ok, as my study materials amounts to 3 inches thick (i just took de trouble to put them into a pile and measure with a ruler, goodness, that's as good as an encyclopedia already...), it gets clearer and clearer that it would probably be wise to go thru them selectively~~
materials with -ve refractive index O_O discovered in year 2000. refractive index is that thing that makes a straw looks crooked in water, remember? negative means the straw crooks in another direction... god damned fascinating!! i know, maybe not for u :P but lisa and i had to snatch that topic from a bunch of others XD
the project topic for the other course is relatively boring. de only thing that had managed to draw a moment of interest from me about tube hydroforming is its abbreviation XD
3 more lectures in manufacturing processes and 4 more in imaging and we are done for this term. 7wks terms are really something one can never get used to.... go you chalmers!
cham lo... just realise the final scene of the last term will be played in depressing november rain T.T LL says she likes november, geez ofcoz, november is beautiful down under... though my fav month down under has always been september :) somehow de same with sweden... one is spring and another autumn, weird? i'm a poet XP AnO says october only reminds her of kimi... i wonder if every thing reminds her of kimi... October, seems to be a month of crossroads.
de weather somehow became super fine for the pass two weeks or so :) it rained this afternoon and i thought "here we go again" but the sun came out again in de evening~~ i dun really mind if it continues like that ^^ like a friend once said "well, we can still see de edges of the cloud, it's not desparate rain like we have in scandinavia" but in this case i'm in scandinavia... oh well ^^
hope the autumn sun continue to shine!
med vänlig hälsing och älska ^^
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
the rumour about introvert swedes
well, i'm not sure but at least part of it is true.
there are extroverts also ofcoz, and also those who know when to talk and when to hush, like björn (sometimes refered to as xabi alonso XD) and anders who make really comfortable presence. but as they say, the cold weather makes the ppl cold.
in 《行者无疆》余秋雨老师 noted that,
"the danes says they are less outgoing, not like other europeans..."
"the norwegians says they have colder weather, hence they are not as hospitable as the danes..."
"the swedes says they are more serious, not as light hearted as the norwegians..."
so there you go... swedes are 3 levels less hyper than average europeans.
skipping all de previous introvert swedes i've known, i'll just demonstrate with ppl from my current project group. there's a guy, Emil, in de group that reminds me of a quote from Peter Sauber directed to Kimi,
"he was like a shy animal who doesnt want to be disturbed. and animals arent polite..."
sharks! XD this guy, when i said "hej" and waved at him on de way to a class, he frowned O_O well... so i guess i'll better stop saying hej to him... but i still cant resist at least a smile, out of civility... after about the 3rd time, he smiled back, awkwardly... XD this guy only talks when he dun like something. really is the kimi type... no i dun like the front wing setup, change it for me! how lame XD but we know they dont mean war ;)
and then there's another guy, another introvert, in this group, Johan (maybe the 5th Johan i've known...), who is a nice kind of introvert. always wears a smile, always agreeable, always does his job.
both of them always seem nervous when they actually talk... dunno where to put their hands, dunno where to rest their sights, serious huh? ^^ and de german exchange student Julius is getting fed up of Emil. doesn't Peter Sauber speak german too? XD
a country full of relatively quiet ppl. maybe that's why i'm enjoying sweden much more than australia :) ppl wont think you are unfriendly when you dont start conversations. and ppl wont come and disturb you when they think you might not like to be disturbed :) a pianissimo lifestyle ^^
there are extroverts also ofcoz, and also those who know when to talk and when to hush, like björn (sometimes refered to as xabi alonso XD) and anders who make really comfortable presence. but as they say, the cold weather makes the ppl cold.
in 《行者无疆》余秋雨老师 noted that,
"the danes says they are less outgoing, not like other europeans..."
"the norwegians says they have colder weather, hence they are not as hospitable as the danes..."
"the swedes says they are more serious, not as light hearted as the norwegians..."
so there you go... swedes are 3 levels less hyper than average europeans.
skipping all de previous introvert swedes i've known, i'll just demonstrate with ppl from my current project group. there's a guy, Emil, in de group that reminds me of a quote from Peter Sauber directed to Kimi,
"he was like a shy animal who doesnt want to be disturbed. and animals arent polite..."
sharks! XD this guy, when i said "hej" and waved at him on de way to a class, he frowned O_O well... so i guess i'll better stop saying hej to him... but i still cant resist at least a smile, out of civility... after about the 3rd time, he smiled back, awkwardly... XD this guy only talks when he dun like something. really is the kimi type... no i dun like the front wing setup, change it for me! how lame XD but we know they dont mean war ;)
and then there's another guy, another introvert, in this group, Johan (maybe the 5th Johan i've known...), who is a nice kind of introvert. always wears a smile, always agreeable, always does his job.
both of them always seem nervous when they actually talk... dunno where to put their hands, dunno where to rest their sights, serious huh? ^^ and de german exchange student Julius is getting fed up of Emil. doesn't Peter Sauber speak german too? XD
a country full of relatively quiet ppl. maybe that's why i'm enjoying sweden much more than australia :) ppl wont think you are unfriendly when you dont start conversations. and ppl wont come and disturb you when they think you might not like to be disturbed :) a pianissimo lifestyle ^^
Monday, September 22, 2008
free tickets again XD
sei lo... this sem my results will die like last yr's first sem XD
my friend somehow conjured pairs of free tickets XD will be going to universeum for some tropical rainforest weather tmr! and i really miss their big aquarium with de Nemos~~~~ then concert hall on tuesday, will get de tickets for 24th october's beethoven's 7th then!
photos photos~ today is the 45mins Paddan boat ride along Göta Älv the Gothenburg canal, to the largest port in scandinavia and back. and then Liseberg the theme park.
Paddan boat

