oh~ ppl on the pitch are not that scary any more~ (though still a bit bit scary)
and i still play crap ofcoz~ having demonstrated it personally, now i understand how they miss a header a yard infront of an open goal~ XD
cramp.... again.
cold apple tastes good~
especially good after futsal~
everything is wonderful after futsal~~~
yang will tell you it's highly excessive endorphin working~~~~~
who needs marijuana~~~~~
ak, there are a couple of pics from daily life. life is beautiful indeed ^^ shall take more pics! (that's endorphin loaded me again...)
weeds ^_^
换个角度就看到了它的美 :)
golden bumblebee~
在踏着被路灯拉长的影子而归的时候 ^^ (macam ini pun boleh jadi running gag ah?)
hor, go buy 4D
Oh my gosh, you are officially on a high!!
Basketball sounds good. Is Futsal really, really that magical ^0^
it's got the magic of basketball~~~
tell me if that's magical enough ^^
knew u'll on also ^^ ask june to ditch her phD la~ then we can play every weekend~ so far got 4 kakis dy, see how many we manage to get until u come back :)
I'll be playing futsal with you for the last time this coming Thursday. Do come ya !
zha dao i just blogged a dragonboat post which is similar to your futsal high, we are truly hui chongs~~
basketball T_T i am so gonna suck big time... how many years never play liao...
Hahaha, Jun-E, so you are gonna ditch your PhD aye?! I've benn waiting for you to say so! It is actually my first thought too, "I'm so gonna suck big time" >< Even worse, I maybe afraid of a ball passing to me ><" Haha. Now who are the other four kakis? ^0^ :sweat:
@Pin: hell yeah ^^ it's been fun knowing you, even though it's for such a short time :) gonna miss you and lily.... (erm, lets add NKT for the sake of it)
@june: going to read ur dragonboat post after replying this ^^ okok, endorphin rulez~ other hormons stay put first~ ^^
hey ladies, lets suck big time together-gether hehe. karat play karat, same same aje ma~ after the de-karatation we can join some 3-3 street basketball challenge~ weee~~~ *dreamy*
@woei the anonymous: you've already known 3/4 of the kakis, u, me, june and another one is.... lo and behold! my sifu - miss sum lee min~ hehe.... might be able to persuade a certain mrs raikkonen to join also. there were a few who were interested the last time we met in the CHKL 96' gathering. see if they on :)
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