Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the withering plant

the withering plant
my landlady's other daughter kristina came and saw this withering plant that i've been having since not long after moving into this room.

"it's so ugly now. why dont you throw it away?"... and i only smiled in return.

becoz the answer was clear.
it will bloom again someday.
and when the time comes, how do we know if it's not blooming more beautifully than ever?
keep faith.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


june, i did make carbonara to counter your aunt's macaroni and cheese ^^
i hope i had fettuccine instead... but since i bought 1kg of spirals... i hav to finish them somehow :P

white sauce is my grandma's favourtie (she's so 'in'...) and she doesnt like tagliatelle (the thick version of fettuccine, i dun like it either :P)... why do i have a grandma who knows wot she likes about pasta?? and she cooks pasta chinese style... with dried beancurd, kangkung... but wotever receipe she puts in, it tastes delicious ^^
so this is for her~
carbonara for popo

here are some pictures from yesterday's lepak...
i was lost again while heading to de observatory :P
slottskogen is de biggest park in gothenburg city centre.
it was soooooooooo beautiful~~~~
hope i can be your eyes and ears~ Flickr
red-leafed tree
it surprise me how little ppl were there, i maybe met 3 ppl along de way...
old observatory tower
i din follow the map, so ended up with a lot of unexpected scenes :)
scenery along de climb to observatory
they say carl linnaeus is the most famous swede of all time...
well, i knew him when i needed to do biology but i din remember him...
i remember zlatan, ljungberg, larsson, wil...son(they call him "chippen" here)...
ok... how about nobel? i do remember nobel...
anyway, they name this station Linneplatsen.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Inger is my landlady's daughter, a 67 yrs old lady, little adina's grandma.
she's de one who once rocked me by saying "i love rocks. do you understand that? i love rocks just like you love cranes."
i wanted to tell her i din go and work in crane companies because i like cranes. it was just a coincidence. but she was staring and showing such passion towards her newly finished rock arrangement in the backyard, and i would rather let her believe that there's someone who shares equal passion towards things just beside her. she's been working with rocks her whole life.
that's inger i see with my own eyes.

she married an indian man who she met while she was in africa. and she's been walking in thick woods and doing things that even a person as wild and free as myself can only imagine. "i wouldn't want to do or ever dare to think wot she's been doing every now and then..." that was from her sister kristina, a 65 yrs old.
but she also happened to be the nicest caring and obeying little girl while she was young. hardly let her thoughts or emotions out. always doing things that will make sure ppl around her are happy.
that's inger i heard from her mom and her sister.

today i met her... well, we couldnt find an english word... her boyfriend who live together with her... not married but living together, do we still call that boyfriend when they are 60 odd years old? as he jokingly said "we are not married but i'm the boss" haha... from the 10mins conversation, a really nice and intelligent old man. he came down the stairs and we met while i wasnt dressing properly :P but he's somehow saved my blushes and i was able to talk comfortably. and then it came again "i heard that you are a crane specialist?"... i was trying to remember if i was too ecstatic while i talk about cranes the other day... anyway, it end up to be an enjoyable talk :)
that's inger from wot kind of person she loves.

she is inspirational ^^

swedes are truely incredible in the sense that they talk about things like divorce and death without any difficulty or hesitation as if it was just another day in life. is it because they believe that things done are done for the best? if two ppl are not happy together, then divorce = less suffering for everyone? and when you are so old you are prepared but not dread for your own death? if everyone thinks like that, the world would be a much happier place. i hope i'll be like that someday :)

and inger's boyfriend just came in and tought me how to fix the radiation heaters. hope he din see wot i'm typing :P

a bit of work while my camera-button-clicking finger got itchy in de exam period. like the first one^^
withering flowers and my notes

the sky was so blue and i was in a good studying mood :)
wished i was out there tho~
from my window

glorious sunshine reflecting on de glass~
it's nice to see a bright world from a dark room ^^
from my window again

Wednesday, October 24, 2007






Monday, October 22, 2007


how on earth, how on earth??
against all odds....
after 7 years....
it still havn't fully sink in....

he was smilling more today than all 7 years add together ^^

ah... getting emotional...

...thanks kimi...

