Sunday, September 07, 2008

lepak continues...

now my footie's got a new friend ^^ still remember the middle east flea market from last yr? those stalls that sells absolute junks and absolutely everything? i went back to de same stall at the corner where i got the footie. the old man doesnt sell football anymore. and there was this orange thing lying on top of a pile of something else.

"hur mycket?" i asked.
"tjugo" he answered.
"tjugo?!" i was a bit shocked to hear de price.
he took a new ball out from underneath one of the boards where all his things lie, and nodded, "det nya, tjugo."
i nodded back, and paid 20kr for this ball. RM10?! goodness... do we still get RM10 basketballs in malaysia? should have expected that since de football was only 30kr as well ^^

well, everything sold here is at least half de price of things outside. in de case of this basketball, it's probably 1/10th... but still shoppers are 95% middle eastians. aik yean once told me tht place feels so dodgy she dare not go there by herself XD guess it's just perceptions, bet a chinese market will also give similar feelings to those non-chinese XP

thought i might as well go to Angered since it is in de same direction. wanted to go there since last academic yr but din hav enough drive to do it :P de attraction? chinese books in Angered Library ^^ Angered is a very diversed suburb with a mix of many nationalities.

turns out that the collection is not that huge after all. there's only one book that i'm interested in. took it ofcoz. but their english book collection is much more interesting than the city library's :D and no queue! da Vinci's code, to kill a mocking bird, bridget jones diary... they should be hotties in any library, but just lying lazily on de shelves in this one ^^ cool~ and so i took another book that i've been waiting for since last academic yr, happy~

right then, leave you with images from my mushroom hunt ^^

neighbour's cat, tht's de standard size of an avg swedish cat XD dun ask why din i gain weight :P



here comes mushrooms ^^ wild, from the woods :)

smurf's playground ^^

sometimes, it's just unbelievable that, this life, actually belongs to me...


lcf said...


x said...


Anonymous said...



x said...

yaya, de colorful ones are de ones that i was actually hunting for ;) i dun dare to try, but can ask karin if they are edible nxt time~