The lasts of flowers as winter approaches

city from the canal

de destroyer

with me holding de camera, u'll always get cranes XD

ooi ooi~ i kinda like this pic :)

i dun understand how did Liseberg de theme park convince the government to make it a rabbit crossing light XD so cute!! rabbit is Liseberg's mascot :)

de most wonderful part of a theme park is, you hear so many kids laughing and see them having fun, it is impossible not to be infected by their joy ^^

chinese touch~

my loot XD our reward from de game stalls of course~
name? name? Gul~ yes i'll call him Gul XD yellow in swedish~

just received photos from kawanku~ also post ba~

my friend somehow conjured pairs of free tickets XD will be going to universeum for some tropical rainforest weather tmr! and i really miss their big aquarium with de Nemos~~~~ then concert hall on tuesday, will get de tickets for 24th october's beethoven's 7th then!
photos photos~ today is the 45mins Paddan boat ride along Göta Älv the Gothenburg canal, to the largest port in scandinavia and back. and then Liseberg the theme park.
Paddan boat
The lasts of flowers as winter approaches
city from the canal
de destroyer
with me holding de camera, u'll always get cranes XD
ooi ooi~ i kinda like this pic :)
i dun understand how did Liseberg de theme park convince the government to make it a rabbit crossing light XD so cute!! rabbit is Liseberg's mascot :)
de most wonderful part of a theme park is, you hear so many kids laughing and see them having fun, it is impossible not to be infected by their joy ^^
chinese touch~
my loot XD our reward from de game stalls of course~
name? name? Gul~ yes i'll call him Gul XD yellow in swedish~
just received photos from kawanku~ also post ba~
Sunday, September 21, 2008
是我的海 要蓝啊~
just talked to mom for de first time in 3wks++ T.T ma i miss u oso la~ i lost appetite and lost 2kg already since coming back T.T
she said i sounded like a bird released from the cage, de way i wrote in this blog when just arrived in sweden 3wks ago... is that so? XD
only 3 more months to go... i'll miss de classes in chalmers definitely... and those boring (XD) and normal and party crazy (XD) classmates who somehow get along nicely T.T
yer... why can everything be so simply explained by a "that's life"?
是啦,我明白的 :)
p/s: with that carmen fantasy (卡门狂想曲, to listen, just click de play button on de player at the right hand column of this blog)... sarasate is convincing me to name sate's sister sara... wot a piece!! aaa~ addicted to classical music **dreamy~~** another one to go down on my long list of hobbies...
是我的海 要蓝啊~
just talked to mom for de first time in 3wks++ T.T ma i miss u oso la~ i lost appetite and lost 2kg already since coming back T.T
she said i sounded like a bird released from the cage, de way i wrote in this blog when just arrived in sweden 3wks ago... is that so? XD
only 3 more months to go... i'll miss de classes in chalmers definitely... and those boring (XD) and normal and party crazy (XD) classmates who somehow get along nicely T.T
yer... why can everything be so simply explained by a "that's life"?
是啦,我明白的 :)
p/s: with that carmen fantasy (卡门狂想曲, to listen, just click de play button on de player at the right hand column of this blog)... sarasate is convincing me to name sate's sister sara... wot a piece!! aaa~ addicted to classical music **dreamy~~** another one to go down on my long list of hobbies...
Monday, September 15, 2008
2 weeks into this term - a review
laugh die me.... hahaha...
