am i to name every single one of my backpacking trips, i'm inclined to name the next "自虐苏格兰".
gbg - glasgow. 3rd-9th April. the outbound ticket is effectively free, too good to miss. rosslyn chapel~ lock ness monsters~ fergie-land~~ :D
the theme is self-abuse, the period is just shy of a full week, the time is spring when body asks for shocks and toning. it fits wonderfully. might as well target to do the whole trip below 150pounds. in most of my journeys, the only thing that holds me back on senselessly reckless self abuse is my travel partners. even keeping them in mind, most of the time i still under estimate all sorts of human's basic needs... sorry to all that had to endure travelling with me before X|
but, this time, yean came specifically asking for a visit to abuse-land... thus, it seems to be settled... 自虐苏格兰 ^^
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
hope i wont drop dead soon
aiks, no sussie throwing snowball at me, so i guess it wont happen. as in i wont drop dead.
de reason i'm online this precious night is bcoz the real-liv game is on later... torres dear, look wot you are doing to me... i could really use an early night's rest u know? after last two late and exhausting ones, and the packed one tomorrow that promises to be another energy draining day. but raul + robben on top of... sigh. no, i wont miss this nor the return leg in anfield. come to think of it, how many spaniards will be playing?
real: raul, ramos the player, iker, guti + ramos the coach
liv lagi banyak: torres pulang kampung i oso nak, xabi alonso, riera, arbeloa, reina... + benitez XD
oh, in de end, we din find any silicon in our freakish rubber thru energy dispersion x-ray~~ we are starting to think that stockholm is not so far away after all, if we hav to travel there to receive our nobel price for discovering a new material with such alien properties~~ lisa said they pay 10 million~ oh yes, the money is the only thing that makes nobel price appeal to me.
it rained...
de reason i'm online this precious night is bcoz the real-liv game is on later... torres dear, look wot you are doing to me... i could really use an early night's rest u know? after last two late and exhausting ones, and the packed one tomorrow that promises to be another energy draining day. but raul + robben on top of... sigh. no, i wont miss this nor the return leg in anfield. come to think of it, how many spaniards will be playing?
real: raul, ramos the player, iker, guti + ramos the coach
liv lagi banyak: torres pulang kampung i oso nak, xabi alonso, riera, arbeloa, reina... + benitez XD
oh, in de end, we din find any silicon in our freakish rubber thru energy dispersion x-ray~~ we are starting to think that stockholm is not so far away after all, if we hav to travel there to receive our nobel price for discovering a new material with such alien properties~~ lisa said they pay 10 million~ oh yes, the money is the only thing that makes nobel price appeal to me.
it rained...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
the snowy days
good to be writing again ^^
good the snow finally stops ^^ after... 4 days? still there will be heavy snow fall tmr night, dunno if the PL games will be played in white ^^
oh, talking about PL games, dudu scored twice against cardiff in his come back O_O
wot a feat!
and raul breaks record,
and vds going to break another record if his sheet goes clean vs blackburn this wkend ^^
anyway, i'm suddenly hooked on the swedish sauna XD it just makes me go soft soft soft... all de stiffness goes, weird but somehow wonderful feeling ^^ especially if one does it after swimming or ball games, or a week of work. ah, how i love evthing about chalmers ^^
oh thesis, how come i keep working with things that the department had nv dealed before? salt bath modeling in melbourne, and now this weird rubber that
-- doesnt even seem bothered at 1100degC, when the ceramic crucible that holds it already "de-sinthered"... (rubber tht hav higher melting temperature than ceramics~) ah forgot to add, except that one of them turned into a yellowish-green from grey. and back to grey when it's cooled to room temperature.
-- doesnt have a linear stress-strain relationship region.
-- sticks on wotever equipment we are testing it with.
-- more problems to be discovered XD
freakish material ="=
and did i mention that the thickness of our material is scarcely 0.13mm?
anyway, it's still satisfying that we've gone this far for less than a month :)
no, i'll shut up now and keep those problems our own :P
i've got another baby xmas tree, from the same pair of dedicated hands apparently :)
havnt re-potted it, dunno if any good soil can be found under all these snow...

