p/s: fireworks across göta älv, taken with my nikon coolpix L15 :)
that was organized by Göteborg Posten, the most popular paper in gothenburg. thousands of ppl gathered on the bank beside de operah house, on the bridge that links gothenburg city and hisingen island, to watch the great show at 5pm :)
then ppl take matters to their own hand at 12. no, since 20mins before 12 ^^ go out and you dont know which direction to watch ^^ the whole sky full of fireworks! it's like a competition to see if one can out fire another XD 3 families joined the competition on splintvedsgatan alone! and also ursa major and orion. de sky wasnt exactly clear but both were there enjoying the show :)
the explosion and gunpowder still fills my ears and nose as i type ^^
wish evone hav a good yr ahead :D
wah wah wah
pretty and nice image~~~ ahaha fireworks everywhere...
from down under wish you happy new year~~
i doubt brissy dun hav her own firework show ;)
must b a good yr~~~
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