in the modern manufacturing processes course, part design takes up a big portion in de course literature. and when they talk about CAD:
"it may be off by wotever weirdo scale you drew it in",
"if you have lines on top of lines, or other crap in your drawing, it will make it difficult...",
"if you draw a circle that is 5.3 inch, but then put a dimension on it that says it is 5.0 inch...",
i cannot tahan and thought i better dedicate a post to this ^^ thought those at the production floor might have saved a lot of frowns had i done this course earlier ^^ aw~ how many crapy parts had i designed~~~ XD without even knowing exactly how they bend de plates, which kind of welding they use, how they machine parts... XP de thing is, i'm really having some fun with this subject XD 只有变态的人才会喜欢工程~~~
the imaging course on de other hand is something new that i've never encounter before. equally interesting as i slowly find my way in the thick mist, just like the research project about the Nobel price winning "Giant Magneto Resistance" ^^ somehow neuroscience turns up in that course, i hav no intention of becoming Dr.程至美 wotsoever XD
it's a good blend of two very different paths to choose, lying ahead of me i guess :) seems like the trend will continue nxt term, with "materials in medicine" and "materials for light weight design" to go ^^
geez... overcast again tonight... been waiting to go to the observatory, activities are only held on monday and wednesday nights. doesnt matter, Plasma Cutting is waiting for me on de table XP leave you some nice pictures from "sunny!!" slöttskogen, taken during de weekedn ba :)
bambi's dad!! ^^

moose!! ^^

hidden path

unhidden path ^^

unbelievably rich colours and contrast ^^

illuminated leaves ^^ it's not until i cant find a single perfect leaf that i realized i'm looking for one... sigh... 缺陷者,美也~

in the modern manufacturing processes course, part design takes up a big portion in de course literature. and when they talk about CAD:
"it may be off by wotever weirdo scale you drew it in",
"if you have lines on top of lines, or other crap in your drawing, it will make it difficult...",
"if you draw a circle that is 5.3 inch, but then put a dimension on it that says it is 5.0 inch...",
i cannot tahan and thought i better dedicate a post to this ^^ thought those at the production floor might have saved a lot of frowns had i done this course earlier ^^ aw~ how many crapy parts had i designed~~~ XD without even knowing exactly how they bend de plates, which kind of welding they use, how they machine parts... XP de thing is, i'm really having some fun with this subject XD 只有变态的人才会喜欢工程~~~
the imaging course on de other hand is something new that i've never encounter before. equally interesting as i slowly find my way in the thick mist, just like the research project about the Nobel price winning "Giant Magneto Resistance" ^^ somehow neuroscience turns up in that course, i hav no intention of becoming Dr.程至美 wotsoever XD
it's a good blend of two very different paths to choose, lying ahead of me i guess :) seems like the trend will continue nxt term, with "materials in medicine" and "materials for light weight design" to go ^^
geez... overcast again tonight... been waiting to go to the observatory, activities are only held on monday and wednesday nights. doesnt matter, Plasma Cutting is waiting for me on de table XP leave you some nice pictures from "sunny!!" slöttskogen, taken during de weekedn ba :)
bambi's dad!! ^^

