thousand appology! ppl in stream and lake, body not from self XP
anyway, lets see pics from the 2nd hike with my beloved siblings~

when the sun and light is doing magic, there really is not much left to be done ^^
a lalang pretending to be a caterpillar ="=
精神分裂症的lalang ="=
all the way up~~~
my models posting ;P

you jump i jump~
karate kid~
we are the world~
looking back at the first peak. xuan having a rest before attacking the 2nd peak~

finally at the 3rd peak! memo shot ^^ everyone looks tired~
fabulous sunset at the peak :)

journey down hill~

australia has sign boards of kangaroos and koalas, sweden's got moose and reindeers, we have cows~

nite nite~
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