havnt decide if i'm going to try to score this term :P taking another non-exam subject in Materials for Medicine. out of interest ^^ they are always hard to score... and it's a course offered by bio-chem department, which means i die die not expected to have sufficient background again XP but should aim high for de other subject, light weight materials, lisa said i would enjoy it, she knows wot i like ^^
been sweeping de leaves wearing t-shirt at 1 degC, wahaha... syok wei~ my thermoreceptors keep sending red alert signals back to my brain XD day fades at 5pm, it's dark out there already... hm...
ok, lets continue with the pics~
stonehenge~~~ daniel was so nice to drive us all the way there XD
then he took us around the gay town Brighton~ the palace, and a shop selling kookah pipes O_o
day 4 is old trafford day XD so expect nothing but football XP we even saw wembley's arc on de way to manchester! let me zoom in and contrast for you~

the theatre of dreams~ the dug out~ the tunnel players use to go into the field~ the dressing room~ imagine rooney, ronaldo sitting there before every home match... imagine VDS putting on his gloves... imagine fergie flew his boot onto beck's forehead... all in this very dressing room!
p/s: i like that child smiling for his picture to be taken XD

there's a big poster of the team celebrating last season's championship right outside the away team dressing room. de tour guide asked us to imagine frank lampard coming out of the dressing room and de first thing he sees is the grining rooney holding de trophy, haha...
a cafe at the end of the block ^^
enjoying hot english tea in our cosy little room while the northerly wind brought snow to suburban manchester outside ^^ i bcome 背后灵 XD much better than the 16-a-room-mixed-dorm in london XP but can you believe snow already in late october? and snow storm in late march when i travelled to copenhagen earlier this yr~ i've been snow cursed XD

liverpool nxt!
YNWA XD (you never walk alone)
torres is turning me red XD
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