in the modern manufacturing processes course, part design takes up a big portion in de course literature. and when they talk about CAD:
"it may be off by wotever weirdo scale you drew it in",
"if you have lines on top of lines, or other crap in your drawing, it will make it difficult...",
"if you draw a circle that is 5.3 inch, but then put a dimension on it that says it is 5.0 inch...",
i cannot tahan and thought i better dedicate a post to this ^^ thought those at the production floor might have saved a lot of frowns had i done this course earlier ^^ aw~ how many crapy parts had i designed~~~ XD without even knowing exactly how they bend de plates, which kind of welding they use, how they machine parts... XP de thing is, i'm really having some fun with this subject XD 只有变态的人才会喜欢工程~~~
the imaging course on de other hand is something new that i've never encounter before. equally interesting as i slowly find my way in the thick mist, just like the research project about the Nobel price winning "Giant Magneto Resistance" ^^ somehow neuroscience turns up in that course, i hav no intention of becoming Dr.程至美 wotsoever XD
it's a good blend of two very different paths to choose, lying ahead of me i guess :) seems like the trend will continue nxt term, with "materials in medicine" and "materials for light weight design" to go ^^
geez... overcast again tonight... been waiting to go to the observatory, activities are only held on monday and wednesday nights. doesnt matter, Plasma Cutting is waiting for me on de table XP leave you some nice pictures from "sunny!!" slöttskogen, taken during de weekedn ba :)
bambi's dad!! ^^

moose!! ^^
hidden path
unhidden path ^^

unbelievably rich colours and contrast ^^
illuminated leaves ^^ it's not until i cant find a single perfect leaf that i realized i'm looking for one... sigh... 缺陷者,美也~
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