Friday, October 30, 2009

话说。。。it's thursday again

and thursday has very recently become futsal day ^^

oh~ ppl on the pitch are not that scary any more~ (though still a bit bit scary)
and i still play crap ofcoz~ having demonstrated it personally, now i understand how they miss a header a yard infront of an open goal~ XD

cramp.... again.

cold apple tastes good~
especially good after futsal~
everything is wonderful after futsal~~~
yang will tell you it's highly excessive endorphin working~~~~~
who needs marijuana~~~~~

ak, there are a couple of pics from daily life. life is beautiful indeed ^^ shall take more pics! (that's endorphin loaded me again...)

weeds ^_^
换个角度就看到了它的美 :)

golden bumblebee~
在踏着被路灯拉长的影子而归的时候 ^^ (macam ini pun boleh jadi running gag ah?)
hor, go buy 4D

Friday, October 23, 2009


mom's gonna kill me but FUTSAL ROCKS!

how wonderful it is when you dun have to ask others to fly on the pitch on your behalf...

it was a fine afternoon and the tedious BOM transfer process was suffocating me and i thought i might as well go run myself sampai putus nafas (against mom's wishes in my best interest, i should add). so i went.

warming up in the net-enclosed pitch has already gave me the redbull effect.
erm... in case anyone needs a reminder, redbull give you wings.

play starts.

the feeling everytime i got the ball was like... eh? how come there's a homo sapiens closing in on me?
help!!! XD
so you can imagine i am really crappy XD the last time i actually played a game was with the eight-country-link-army made up of iraqi, afghans, palestinians, egyptians and our neighbouring indonesians (yeah i know, even with me, a malaysian in, there are still only 6 countries). and that was in May last yr...
and then it was me and my ball and the ever companionable walls of motionhall since.
told u i'm a hermit. (read the last post if you are missing something)
for christ's sake.

and somehow, it was the very first time i see a dear friend play. teo is indeed good :)
i myself played until my legs gave up and gone cramp. even driving home switching feet on the throttle and brake was fun ^^
no dad, pls dont yell...

girls, pls dont yell oso... come back we go basketball ^^

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


once upon a time, woei said: "people are very important, very important"

so important that she had to repeat how important it is.
well, as important as i agree they are, they tend to give headaches.

in malaysia, it is quite impossible to get into hermit state... especially when one starts working again. especially especially when one rejoins her ex-company...
where the reason again lies within people.
kinda miss sweden for this matter.

as dad would like me to put it, in the evening, when i leave office and 踏着自己被街灯拉长的影子而归 (only sometimes, right? other times are pulled by the setting sun), i go back to a place they call... hostel.
i call it sanctuary myself.
housemate 家荣 is a nice and quiet guy. leave early every morning and back late in the night. the only time he would knock on my door is when he comes and ask if i would join him for dinner.
a non-intrusive housemate is an essential part of a sanctuary ^_^

in sweden, among the immigrants like myself, we have this sentence that popped up quite a few times already in my short stay there. it reads:
"sorry for not respecting your privacy the swedish way..."

it is used when some iranian got ur phone number from someone else;
when some spaniard is enquiring something very general about your family;
when some chinese has just found out that you have not signed up for a group project and offers you to join their group.
which are all perfectly normal in our beloved malaysian society, and societies outside sweden (and other scandinavian countries for that matter), i suppose?

which i'm somehow not used to. after living it for more than 20 yrs.

collectivistic culture...

i've been on total freedom for a little bit too long XP

working on it...
working on it...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


half way thru october and the sun slowly moves away from the equinox position. miss 见光死, that is, I, am feeling happy about it. it means leaving office at 6.50pm will be a good time to witness a colourful sunset.

gaining immunity to UV, especially after the company treasure hunt. got a shade darker, and that renders me no more allergic reaction since the one i got from the hunt faded away :)

pictures from the hunt shot by my nikon coolpix L15 are trapped in it, since i wasnt using the memory card and the camera cable is lost somewhere between eastern equatorial malaysia and western arctical sweden. beat that.

borrow a few pics from everywhere else for illustration purpose ba.

ok, still unable to upload pics... ="=

Monday, October 12, 2009

broga hill wf dad and bros finally here~

i see red,
i see blue...

but the silver lining gradually takes over...

the lalang from lalang hill

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

N/A w/o title as per SOP

one (probably not sufficiently good) reason i like to stay back in the office til late, is the one minute solitary walk from the guard house to where my golden bumblebee is parked. the lack of homo sapiens existance; the street lamp which had already gone off twice when i was walking pass; flocks of birds hanging out on the trees by the road; the factory opposite emitting the only audible sound along with a distinguishable chemical smell; and when it's the right time in the month, the moon will be hanging accompanied by a few startlets.

lily strongly warned me against writing anything work related. in case a certain mr. ang drops by.
nah, i could just do it in chinese...