hm, my mind seems to be jumping here and there like a flea tonight...
anyway, finally, for 3 months now, this Fool has occupied a lot of my time! ^^
let me introduce~ the Fool with mousey~
good the snow finally stops ^^ after... 4 days? still there will be heavy snow fall tmr night, dunno if the PL games will be played in white ^^
oh, talking about PL games, dudu scored twice against cardiff in his come back O_O
wot a feat!
and raul breaks record,
and vds going to break another record if his sheet goes clean vs blackburn this wkend ^^
anyway, i'm suddenly hooked on the swedish sauna XD it just makes me go soft soft soft... all de stiffness goes, weird but somehow wonderful feeling ^^ especially if one does it after swimming or ball games, or a week of work. ah, how i love evthing about chalmers ^^
oh thesis, how come i keep working with things that the department had nv dealed before? salt bath modeling in melbourne, and now this weird rubber that
-- doesnt even seem bothered at 1100degC, when the ceramic crucible that holds it already "de-sinthered"... (rubber tht hav higher melting temperature than ceramics~) ah forgot to add, except that one of them turned into a yellowish-green from grey. and back to grey when it's cooled to room temperature.
-- doesnt have a linear stress-strain relationship region.
-- sticks on wotever equipment we are testing it with.
-- more problems to be discovered XD
freakish material ="=
and did i mention that the thickness of our material is scarcely 0.13mm?
anyway, it's still satisfying that we've gone this far for less than a month :)
no, i'll shut up now and keep those problems our own :P
i've got another baby xmas tree, from the same pair of dedicated hands apparently :)
havnt re-potted it, dunno if any good soil can be found under all these snow...
hm, my mind seems to be jumping here and there like a flea tonight...
anyway, finally, for 3 months now, this Fool has occupied a lot of my time! ^^
let me introduce~ the Fool with mousey~

Sunday, February 15, 2009
puss & kram - kiss & hug ^^
they call it alla hjärtans dag - all the heart's day ^^
well, fate brought this day to be on saturday and also grants gothenburg another day of glorious cloudless sky ^^
i dont really recall how commercialized was valentine's day in msia... but we wont miss these anywhere? ^^
flowers, balloons and soft toys
cards and small gifts

and more roses...

-5 was the temperature, but all the radiated human warmth shall chase the cold away ^^
but lets run away from all these commercialization for a little while, shall we?
to somewhere that befits such affection ^^
somewhere that belongs only to us
your eyes, and my camera
they walk up and down Avenyn street to give out free hugs ^^
my goodness me, those two are kissing in public!