(and i'm liking massa already ^^)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

environmental conscience

obviously (for those who also read it) just visited june's travel blog... for those who dont read it, a little background: june my buddy is on a 6 months working holiday in NZ and recently being employed as a fund raiser for an organisation called GreenPeace. The name says it all, it's all environment.

from the blog's description beside kimi's handsome face up there ^ you might be able to tell (or not...) that i'm also an environmental freak :P


wonder since when i started to use liquid paper without a second thought...
since when i started to print like papers are not from the trees...
since when i started to see ppl throwing non-biodegradable rubbish everywhere and thought "well, that's the norm of our society..."
since when i started to give in and start driving... (msia having one of de worst public transport system in the world is not a good enough excuse...)

when it comes to sustainable energy and environmental issues, sweden is leading the world! that's one of my many reasons behind "why sweden?" althought i'm never sure when i leave this country, will the technology and knowledge gained here have any use at all. if the society has no awareness of this issue, individual strength will be too insignificant. my ex-boss once went "it's not making any money, why would we care?" and others in de discussion just started to laugh. am i too naive? or it just doesnt work in our country?

and freakin hell, it's all against my intuition again! a quote from june's post:
"Thursday was a bad turf, like really bad 'coz firstly, we were assigned to a rich area. I wouldn't say that rich people are downright rude, but they are most apathetic and very, very protective of their bank account details. And, they are downright rude."

and zero sign-up in the rich area... wot is 20bucks per month for these ppl?! and so it seems that the ppl who are always driving the world to become a better place is actually the same bunch since de renaissance era - 中产阶级知识分子... "Middle class intellectuals" if you dont read chinese or only see chinese characters as blocks on your computer.

another quote from june's post:
"Yesterday someone gave me a $40 signup and told me to migrate to New Zealand, as "the country needs more bright people like you, with your heart in the right place"."
as if msia dont... if nz NEEDS ppl like you, msia is DIEING FOR...

funny i heard this twice in de period of 24hrs from two ppl who are not very different ^^, tho talking about totally different things. i shall make it the 3rd time here:

"things can only get better when we've already seen the worst."

so lets be positive, and go on to believe, and continue to contribute :)

WDC decider!

1800 hr local time - gothenburg!
go kimi!!
finnish sisu, japanese zanshin, show them your fearless fight!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

why was i not in de pictures?

bcoz i was holding de camera....

right, 168hrs per week is de same for everyone, lets see how i do for this semester ^^
study: 8x2(lectures for 2 subjects)+ 14x2(revisions&assignments)=44hrs
lepaking: 6x1(long lepak)+4x2(short lepaks)=14hrs
hmm... ~33%... slightly better than first thought...but still no wonder i cant be a professional lepaker...^^

i vow no more lepaking + photo shooting until next thursday! that's the end of exams~

so i decided to post some older pics from others' camera instead~ and therefore for those who are starting to miss my sunshine smiles, here's a dose of ME... wakaka
most are from the islands, a few from other places.
island dock
on the island
still on de island
entrance to Nya Ullevi

in case you are getting addicted, more supply is always attainable in Flickr (why am i talking like my thick-faced brother...?)

late comer, this came in today (19th Oct).
my groupmates for this term! from left, lisa, petri, me, martina and mahdi behind the camera :)
first term groupmates

Sunday, October 14, 2007

feeling the change of season

more greens are constantly turning into reds and yellows since last week's pictures were taken. and the icy crisp october mornings are the best forewarnings of the coming winter.

it's bloody colder than melbourne's coldest winter already!! combination of the uninviting weather and the up coming exams pretty much convinced me to shut myself indoor. fixing my eyes more on the texts and figures on the lecture notes and handbooks, than on the flying birds and flowing canals in various parts of gothenburg. good thing it cant take little 海燕 away from me~ ^^

so the believe is, most of the reds and yellows would have already left the bare trunk to withstand the menacing winter all alone when my (once dad's) nikon coolpix3700 will be in action again.

a two-year-course abroad is not so much different from a working holiday ^^ except you exchange the papers we call money with another paper we call certificate. two years, exactly as i like it~ i left malaysia a bit too soon T.T needed 6 more months to make two years... then it would've been great.

if you are wondering, nope, the "two-years" theory has no logic behind it at all :P it just sort of emerged when i started to hate australia after being there for two years. the 3rd and 4th years were dreadful... and in the case of malaysia, there are a few unfinished businesses that i would rather prefer to put right before saying byebye... borrow the wise words from LL and june, procrasinating and undecided, serves me right! and since i used to work on project basis, another half a year would meant a whole lot more experience and witnessing de delivery of perhaps another two of my babies (cranes ofcoz).

