"phew that was close~ tht incubus nearly killed me! Geffenia is seriously not a child's play." Silver exclaimed as he walked out of a circle of bbqed monster carcasses, wiping the slimes off his saber. "and they broke my armor." he added quietly as he realised it.
"tht's why we need you here buddy. eat this, it will make you feel better. there's more in my cart if you need them. i'll mend your armor soon." Nocturn threw Silver a mastela fruit without looking. his eyes were fixed examining the diamond ring he'd just picked up from the burnt incubus that nearly killed Silver. The black haired whitesmith who wore a baseball cap was already doing the calculations how much he shall overcharge the jeweller for the ring with such a dazzling stone.
Silver had only joined the party shortly before they reached Geffenia. he came on their request for a tanker from the guild. Sophia the guild master had thought they would need a capable crusader to survive Geffenia. and a capable priest too. She would have sent Grass along with his healing and protective skills if he was around. But as things turned out, half the guild members were on xmas leave and there were not a single priest available. so she looked at Silver. his eyes met her's and knew wot they were trying to tell him. he gently ran his fingers down her flowing purple hair for one last time, and bated her to get some time off during the holiday herself. then, without much delay, he left to join them in Geffenia.
"pls sit down all of you~ Ms. Ya's meteor storm seemed to have cleared the last monsters in this area~ i'll play The Song of Lutie to help you recover~ zai man jiu ting bu dao~ xian sheng xiao jie men gan kuai lai~ gan kuai lai~~" a graceful bow, and music notes started to flow from Jay the bard's mandolin, replacing his silvery voice.
"sing-mumbling weird words again... (/swt) why did Sophie ever recruit a guy as weird as you into our guild?" a sweet smile rose at the edge of Silver's lips as he mentioned his beloved's name. enduring the damage he'd just shielded his party members from, he followed the other two of the party to sit in an arc infront of Jay.
and i wonder if he hears anything he sings himself... his eyes locked on the earphone Jay wore over his silky blue long hair, as he striped his armor for Nocturn to repair.
"well, mr. beat-cannot-die, if it wasnt for Jay's A Poem of Bragi, i wouldnt have cast that last meteor storm in time. then u might really have died..." Ya finally joining the conversation after recovering from the exhaustion of the last battle, teasing her good friend. Silver strugged his shoulders in reply as he helped himself with a second mastela fruit.
"ah, i'm starting to miss everyone. we are away from the guild castle for almost two months now! Noct, you reckon we've made enough zeny to pay the mask maker?" Ya added.
the intention to come to Geffenia was for the valuable loots. diamond rings, golden rings and silver rings from the incubuses and succubuses. they were assigned to get Zeph a gift for passing the class 3 test, a tradition of the guild. decent weapons as gifts is the norm for the first two classes, rarer items are given to the 3rd.
a kitsune mask for Zeph, they've decided. they've already collected the 999 nine-tails required to make such a mask.
"i still think Mr. Zephyr would prefer a dokebi's wig~" Jay remarked cooly, fingers still strumming his mandolin.
"we are about 200k zeny short, not far away." Nocturn replied Ya's question, ignoring Jay's remark, sweating lightly (/swt).
"geez, Jay, you make a fine clown already! spilling freezing jokes like that." Ya found herself bemused, imagining Zeph wearing a dokebi's wig. a deadly assassin cross with a dokebi's wig..... O.O
so, finally home, soon... she could already feel the warmth in the hall of JP's guild castle as she saw the tower of Geffen in her mind's eye.
"ouch! that hurts!"
"deviruchi's re-spawned!" she gasped.
"poke me again with that fork and i'll make you Jay's pet!" Silver treathened the black little devil as he delivered a blow with his saber.
"wot's so bad with being my pet, sir?~" Jay wondered out loud, as he sent a silver arrow the little devil's way.
"nothing. you know, i changed my mind, you should adopt a dokebi. devi fits Zeph better. or maybe that thief boy Ai mentioned in her report..." another blow, and more silver arrows from Jay. Ya finished the deviruchi off with a fire bolt.
"u've got a point there Mr. Silver sir~ i've got myself a dokebi egg when we were hunting nine-tails in Payon Dungeon~ it sure seems to be a good sidekick~ ta wei xiao zai wo pang bian cheng san~~" Jay replied merrily.
Silver sweated.
"ready for more hunting?" Nocturn finally joined them, and passed Silver his now good as new armor. he had no worries for his companions to deal with the singled deviruchi.
"yeah, lets go!"
(p/s: for non-ROplayers, clown is the class 3 job for bard ^^)
add some visual effect XD
Silver the crusader

Nocturn the whitesmith

Jay the bard

Ya the high magician

Santa Poring



dokebi's wig

you know why din sophia appear? becoz... i... i've never played sage before and din know wot skills she shall have (/blush).
Jay is a mixture of 阳's game character jay and my game character mozart XD yang created his jay based on de great jay chou XD my mozart was a clown wearing dokebi's wig and had a dokebi as pet XD
no wonder no sage...
a sage possess the ability to use skill or SP effectively and efficiently. unlike wizard who cast powerful spell, sage learn the knowledge of spell casting and make use of their knowledge.
they are more like an agi+int+supportive character.
normally sage is one of the most wanted character in a party/guild because they can attack and support at the same time.
support type
party: (weapon element) sage can enchant weapon with one of the 4 elements. if you plan to farm at orc dungeon, a sage who has endow blaze can help you do double damage to the orc zombie.
(ground element) sage can cast a 7*7 area spell on ground to increase the damage of one of the 4 elements, or increase HP/atk/flee on certain armor type.
Guild: not too sure how to make use of sage here, but sage is required in guild war to cancel off wizard's powerful area spell. Sage is the biggest headache of wizard in guild war since he/she can use magic rod and spell breaker to cancel targeting spell and magnetic earth to prevent are spell. In addition to that, a professor can even drain players SP with soul Siphon.
Attack type
an attack type sage normally master all magician skills. With free cast, sage can cast spell when moving and even hitting monster. then hindsight has a 25% chance of automatically activate one of the magician skills. from my experience, with the combination of this 2 skills, sage can kill a monster without stopping his spell..
i was just wondering....
why dont jay use arrow Vulcan, rupa-rupanya his not yet a clown~~
I cant imagine a sinX with dokebi's wig la....
that is so... Uncool.....
btw, bard make froze joke~ not clown~
i thought clown make froze joke coz it fits ma, lazy to change dy XD i think bard oso got one skill, the prerequirement for arrow Vulcan, atk quite good de, music something XP
ooo~~~ sage so geng de oo~ but seems more useful in WoE or mass PvP. spell breaker and soul siphon can be used on monsters and MVPs?
and in most private servers magicians can all free cast...
and i'll hav to write about soul linker now.... ="= stand by me...
i think to MVP mostly no use....
as in harder to success la..
u see my sage din play support de¬¬
she's an attacker.
specially useful to element monster.
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