happy valentine's :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
统考故事 之 美术考卷
哦,十五元宵夜,该是个风花雪月的日子^^ 没去抛/捞柑吗?送上小品一则 :)
哦,他Tan Y.我Tan X.吗,在我后面登记。玮玮是Tan W.,在我前面,哈~ 咳咳,扯远了。。。
我的美术在中学生涯中并不出名XP 那一股勇气也不知是从哪里来的。。。反正,在只有自己给自己准备的状态下(谢谢玲的哥借我静物写生的参考书:D),就到了正式统考前的那个周末。。。考美术的那个周末,其他人都在拼命啃其他课本的那个周末。
记得第一张卷子在早上7点多一些就开始了。卷子是选答中楷小楷/水墨画。怎样?没考过统考美术的冒冷汗了吧XD 独中实在是孕育中华文化的摇篮啊。。。咳咳,小的当然选答了从八岁就开始“浸淫”的中、小楷 XD 考完后,我们略喘了一口气,紧接着就是选答平面/立体设计。立体设计又是一项别开生面的考法。考生得从家里带一大包材料到考场,然后在考场里制造题目中的物体。记得我们那年其中一道题是灯饰。非常好玩,但我的勇气还没有去到那个境界,我保守地选择了平面设计。作画的各种材料当然也是考生自给自足,marker pen,蜡笔,poster colour,彩纸。。。我选的题目是设计一间服装店的招牌,店名"时装总汇 fashion exchange" ^^啊,有些记忆是好久好久都不会忘记的 ^^
考完已经时过正午了。那样聚精会神地挥洒数小时,还有点脱力的感觉。我在拉筋,不行,下午还有一张卷子呢。一大群人结伴到校外的意大利饼店去解决午餐,赶回来时最后一题刚好快开始了。选答人物写生/静物写生/想象画。从上文大家就知道我选了静物吧 ^^ 这一张卷子才是我报考的真正原因哪 :)
走进考堂的当儿就看到了题目。椰子和竹篮,摆在一张位于国字楼三楼,靠窗的桌子上。啊:D 有感觉的题目~~ 是小时候的感觉,阿公阿嫲的感觉~ 我一边走,一边在细嚼品味。嗯,就是这个感觉,棕色的老椰要线条粗粗,肮脏肮脏的;嫩竹编织的篮子要柔软,干净干净的。。。当时,脑袋里在疯狂感受的我,嘴角有挂着微笑吗?^^
抱着一手的“家铲”,我在找适合的角度坐下。从摆放物品的桌子左边走到右边,右边再走回左边,我不禁开始皱眉。静物写生的考题静物是由监考老师摆放的。他们似乎有一些指示,哪一个物品该在哪一个前面,大概该怎么摆设。。。可是。。。构图。。。自由构图的权利没有了。。。画幅长宽的比例也不完全自由。。。最后,我选择了靠最右边的位子。其实坐了那个位子的主要原因是-慢慢来的我代表着那个视觉集中点的正前方的位子都满了:P 啊,反正那个位子周围都没有人,可以不被干扰。在那个窗口旁,和正前呈90度角的位子上坐下来后,我才发现那个位子的至上优点^^
我的静物写生是用铅笔作画。黑与白的世界里,光的重要性自然大大的提高了 :)
SHIT. 我当时心理装的是这个字。至于实际上我好像跟他点了点头,笑笑说 嗯 ="=
这,就是我的美术考卷 ^^
哦,他Tan Y.我Tan X.吗,在我后面登记。玮玮是Tan W.,在我前面,哈~ 咳咳,扯远了。。。
