so, instead of the usual research, i went to pick up a phd thesis on wear on different hip implant materials and started to read XD quite interesting actually, and i cant believe i'm saying that either XD
i've even got time to cook karin a full course dinner for the first time! ma, pass onot? hehe... dad, here comes paprika again XD 3 for 12kr, then that brocolli u see here costs 10kr, and tofu u see costs 12kr oso, the fish costs 15kr, coconut milk costs 8kr. so u see how much such a simple dinner costs? havnt include the sauces and other ingredients le... tht's y when i eat alone, those things only exist on my plate when they are on sale prices XP
the old lady is so cute as she said "i hope i dun hav to use chopsticks..."
i dont even have a pair, was my reply XD
good signs that she actually ate more than i did! asking every now and then wot is this and wot is that ^^ especially when our own typical malaysian red bean soup came onto display (recommended to cook by LL =D). the rich coconut milk flavoured delicacy had yet to disappoint a new taster. "this is really quite new for me!" said her ^^
and somewhere into the dinner, she suddenly realised "oh~ i dont need to use the knife!"
and that makes me realised how we are used to prepare our food in sizes and shapes that allows them to be easily picked up by and eaten with chopsticks ^^
she's repaying the courtesy so soon, inviting me for dinner tmr XD november is really crazy... i'll not even have a single evening/night free this week ="= i'd better drop that thesis and finish my lab report and the outline of my hip implant report which are both due on friday first.
oh yea, today's presentation went well :) bye bye PPO~
"2 veg 1 soup" ?
gan dong!
gan dong~ you make it sounds so malaysian, haha...
nice food~~~
and the legendary red bean soup with santan~~
keep warm budak and thanks for the cds~~~
gan dong~~~~~ also thanks so much~~
legendary indeed~ remember cooking it in canberra with you and moey ching, bagai lagenda~
juz hope u'll enjoy de cd ^^ took me a while to put so many files in XD
u cook very well :p
er... is that a hint? XD
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