Wednesday, November 04, 2009

sweet november

by keanu reeves. used to be LL's favourite movie? ^^

hm.... why do all the months have exactly opposite moods when you live them in Malaysia vs. in Sweden? november used to trigger titles like "november rain"...

for the past two years, september had been wonderful. it's the mushroom month, where smurf houses of all designs and colours mushroom out in the wild. it's the month when the woods are at their prime, so brilliantly colourful under the setting sun. when temperature hangs at the comfortable late-teens, and people beautiful from the active summer ^^

while september this year is concluded by one sentence from zyan: "wake me up when september is over". simply dreadful XD

our 7-week-semester system in chalmers means october comes along with the pressure of project due dates and exams. definitely a grumpy month. as the emotion of being away from home catches up after the hype of september.

october this yr... ehe... go read my futsal post XD
nah, at least things are more settled. i'm happy enough :)

the nordic/english november is well-known for its magic to bring depression to a climax. sweden will be loosing daylight every single passed day, desperate rain drizzling non-stop, draining and freezing my lifeliness along. so? replanish with alcohol la~~ XD

four days into this month and it seems healthy enough ^^ hope the trend continues ^^

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