我的美术在中学生涯中并不出名XP 那一股勇气也不知是从哪里来的。。。反正,在只有自己给自己准备的状态下(谢谢玲的哥借我静物写生的参考书:D),就到了正式统考前的那个周末。。。考美术的那个周末,其他人都在拼命啃其他课本的那个周末。
记得第一张卷子在早上7点多一些就开始了。卷子是选答中楷小楷/水墨画。怎样?没考过统考美术的冒冷汗了吧XD 独中实在是孕育中华文化的摇篮啊。。。咳咳,小的当然选答了从八岁就开始“浸淫”的中、小楷 XD 考完后,我们略喘了一口气,紧接着就是选答平面/立体设计。立体设计又是一项别开生面的考法。考生得从家里带一大包材料到考场,然后在考场里制造题目中的物体。记得我们那年其中一道题是灯饰。非常好玩,但我的勇气还没有去到那个境界,我保守地选择了平面设计。作画的各种材料当然也是考生自给自足,marker pen,蜡笔,poster colour,彩纸。。。我选的题目是设计一间服装店的招牌,店名"时装总汇 fashion exchange" ^^啊,有些记忆是好久好久都不会忘记的 ^^
考完已经时过正午了。那样聚精会神地挥洒数小时,还有点脱力的感觉。我在拉筋,不行,下午还有一张卷子呢。一大群人结伴到校外的意大利饼店去解决午餐,赶回来时最后一题刚好快开始了。选答人物写生/静物写生/想象画。从上文大家就知道我选了静物吧 ^^ 这一张卷子才是我报考的真正原因哪 :)
走进考堂的当儿就看到了题目。椰子和竹篮,摆在一张位于国字楼三楼,靠窗的桌子上。啊:D 有感觉的题目~~ 是小时候的感觉,阿公阿嫲的感觉~ 我一边走,一边在细嚼品味。嗯,就是这个感觉,棕色的老椰要线条粗粗,肮脏肮脏的;嫩竹编织的篮子要柔软,干净干净的。。。当时,脑袋里在疯狂感受的我,嘴角有挂着微笑吗?^^
抱着一手的“家铲”,我在找适合的角度坐下。从摆放物品的桌子左边走到右边,右边再走回左边,我不禁开始皱眉。静物写生的考题静物是由监考老师摆放的。他们似乎有一些指示,哪一个物品该在哪一个前面,大概该怎么摆设。。。可是。。。构图。。。自由构图的权利没有了。。。画幅长宽的比例也不完全自由。。。最后,我选择了靠最右边的位子。其实坐了那个位子的主要原因是-慢慢来的我代表着那个视觉集中点的正前方的位子都满了:P 啊,反正那个位子周围都没有人,可以不被干扰。在那个窗口旁,和正前呈90度角的位子上坐下来后,我才发现那个位子的至上优点^^
我的静物写生是用铅笔作画。黑与白的世界里,光的重要性自然大大的提高了 :)
SHIT. 我当时心理装的是这个字。至于实际上我好像跟他点了点头,笑笑说 嗯 ="=
这,就是我的美术考卷 ^^
Sunday, February 08, 2009
ok, torres pics
special request...
ah, dont ever tempt me to do this again.... XD
快点闪一边 我们在庆功宴
谁叫你还搞不清楚 我跟你的差别
Yeah 我是 superman
Yeah 我是 superman
Yeah 我是 superman...


