Saturday, November 29, 2008

ice hockey

wase~~~ it's probably the quickest game in the world! no wonder kimi loves it!!! the quick movements, quick passings, excitement, the action, chants from the crowd, the rythmic clapping, the violence... XP
it's like a cult! XD

scandinavium the stadium was lighted up in frölunda indians colours, red, green and white :) i pass the stadium on my way to school, the lighting has always been a loud announcement of a home match day ^^

like football in summer, swedes are crazy about their ice hockey in winter ^^ unlike the english who have their football in winter and cricket in summer instead ^^

6 a team, including goal keeper. with skating blades instead of running shoes, the size of the ice rig is probably equivalent to a basketball/handball court or futsal pitch. the size sets the tempo of the game. the size i like, the tempo i like :D

teams lining up for national anthem(another word that i can never spell...) before the game.

and i managed to take a bad video XD well, juz for you to have a taste :)

the crazy and fully supporting crowd~ as oppose to the liverpool fans who scolded their team whenever there's a chance, this crowd had chanted and clapped in rythm whenever they see something they like! all nite long!!! and the echoes of an indoor stadium makes it all the more blood boiling XD

tiny players showing off their skills on ice at the first break. sooooo cute ^^ keep falling down XD

qinling my classmate who'd conjured up so many free tickets XD

shaking hands after the match, and the fightings XD the indians won 5:0!!! XD

the walk to the station at korsvägen yielded a couple of nice pics too~
golden little horse, a warm touch in the cold winter by an unknown one :)

the xmas trees of liseberg the xmas theme park.


lcf said...
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lcf said...

Happy birthday and wishing you 福如东海,寿比南山 and 青春永驻。

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nuer.

Mama miss u.

x said...

haha, greetings in chinese! thx chih feng ^^

mama you are home! i miss u oso~ and dad... and evone... want to hear evthing about your trip later :D