and this has nothing to do with the change of season, LOL...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

cool girls~~

drifting with the wind

recently found another one (of high quality ^^) working in de cafe in our department building~
i hunt for them coz most of them are real eye candies!^^ when coolness is blended with the feminine features, it becomes irresistably yummy~

so now i can spend the whole afternoon break staring at her while eating my packed lunch ^^ good appetizer! wakaka... and i'm confident that she doesnt mind either. coz she saw me staring and just turned her head away and smiled, cute~~~ i wonder if cafes and bars hire these ppl just to stimulate the customers' appetite. coz there was also one in Plush Fish, the sushi bar in melbourne uni union house. she is from hongkong. i went to buy temaki in Plush Fish whenever i have the urge to see her, wahaha... she was so famous that when a lecturer made a joke on asking for her number, everyone in the class knew who exactly he was talking about ^^

then there was this girl who i saw while working as a counterhand in a chinese/indian food bar. i totally lost my breath with this one... almost imposible to find any that can surpassed her... she... walks with an air of confidence and... the way she dressed... the expressions on her face... woah... i just couldnt take my eyes off her! lucky it was not at peak period... else i'll definitely kena fried sotong...

but then i wonder how many of these people are lesbians :P
i've been good friend to a couple of them at relatively tender age of 12-13... one was trying to smother me (and even de smothering action was kinda cool ^^) while i asked her if she is homo ^^ turned out that she is! and another one i never really know.
while in de pangkor graduation trip, we met a cool girl that's proven straight. simply by her partner being a guy ^^
i myself made a "damn good looking boy"! weird aunties and uncles were asking how many girl friends did i hav in school... =_= so there might be a few broken hearts of innocent lasses, by me being straight, wahaha...

Monday, October 08, 2007

chalmers i höstsolen

chalmers in the autumn sun
i = in
höst = autumn
sol = sun
en = the
dun ask me why it end up being höstsolen as one word...

pix pix... went back to school for discussion today.
chalmers on autumn sunday is so quiet.
again more on flickr... click de pics for enlarged ones.
way to library
leaf covered pond
forgot which faculty's mascot...

and then i went to a game... gais vs. brammo...
it was raining and therefore.... coooolldd....
6deg. wind chill + rain = ...freeeeeezzze...
anyway, the fans were still singing and cheering hard~ de green and black banners of gais were being waved everywhere.
and since the game includes a first half goal, a second half red card, an injury time goal and another injury time penalty, it was quite entertaining~ tho the fans still entertained me more than the game itself ^^
me at the game
GAIS fans celebrating the 2-1 win

woke up at 8am... no 7.50am, to witness kimi's 15th? victory! should be 15th...
kesian lewis... but he's again making more ppl his friend. if the same thing's happened to kimi, he'll probably escape straight away from the back of the motorhome... alonso will start sending mclaren's technical data to all de other teams... mika will cry on the track... but lewis opted to go back to de pit and shook everyone's hand... a really nice move... a really nice bloke...

final note, ruud, rooney and ronnie rulez~ and now everyone's talking about messi and ibrahimovic...

Saturday, October 06, 2007


今天终于清醒了,打了两三通电话,讲自己的语言感觉很舒服啊~~ ^^




随着成长 远离家乡
回头遥望 我满肩坚强
为了梦想 振翅飞翔
怎么遗忘 熟悉的家香
* * * * * *
When you feel the slip
When you start to crack
When it's all to hell
Know I have your back
Whether right or wrong
Is beside the point
'Cause we're more than blood
* * * * * *
当我张开翅膀 试图往梦里闯
时间却不经意 迷失家的方向
当我满载成就 回头向起点望
灰尘布满翅膀 飞不回那扇窗
* * * * * *
想像远方 绚烂星光
钟声敲醒 如茵的艳阳
为了梦想 我选择翱翔
怎么换回 淡淡的忧伤
* * * * * *
如果你记得方向 家就在不远前方
要是你迷失方向 想找个地方流浪
太阳才交替月亮 星星又笼罩了窗
就算没地方流浪 只要你记得方向

Friday, October 05, 2007

study study

after a few weeks of ben-kyo, finally i'm able to say
"i caught up with de lectures!!"
~genious~ ^^

but exams are coming, and all de reports are dueing soon....
so should continue to work hard~ 加油!

long time din 加油 so much already, feels awesome :)

Monday, October 01, 2007

my first video... on YouTube

ppl will start to get sensitive to a word when it's mentioned so many times in one night, wont they? for me, and i believe also for a few certain others, "YouTube" is definately one of those words....

it's 8:41min, featuring woods in gothenburg, 10mins walk away from my place. i was hoping to see a wild moose, but non appeared... the journey back home is also included, to let ppl hav a real feel of surburban gothenburg :)

apologize for the quality, it's compressed to 1/5 it's original size to be publish on YouTube. guess you just have to concentrate to get anything out of the commentary and the camera is shaking quite violently at de end :P

right, lets delay no more, my first ever YouTube video~ "woods in gothenburg"