oh, special treat coming XD

for you, woei~

i really enjoyed watching them in this tournament. World Cup 2006 :) post my favourite goal of that tournament at the end of this post 好了 ^^

look at puyol... tsk-tsk-tsk... ^^
tot - arsenal live update, eduardo and arshavin on subs! and robbie kean back in white hart lane as captain. i'll come back for the last 15mins then :D
ah, dont ever tempt me to do this again.... XD
快点闪一边 我们在庆功宴
谁叫你还搞不清楚 我跟你的差别
Yeah 我是 superman
Yeah 我是 superman
Yeah 我是 superman...


oh, special treat coming XD

for you, woei~

i really enjoyed watching them in this tournament. World Cup 2006 :) post my favourite goal of that tournament at the end of this post 好了 ^^

look at puyol... tsk-tsk-tsk... ^^
tot - arsenal live update, eduardo and arshavin on subs! and robbie kean back in white hart lane as captain. i'll come back for the last 15mins then :D
YNWA it says, torres torres...
man, i really dont know wot to feel when he does that... for liverpool.
i dont mind if he does it day in day out for spain. but anyway, united still have two games in hand and thus some margin. so i'm still in peace with that. that as in my loyalty towards united and affection towards elnino XP
i'd been waiting patiently for 75mins and finally benitez saw fit to nudge him into the game. it was 1-1 at that time. (actually it was quite an entertaining game, although rafa din think they'll need any striker in the first 11 :P)
then liverpool went down to 2-1 shortly after.
in reply, elnino pounced on a missed ball by a portsmouth defender, and kuyt did a full spirited job to equalize from a tight tight tight angle, with the ball torres cut back to him.
then, ofcoz, in injury time, torres himself scored the match winning goal, with a header delivered by the outstanding yossi yossi benayoun. this, after those two he scored to kill chelsea in the dieing minutes (89' and 90') just a week ago.
and this was when i believed he is back. tht game before the chelsea game, when he controlled the ball like tht and did tht sweet little flip, providing gerrard to score that wonderful equalizer in their FA cup tie with everton. (good they lost the tie anyway XD)
i shall admit that i kept trying to mock copy torres' inspiring moves with my little round best friend for fun. with imaginary opponents XD but guess i'll have great trouble with this one and shall give it a pass ;P
the "torres song" was rattling the stadium for the full 20mins he was on pitch today. i couldnt help humming it along ^^
lucky liverpool fans...
i dont mind if he does it day in day out for spain. but anyway, united still have two games in hand and thus some margin. so i'm still in peace with that. that as in my loyalty towards united and affection towards elnino XP
i'd been waiting patiently for 75mins and finally benitez saw fit to nudge him into the game. it was 1-1 at that time. (actually it was quite an entertaining game, although rafa din think they'll need any striker in the first 11 :P)
then liverpool went down to 2-1 shortly after.
in reply, elnino pounced on a missed ball by a portsmouth defender, and kuyt did a full spirited job to equalize from a tight tight tight angle, with the ball torres cut back to him.
then, ofcoz, in injury time, torres himself scored the match winning goal, with a header delivered by the outstanding yossi yossi benayoun. this, after those two he scored to kill chelsea in the dieing minutes (89' and 90') just a week ago.
and this was when i believed he is back. tht game before the chelsea game, when he controlled the ball like tht and did tht sweet little flip, providing gerrard to score that wonderful equalizer in their FA cup tie with everton. (good they lost the tie anyway XD)
i shall admit that i kept trying to mock copy torres' inspiring moves with my little round best friend for fun. with imaginary opponents XD but guess i'll have great trouble with this one and shall give it a pass ;P
the "torres song" was rattling the stadium for the full 20mins he was on pitch today. i couldnt help humming it along ^^
lucky liverpool fans...
Friday, February 06, 2009
thesis v favco
there are too many similarities in working this thesis and working in favco @_@
it's a 4-5 months project like the 100 and 200RLs i handled;
the old grand chart and timesheets are adopted for planning, they are actually quite useful;
i deal with de supervisor in Ericsson like i dealed with the clients;
i deal with de chalmers examiners like i dealed with mr. shrek; (they are so easy to please after having shreky...)
there are the experiments that we need to run and interpret like testings and QA/QC;
there are specimens we need to prepare before that like the work on the production floor;
some experiments we cant run in de department, so? out source, look for subcons. we might need to work with the physics department, go to Borås or even Jonköping;
we called AGA to buy and transport liquid nitrogen for us, that's purchasing and logistics;
we need to prepare quotations for Ericsson, not unlike the cost calculations we make for spec change demands from our clients;
and ofcoz we secured the thesis ourselves, that's sales;
the literature studies are like reading client specs;
the meeting where we sat and talked along with our chalmers supervisors and Ericsson supervisor were the External Kikc-off Meeting;
the meeting where we sat and go thru everything after reading most of the literature and make sure everyone is on the same channel was not so unlike a Project Checklist Meeting...
good god there's no accounting involved.
even weirder still, my life has gone to the way it had been when i was working.
here, a couple of pictures from our first tests. these are from optical microscopes, the first 100x magnification, the 2nd 1000x. both are taken on the same spot. tell me why do we see big black particles in the first and small white ones in the 2nd :P

it's a 4-5 months project like the 100 and 200RLs i handled;
the old grand chart and timesheets are adopted for planning, they are actually quite useful;
i deal with de supervisor in Ericsson like i dealed with the clients;
i deal with de chalmers examiners like i dealed with mr. shrek; (they are so easy to please after having shreky...)
there are the experiments that we need to run and interpret like testings and QA/QC;
there are specimens we need to prepare before that like the work on the production floor;
some experiments we cant run in de department, so? out source, look for subcons. we might need to work with the physics department, go to Borås or even Jonköping;
we called AGA to buy and transport liquid nitrogen for us, that's purchasing and logistics;
we need to prepare quotations for Ericsson, not unlike the cost calculations we make for spec change demands from our clients;
and ofcoz we secured the thesis ourselves, that's sales;
the literature studies are like reading client specs;
the meeting where we sat and talked along with our chalmers supervisors and Ericsson supervisor were the External Kikc-off Meeting;
the meeting where we sat and go thru everything after reading most of the literature and make sure everyone is on the same channel was not so unlike a Project Checklist Meeting...
good god there's no accounting involved.
even weirder still, my life has gone to the way it had been when i was working.
here, a couple of pictures from our first tests. these are from optical microscopes, the first 100x magnification, the 2nd 1000x. both are taken on the same spot. tell me why do we see big black particles in the first and small white ones in the 2nd :P