moose!! ^^
hidden path
unhidden path ^^

unbelievably rich colours and contrast ^^
illuminated leaves ^^ it's not until i cant find a single perfect leaf that i realized i'm looking for one... sigh... 缺陷者,美也~
moon over splintvedsgatan
gothenburg is not famed for clear skies... how wonderful we've had clear nights on mid-autumn for two years running ^^ still remember freezing myself looking at de moon last yr ^^ well, aint it comfortable to know the moon that watch upon us is always the very same one that watch upon ppl we miss no matter how far we are away from each other? 但愿人长久 :)
help me to eat mooncake~ with egg yolk de~
help me to eat mooncake~ with egg yolk de~
Friday, September 12, 2008
rachmanninof piano concerto 2
i guess it's de 4th time i've watched this series... in fact it's de only one i had watched in quite a while... been using it to burn my spirit since last yr. sweden is too cold. when one sees how hard chiaki-senpai studies, one will feel guilty not to bury oneself in books; when one sees how hard nodame tries to go to europe, one will feel guilty if one doesnt fully utilize one's time in europe; when they eat pasta, i cook pasta; when they eat canned food, i have my can opener ready.
there are something else to it, but too many i cant list them all out ^^ some real influences and some silly ones, like the canned food XD nah, not that i'm really that fanatic about it, it just once stimulated my appetite for canned corned beef.
this is my fav scene out of de series, piano concerto becomes piano duet that part :) totally unstealth the joy of jamming, of playing basketball, futsal, drums, wotever group assignment u like. de simple joy of playing a part in something with somebody... if you are not interested, then just watch lengzai lenglui also can~
ja, itsutemo douzo...
there are something else to it, but too many i cant list them all out ^^ some real influences and some silly ones, like the canned food XD nah, not that i'm really that fanatic about it, it just once stimulated my appetite for canned corned beef.
this is my fav scene out of de series, piano concerto becomes piano duet that part :) totally unstealth the joy of jamming, of playing basketball, futsal, drums, wotever group assignment u like. de simple joy of playing a part in something with somebody... if you are not interested, then just watch lengzai lenglui also can~
ja, itsutemo douzo...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
a bit about ramadan
totally ORZ to those fasting muslims in gothenburg... due to the geographic location of this city, i heard they had to fast 17hrs at the very beginning of bulan ramadan... some 3-5 minutes less everyday as winter draws closer. i wonder if they'll have to fast 24hrs a day thru the whole ramadan month if they live on the north/south pole when the sun doesnt set ="=
a beautiful egyptian lady offered me a kind of egyptian delicacy made out of dates. (i was with her when she buka puasa) it's kinda like our tam boon pia, only a bit harder and drier, and with date paste instead of bean paste in de middle. yummy :)
tht just reminds me that the middle east market is going to get into festive mood very soon ^^
pasar raya's must be mushrooming in msia now eh? missing those malay kuehs~
a beautiful egyptian lady offered me a kind of egyptian delicacy made out of dates. (i was with her when she buka puasa) it's kinda like our tam boon pia, only a bit harder and drier, and with date paste instead of bean paste in de middle. yummy :)
tht just reminds me that the middle east market is going to get into festive mood very soon ^^
pasar raya's must be mushrooming in msia now eh? missing those malay kuehs~
Sunday, September 07, 2008
lepak continues...
"hur mycket?" i asked.
"tjugo" he answered.
"tjugo?!" i was a bit shocked to hear de price.
he took a new ball out from underneath one of the boards where all his things lie, and nodded, "det nya, tjugo."
i nodded back, and paid 20kr for this ball. RM10?! goodness... do we still get RM10 basketballs in malaysia? should have expected that since de football was only 30kr as well ^^
well, everything sold here is at least half de price of things outside. in de case of this basketball, it's probably 1/10th... but still shoppers are 95% middle eastians. aik yean once told me tht place feels so dodgy she dare not go there by herself XD guess it's just perceptions, bet a chinese market will also give similar feelings to those non-chinese XP
thought i might as well go to Angered since it is in de same direction. wanted to go there since last academic yr but din hav enough drive to do it :P de attraction? chinese books in Angered Library ^^ Angered is a very diversed suburb with a mix of many nationalities.
right then, leave you with images from my mushroom hunt ^^
neighbour's cat, tht's de standard size of an avg swedish cat XD dun ask why din i gain weight :P

