.^ the building is simple and airy, unimpressive in size but made up in style, and has certainly aged in elegance. dad camera's memory card got abused, but too bad the results are not to be seen :P

we also spent an equal amount of time in a temple adjacent to it, drawn by the notes from musical instruments we couldnt name. a ceremony was in place. probably just a normal prayer day, but it was our first time in a hindu temple nonetheless. we were urged into the central chamber for blessings by the friendly locals, but we shyed out, worrying that we might miss-place a step and do something out of place :P most men, if not all, attended in white; while women were draped in brightly coloured traditional clothings. they were all very receptive towards the two ETs of the day. fruits and jasmin flowers were aplenty, fire and water were used (ok, i've just learned that tejas means fire XD), and the music was being played all the time.

after retrieving our shoes from the small tent beside the temple, a kind passerby halted a bus and sent us on our way to KG road bus station, or where the locals call "majestic", a kota raya equivalent i suppose. after another affordable and enjoyable lunch, we departed to mysore.

pani poori (geez, i'm gonna forget all these names if the writing is to be left any longer), a tiny version of poori, fried into ball shape and (poked?) broken at the top to fill gravies/curries/sauces that goes with it. impressed 0_0 steal other ppl's picture for illustration purpose: picture by Medhaa

like alysha said, rail travel in india is a whole other world by itself ^_^ "a million kinds of passangers and a million hawkers coming and going vending their goods", she says. samosas, padam milk, coffee, dosas are among the millions of repetitive, monotonic syllables that i can make sense of, where there are other things that smell and sound and look like nothing i've ever seen before. they even have railway court and railway police, as if governed by another set of rules.

our train arrived well before time, and ppl were sucked to the it like paperclips to a magnet, throwing their belongings thru the open window to reserve their seats. june and i prebooked our tickets online, and was surprised that we actually booked the 1st class tickets, given the price we pay, around RM17 for 150km. our names were printed on the door of the train compartment we were supposed to be in, stating our reserved seats, impressed again 0.0

after some walking and looking at Lonely Planet, we were at the reception at a hotel in mysore. the guy behind the counter asked us our budget. we dully said 750rupee, he had a glance at the crumpled photocopy LP in my hand and said their cheapest room is 800rupee. we had a look at the room and agreed that it's a fair price. double room, ensuite, with TV, RM30 per person. we could afford a bit of luxury ^^

the whole point of being in mysore, where both my x-family doctor and his wife graduated, was to be left breathless by the breath taking mysore palace that is lit by more than 100 thousand light bulbs from 19.00-20.00 on sundays. after another wonderful dinner of paneer and mutton curry, we walked half the periphery of the palace wall to the south where the entrance lie, stopping at the east entrance for photos u will never see XD june and i decided that, unlike the one that occupied thiru palace, this king must be corrupted XD the walk from the north gate to the south gate took us almost 20mins in total.

and then, came the blackout. and we went "what the...". the electricity came back in a matter of a couple of minutes, and we spent the rest of the hour, standing idly, marvelling at grandness and beauty of the brightly lit palace, letting the cool mysore wind brush thru us, secretly thinking about the Earth Hour campaign and the environmental impact, counting the light bulbs that went malfunction, deciding that they are not connected in series, all with the military band playing marching themes in the background. (and taking more photos la...)

the night ended in sweetness, as we had our first taste of mysore pak, a local sweet delicacy which looks ordinary but tasted so good it pulled us back for more, and more... ^_^

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

india in the first nutshell

*brushing off cobwebs with the halves of nutshells india is prepared to be stuffed in*
it's been a while since this humble resident return to my cyber world hub. life at home is juz amazingly easy :) time seems to pass like rapid current.

in a blink of eyes, it's already a week after our return from africanation india and good old singapore. oh, yeah, it did happen, the carbonization and dehydration. but not as great an extend as we imagined it would have been :)

i lost dad's new camera in chennai, the only one i brought. i can only blame my own carelessness. so, sorry folks, no glimps of the famous indian train travel where passangers hang one handedly outside the doors that never shut (now we see where did the malaysian indians who used to grace the doors of the sardine packed pink panthers (KL bus minis) learned their stuffs), no brightly coloured spices and temples and saris, no breath-taking-lit-by-more-than-100-thousand-light-bulbs-mysore-palace, no random holly cows scattering the streets of the silicone valley of india.

india was like a live replay of the malaysia during my childhood. it reminded me very much of mom's hometown in penang of old, played in a scene with rumah ataps replaced by the karnatakan flat roofs and tamilnadu low ceilings, where the kids play in gangs on the brown sand streets, the busses un-airconded and un-time-tabled, the coconut leaves sway and the oil lamps burn.

