Friday, January 09, 2009

something evil... about this place

there, another one driven home... with juz de thesis left to go ="=

there are enough ppl dreading and complaining about this place. well, in fact, almost everyone dread and complain about it. they always say that i'm de only one capable to come to like gothenburg. 一物克一物 u see? i'm so evil that even gothenburg has to 献媚 to me...

people juz dropped out of chalmers to get out of this place. people even get a little insane like my light weight materials coursemate who skipped compulsory classes and labs because "i dont feel good, not ill, u understand?". and now this.

sometimes i feel angry with myself. wot kind of friend am i? to see it constantly eating into them, only to remain queit and give them minimal support?! hav i myself gone cold with de weather? sigh, not tht i could be of any good help either...


A Black Cat said...

wei, dun feel angry with urself... i'm sure u're giving support your way, by listening to them, sometimes when someone's depressed there isn't much u can do about it, they have to walk out of the darkness themselves.

i so understand "i don't feel good, not ill" =P

poj is writing his thesis from thailand, could ur friend do the same? though his work is not based in labs and stuff la...

A Black Cat said...

p/s. poj is my friend from thailand who was studying at lund university in sweden

x said...

i guess so. i wish i'm de one writing my thesis in malaysia :P it certainly can be done and are commonly done.

anyway, it seems like my friend is going to come back here after he feels ok. tht's a good piece of news :) i juz hope it wont do any harm to him psychologically coz he thought himself being weak, unable to carry on like this.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

No, no angry... I once had something similar to this matter, but i didn't get angry, I felt sorry for didn't helping my friend, and feeling that I'm a little useless. And I guess you're just more stable than the others, not evil.

Now continue, now I learned that helping people will have you sacrifice something. Maybe it's fair, but I think it's worthy, though I will so rarely help my families, much commonly my friends.

I hope this helps.

Smile more!

:) :D :P XD X-) XP

l -- -- l
l O O l
l /_ l
l l / l
l ------ 1
U call this a smile?
Yes, I call this a smile...

This might make you Lough Out Readily...
Look carefully...