Thursday, November 26, 2009

scattered thoughts about... astro

the sun has just completed 2/3 of its journey, shifting from the equator towards tropic de cancer.

when the sun went to rest this evening, orion lies low on the eastern sky.
the moon, hanging high in mid sky, is half shadowed by the earth.

the dim street infront of my current resident, stretching in the east-west direction, provides a decent venue for star gazing ^^
Hej, orion. it's been a while!
seeing every single member star of it so clear, so unmistakable, conjures a smile onto my face :) it's just like seeing a familiar old friend, of familiar old ways, of familiar old voice, of familiar old smell, of familiar old laughter... 严重恋orion情节。。。

but if meeting orion brings such joy, such delight, please explain why dont i just go and see it every clear and cloudless night? in tropical malaysia, it's right there, hanging low and sweet all year long, no?
hmm, not to be understood XP

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