here comes mushrooms ^^ wild, from the woods :)
smurf's playground ^^
sometimes, it's just unbelievable that, this life, actually belongs to me...
Saturday, September 06, 2008
my little plants
i had 3 plants before going home in summer. i'm not sure if i did or did not care about them though XD despite that, and having to cope with this dark little room without much sun, they seemed happy enough :) then it came summer, and i threw them outdoor, 天生天养 for 3 months as i went disappearing. (told u i'm not sure if i care XD) i did leave them in good hands when i went to kiruna and denmark tho. but 3 months could really keep any hand busy...
when i came back, de baby xmas tree is gone... as in no where to be seen. funny... shame, as it was my favourite, and was growing quickly... and the bloke who gave it to me said it shall survive even if i just leave it in the garden...
one of the other two is dying. i wonder if it is already dead. but i'm still giving it water, since there's still some green. that's de least i could do, we shall observe later...
anyway, there's this last one that survived totally. and even gained some height :D tough little thing~ and it shall spend another misarable year in this room along with that new mozart-pink flower plant ^^ that plant is really blooming 妖艳ly now XD
i wonder wot would a primary teacher say if one would pass this up as a composition...
one of the other two is dying. i wonder if it is already dead. but i'm still giving it water, since there's still some green. that's de least i could do, we shall observe later...
anyway, there's this last one that survived totally. and even gained some height :D tough little thing~ and it shall spend another misarable year in this room along with that new mozart-pink flower plant ^^ that plant is really blooming 妖艳ly now XD
i wonder wot would a primary teacher say if one would pass this up as a composition...
Thursday, September 04, 2008
New kid in town ^ ^
This post is copied from june, happy from deep down ^^
AH BOON'S KID IS BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got via SMS from her this morning:
My baby girl born yesterday nite 11:06pm. 3.4kg! Healthy. They said very similar wif me.
OMG OMG OMG gan dong gan dong gan dong!!!!
I am so excited right now. I know lah not my baby but still our first baby in the group! Just now was jumping around my office like siao. I'm really really happy for her!
Oooh she replied my sms:
I m good. I stil do caesarian. Bcoz contraction start early i do early. Name havent decide...
I'm really proud of her... It is not easy to give birth, and it will be some very difficult but rewarding years ahead of her... hug hug hug hugs!!!
Also hugging everyone who's reading this post. Happiness spillover =D
become aunty already XD
AH BOON'S KID IS BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got via SMS from her this morning:
My baby girl born yesterday nite 11:06pm. 3.4kg! Healthy. They said very similar wif me.
OMG OMG OMG gan dong gan dong gan dong!!!!
I am so excited right now. I know lah not my baby but still our first baby in the group! Just now was jumping around my office like siao. I'm really really happy for her!
Oooh she replied my sms:
I m good. I stil do caesarian. Bcoz contraction start early i do early. Name havent decide...
I'm really proud of her... It is not easy to give birth, and it will be some very difficult but rewarding years ahead of her... hug hug hug hugs!!!
Also hugging everyone who's reading this post. Happiness spillover =D
become aunty already XD
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
elixir of life
refers to this
kafe from bulten in the mechanical building~ XD seriously... cant stay sane without it, brain just refuses to function... so nice to be supplied with it again~really nice to see the mates! :D a lot of exciting first years too ^^ remember myself envying those 2nd yrs when i was fresh here last yr ^^ so i must be very enviable now, lol~
classes... modern manufacturing processes was ok. didnt i say "if i cant finish de compendium in 7 wks no one else can"? turns out that a lot of materials inside are non-examinable side studies XD
de course with de physics department, i understood nothing at all until de last 15mins, when de lecturer decided to talk about Gauss lense theory:
1/u + 1/v = 1/f...
2ndary school physics... ish... scary pun, kono subject wa... why am i speaking japanese... anyway, i'm still taking it. should this subject be my achiles heel, so be it. asa no ji shin desu ne~ XD
am having swedish language courses, given in SKF's building... i mean why there?... would really like to work for SKF for my thesis tho... anyway, there's currently a big language mix up in my head... cool tho, just like those ppl who take night language courses in hongkong soap operahs~ 17:30-20:00 classes? i'll die when winter comes...
yet another self-rojak receipe~ carrot rattatoulli XD and ma, u r right, yellow paprikas are de most expensive ones, green is de cheapest with half de price...

