good the snow finally stops ^^ after... 4 days? still there will be heavy snow fall tmr night, dunno if the PL games will be played in white ^^
oh, talking about PL games, dudu scored twice against cardiff in his come back O_O
wot a feat!
and raul breaks record,
and vds going to break another record if his sheet goes clean vs blackburn this wkend ^^
anyway, i'm suddenly hooked on the swedish sauna XD it just makes me go soft soft soft... all de stiffness goes, weird but somehow wonderful feeling ^^ especially if one does it after swimming or ball games, or a week of work. ah, how i love evthing about chalmers ^^
oh thesis, how come i keep working with things that the department had nv dealed before? salt bath modeling in melbourne, and now this weird rubber that
-- doesnt even seem bothered at 1100degC, when the ceramic crucible that holds it already "de-sinthered"... (rubber tht hav higher melting temperature than ceramics~) ah forgot to add, except that one of them turned into a yellowish-green from grey. and back to grey when it's cooled to room temperature.
-- doesnt have a linear stress-strain relationship region.
-- sticks on wotever equipment we are testing it with.
-- more problems to be discovered XD
freakish material ="=
and did i mention that the thickness of our material is scarcely 0.13mm?
anyway, it's still satisfying that we've gone this far for less than a month :)
no, i'll shut up now and keep those problems our own :P
i've got another baby xmas tree, from the same pair of dedicated hands apparently :)
havnt re-potted it, dunno if any good soil can be found under all these snow...
hm, my mind seems to be jumping here and there like a flea tonight...
anyway, finally, for 3 months now, this Fool has occupied a lot of my time! ^^
let me introduce~ the Fool with mousey~

Wow, things are going awesome there!
Are you sure that it's rubber? It sounds better like some kinda chewy softy sweet...except for the heat durability...
The sticky part is pretty
Good thing that you've got a new pine-class tree. Wish you will be able to find some good soil for it, but don't go out if it is too cold. You might catch one of them.cold...
For the 'Fool' thing, I just don't get it.
By the way, visit my blog, I've got a question to ask.
i'd just burnt a strip of tht freakish rubber with a bunsen burner and it did burn! with white smoke and flames, which confirms that it's silicone rubber :)
no soil this weekend, i duan to dig thru the white cladding ^^
ah, the Fool. isnt aSa some sort of an equivalent to the Fool? there are things that i share for my readers to interpret just as you wish :) but still he comes from some where, try "the farseers" trilogy and "the tawny man" trilogy by robin hobb.
Hey, what sort of thermal instrument you used? And where did you get your sample from? Just curious :)
I remembered measuring the stress-strain curve of different 4x4x4cm cheddar cheese cubes using a very large piece of expensive equipment.
People are sure crazy about their cheese texture :P
we are mainly using an instrument called Rheomatics Solid Analyser, a very delicate instrument. it does give a stress-strain curve indeed ^^
our samples we got them from Ericsson, they in turn got them from two different US companies.
cheese~ tht is so much more fun~ 40x40x40, haha, i'd just gulp them down...
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