*break, ran 3km in 17:29. lost my breath a bit. still in the 2nd course of my antibiotics, doc says most probably not H1N1, i'm already feeling good enough to run 3k anyway... back, sweating*

it was my first ever couchsurfing experience. i have hosted ppl but this was the first time i surf another's couch. alysha and her sister was our host in bangalore. we arrived at her place no earlier than 1am, after a long search of the address with the humble cab driver who drove us from the airport. the sisters gave us the warmest welcome in the chill of night, and the beds adorned by the pirates of the carribean sheets with captain jack sparrow's head on the pillow cases was most welcoming after a long day, since i took the overnight train down to singapore from kajang the night before. i drifted into dreamland under an endless series of crow croaks.

the crows must have croaked an even number of times the night before, as we woke into a refreshing morning. the first taste of a week-long experience of awesome indian food came as early as our first morning there. june and i was at the dark little coffee shop across alysha's house. clueless to how to place an order, we just told the person behind the bar that we want a vegetarian dosa and an idly, recommended by alysha. we ended up having a masala dosa and a plate of steam plain idly, served with different kinds of curry we cant name. the first bites have already made us resolve to not consume any of the packeted food we brought from malaysia in precaution ^^

some shopping in the morning as june hunted of salwar kameez and ended up buying a gorgeous sari of red, black and gold. the morning then ticked away in a walk that included side stepping women sitting on the streets selling jasmin bands, witnessing men pissing at sidewalks, inhaling CO2 and SO2 and NOx exhausted from the chaotic traffic, and waving back to school kids yelling hellos to two east asian faces from their dust-caked school bus windows.

afternoon brought us vineet and tejas the vishnu ^^ we were at MTR, a world reknown restaurant, having our first ever southern thali, which was a 12 course meal, opening with tequilla shot sized fresh grape juice, served with poori (fried chapati), pappar, rice, bean and shreded coconut mix, salad, two sweet pastes and five different kinds of curries. a fruit ice-cream concluded our meal. we were again awe strucked by the way indian use spices to make veges taste so wonderfully good. i ended up eating pinang for the first time, immitating vineet, mouthing the whole pinang wrap. as they have warned me, i spitted out half of it XD

we then went to burn the calories we had just consumed, in lalbagh, the botanical garden in the city of gardens - bangalore. lalbagh is famous for its crystal palace, where as neither bangalore nor chennai is a touristy place, the crystal palace might as well be the one and only famous place we visited in those two cities. vineet lived up to his name tag as a bird watcher, and we learned much from him about indian birds. his trained eyes has also helped us spot quite a few fascinating species, which includes a carnivorous predator falcon and a water bird that dries itself in the sun like washed laundry.

tejas the vishnu (or god of protection) then gave us a crash course to the 330million hindu gods as we visited an art centre. indian arts are highly influeced by hindunism, like european arts are influenced by christianity. the lord siva in my old history textbook came dancing back into memory.

we whiled away the rest of the day seeping cold beer in a semi open air place. kingfisher, indian brew, i liked it. we talked about many things over the drinks and snacks, about travelling, about our countries, even about smoking weeds, and coaxing good-boy-vineet into smoking weeds with tejas that very night XD the alcohol went as quick as it came to my head. it was the weather, i decided. after the drinks, we had paneer cheese and tandoori chicken for a light, but as taste buds pampering dinner.

the evening talk with alysha and her sis was yet another solid prove that, as june put it, like minded ppl dont have to come from a same country/culture/religion/skincolour/wotever$h!tuputhere. a sigh and another kind of gan3dong4.

tired as we were, the cool bangalore night was quick to bring us into slumberland.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

carbonization india

papers are reporting that india is facing a serious water shortage, up to a point that ppl are willing to use violence for H2O ="=
is it going to be
(carbonization + dehydration) india = africanation india ??

again, very malaysian chinese, dry and dark equals to africa...

ak, couldnt care now, all set for departure. tell u our story in a couple of weeks ;)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

dad's perspective

paris :)

notre dame

the louvre


taking it to the streets :)

mom's delight

梦幻 switzerland

there was one that zooms into mom's street dancing shoes de... dad deleted dy..........

mom u soooo cute ^^


dad's uncanny animals shooting skills... erm... i mean that shooting, not THAT shooting... tho he'd also been very well trained in THAT shooting... ="=|||


london :)
west minstrel abbey

royal guard at buckingham palace

newton the wax


have i mention dad's uncanny animal shooting skills?.........


stockholm's royal guards at kungslottet. which is real and which is fake? ^^

sad fox, sad me(?) ooi! i'm missing my long hair already T.T

walking zorro in the woods surrounding härlanda tjärn :)

and goodbye europe, tht's the islands of maldives

sri lankan buffet that spices off a relatively long journey

ya, i know i still owe you my "no fuss bergen" trip...
and "carbonization india" (in chinese, coal and carbon uses the same word. and we suspect that going to india at this time of the yr will coal-colourize our complexion) is coming up soon...
but i juz cant help showing off dad's work XD