and finally found some effort to put this together, click for larger version ba.

yoshi! study study~
Monday, September 01, 2008
flying fish
the aim of this year is to fulfill unfinished business from de last academic year ^^
unfinished business list:
1. maritime museum
2. gothenburg city museum
3. star gazing at the observatory
4. gothenburg symphony orchestra performance
5. ice-hockey match
6. valborg
7. midsummer festival
8. .... to be explored and filled in
got de first one done today ^^ it is in Majorna, where june's Marten lives~ for those two museums listed up there, under 26 = free of charge ^^ aye aye, my life shall be over after 26 XD
there's an aquarium, not huge but depicts marine lifes from streams, lakes to baltic and north sea. science fact: baltic sea has half salty half fresh water coz it's fenced away from the atlantic by the scandinavia peninsular. hence, only very limited species of fishes can live there. and these fishes are extremely sensitive to polutions...
there's a section called "livet ombord" which i guess translates into "the live onboard". in a tiny space, a stuffed man with broad shoulders is supporting his head with his left hand, and writing a letter under a dim light with his right. beside him, lies a tiny wooden double decker. i wonder how he shall fit into his bed... ppl seeking the borderless sea by confining themselves with shackles in the shape of a boat... ooi ooi~ i'm really getting phylosophical... XD i feel coz i once dreamt, and still dream to work on a cruiser... they would need engineers wont they? XD but it's just another dream i wont make happen, like many other impractical dreams of mine XD
hmm... de atmosphere is getting incredibly suitable for this song~
《飞鱼》- 苏打绿
loving it like crazy :D
a full list of symphony orchestra performances are on sale 6th september :D 80kr for fulltime students. some full priced tickets goes up to 2600kr!!! simply cant miss this offer! and guess wot? beethoven's no 7 is going to be played on 23th and 24th October XD but it's by Northern Sinfonia instead of this city's own Goteborgs Symfoniker... ish... guess i'll go for this one, and see if there's appetite left for a GS one with piano concerto nxt spring :D
unfinished business list:
1. maritime museum
2. gothenburg city museum
3. star gazing at the observatory
4. gothenburg symphony orchestra performance
5. ice-hockey match
6. valborg
7. midsummer festival
8. .... to be explored and filled in
got de first one done today ^^ it is in Majorna, where june's Marten lives~ for those two museums listed up there, under 26 = free of charge ^^ aye aye, my life shall be over after 26 XD
there's an aquarium, not huge but depicts marine lifes from streams, lakes to baltic and north sea. science fact: baltic sea has half salty half fresh water coz it's fenced away from the atlantic by the scandinavia peninsular. hence, only very limited species of fishes can live there. and these fishes are extremely sensitive to polutions...
there's a section called "livet ombord" which i guess translates into "the live onboard". in a tiny space, a stuffed man with broad shoulders is supporting his head with his left hand, and writing a letter under a dim light with his right. beside him, lies a tiny wooden double decker. i wonder how he shall fit into his bed... ppl seeking the borderless sea by confining themselves with shackles in the shape of a boat... ooi ooi~ i'm really getting phylosophical... XD i feel coz i once dreamt, and still dream to work on a cruiser... they would need engineers wont they? XD but it's just another dream i wont make happen, like many other impractical dreams of mine XD
hmm... de atmosphere is getting incredibly suitable for this song~
《飞鱼》- 苏打绿
loving it like crazy :D
a full list of symphony orchestra performances are on sale 6th september :D 80kr for fulltime students. some full priced tickets goes up to 2600kr!!! simply cant miss this offer! and guess wot? beethoven's no 7 is going to be played on 23th and 24th October XD but it's by Northern Sinfonia instead of this city's own Goteborgs Symfoniker... ish... guess i'll go for this one, and see if there's appetite left for a GS one with piano concerto nxt spring :D
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