Wednesday, February 04, 2009
ABBA v abba
I dont wanna talk
About the things we've gone through
Though its hurting me
Now its history
I've played all my cards
And thats what you've done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play
The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
Thats her destiny
the winner takes it all?
lets counter it with chiquitita ^^
Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go and the scars they’re leaving
You’ll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving
Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
(extra large grin)
rafa is bullet proof
but roger is roger,
if he cries, it's most likely that he'll come back :)
and so are you :)
oh, the songs, there >>
About the things we've gone through
Though its hurting me
Now its history
I've played all my cards
And thats what you've done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play
The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
Thats her destiny
the winner takes it all?
lets counter it with chiquitita ^^
Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go and the scars they’re leaving
You’ll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving
Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita
(extra large grin)
rafa is bullet proof
but roger is roger,
if he cries, it's most likely that he'll come back :)
and so are you :)
oh, the songs, there >>
Monday, February 02, 2009
slottskogen - my neverland
hmm... ppl come to ask me take pics of them ah...
2nd one so far, does it mean that my reputation is building? O_o
anyway, here u go. he wished to send them home to make his mom happy. so i guess a sunny slottskogen would do de trick... -_-|||

and my own catches~
little grey!!!! uncanny O.o

who have been leaving their trails?

fire tree on a small island in the snow covered frozen pond

warning for thin ice

peacock hut


king of the woods

the new manga section in city library :D

bronze rose
2nd one so far, does it mean that my reputation is building? O_o
anyway, here u go. he wished to send them home to make his mom happy. so i guess a sunny slottskogen would do de trick... -_-|||
and my own catches~
little grey!!!! uncanny O.o
who have been leaving their trails?
fire tree on a small island in the snow covered frozen pond
warning for thin ice

peacock hut


king of the woods
the new manga section in city library :D
bronze rose

Sunday, February 01, 2009
venus and moon :D venus is that bright single dot so low in de sky... the silhoutte of the pine (xmas) tree on the left and a bare brunch on the right are indications of how low it was... since the night was still young. they were in the west.

and with the sky as clear as this, orion and ursa major was both up flanking me ^^ that was how i confirm the direction of moon and venus. this was my best effort capturing orion. even one of the stars that make his belt is missing >.< ursa major is entirely too dim... how i wish to have a DSLR at time like this...

and the show that steals the glamour of the night...

notice anything?
the dash of green on the sky, upper mid in the picture, see that?
top right corner of the one below... and joined by another dash of brighter orangy red ^^

aurora in gothenburg?
a check in de internet told us that the magnetogram in Kiruna shows a modest surge at 6.30pm and peaks just above 35nT around 6.45pm. the pics are taken between 6.30 to 7.00pm :P de green one did shift in shape and colour, but we are still unsure. happy til hugging each other anyway, haha...
another couple of pics that i enjoy from today

and with the sky as clear as this, orion and ursa major was both up flanking me ^^ that was how i confirm the direction of moon and venus. this was my best effort capturing orion. even one of the stars that make his belt is missing >.< ursa major is entirely too dim... how i wish to have a DSLR at time like this...

and the show that steals the glamour of the night...
notice anything?
the dash of green on the sky, upper mid in the picture, see that?
top right corner of the one below... and joined by another dash of brighter orangy red ^^
aurora in gothenburg?
a check in de internet told us that the magnetogram in Kiruna shows a modest surge at 6.30pm and peaks just above 35nT around 6.45pm. the pics are taken between 6.30 to 7.00pm :P de green one did shift in shape and colour, but we are still unsure. happy til hugging each other anyway, haha...
another couple of pics that i enjoy from today

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