it's a 4-5 months project like the 100 and 200RLs i handled;
the old grand chart and timesheets are adopted for planning, they are actually quite useful;
i deal with de supervisor in Ericsson like i dealed with the clients;
i deal with de chalmers examiners like i dealed with mr. shrek; (they are so easy to please after having shreky...)
there are the experiments that we need to run and interpret like testings and QA/QC;
there are specimens we need to prepare before that like the work on the production floor;
some experiments we cant run in de department, so? out source, look for subcons. we might need to work with the physics department, go to Borås or even Jonköping;
we called AGA to buy and transport liquid nitrogen for us, that's purchasing and logistics;
we need to prepare quotations for Ericsson, not unlike the cost calculations we make for spec change demands from our clients;
and ofcoz we secured the thesis ourselves, that's sales;
the literature studies are like reading client specs;
the meeting where we sat and talked along with our chalmers supervisors and Ericsson supervisor were the External Kikc-off Meeting;
the meeting where we sat and go thru everything after reading most of the literature and make sure everyone is on the same channel was not so unlike a Project Checklist Meeting...
good god there's no accounting involved.
even weirder still, my life has gone to the way it had been when i was working.
here, a couple of pictures from our first tests. these are from optical microscopes, the first 100x magnification, the 2nd 1000x. both are taken on the same spot. tell me why do we see big black particles in the first and small white ones in the 2nd :P


am i suppose to know this? wild guess... big one is air bubble and small one is carbon?
haha, i suppose not. you work with microscopy?
our trouble is why does the black particles disappear when the magnification goes up? my guess is that they become out of focus when the resolution goes up and depth of field goes down.
as for wot are the particles, we are not sure about that yet. waitng to find out in SEM. i'm guessing the white is some sort of heat conducting ceramics like Al2O3, based on my knowledge of the function of the bulk material :P
but still, i have no idea wot the black one is. could be as u said, some sort of graphite/carbon... they are good conductors too :)
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