Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the rumour about introvert swedes

well, i'm not sure but at least part of it is true.
there are extroverts also ofcoz, and also those who know when to talk and when to hush, like björn (sometimes refered to as xabi alonso XD) and anders who make really comfortable presence. but as they say, the cold weather makes the ppl cold.

in 《行者无疆》余秋雨老师 noted that,
"the danes says they are less outgoing, not like other europeans..."
"the norwegians says they have colder weather, hence they are not as hospitable as the danes..."
"the swedes says they are more serious, not as light hearted as the norwegians..."
so there you go... swedes are 3 levels less hyper than average europeans.

skipping all de previous introvert swedes i've known, i'll just demonstrate with ppl from my current project group. there's a guy, Emil, in de group that reminds me of a quote from Peter Sauber directed to Kimi,
"he was like a shy animal who doesnt want to be disturbed. and animals arent polite..."
sharks! XD this guy, when i said "hej" and waved at him on de way to a class, he frowned O_O well... so i guess i'll better stop saying hej to him... but i still cant resist at least a smile, out of civility... after about the 3rd time, he smiled back, awkwardly... XD this guy only talks when he dun like something. really is the kimi type... no i dun like the front wing setup, change it for me! how lame XD but we know they dont mean war ;)

and then there's another guy, another introvert, in this group, Johan (maybe the 5th Johan i've known...), who is a nice kind of introvert. always wears a smile, always agreeable, always does his job.

both of them always seem nervous when they actually talk... dunno where to put their hands, dunno where to rest their sights, serious huh? ^^ and de german exchange student Julius is getting fed up of Emil. doesn't Peter Sauber speak german too? XD

a country full of relatively quiet ppl. maybe that's why i'm enjoying sweden much more than australia :) ppl wont think you are unfriendly when you dont start conversations. and ppl wont come and disturb you when they think you might not like to be disturbed :) a pianissimo lifestyle ^^

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