Saturday, November 03, 2007

november rain

november rain is a song i put as background music for my page in our high school graduating class CD. and it has to be one of my all time favourites.

november in malaysia is just like any other month in the year (yes? no? maybe?). november in melbourne is like lovely may in northen hemisphere. november in gothenburg is defined by never ending rain.

in fact, the rain started since late october... when the sun just refuse to come out anymore. but slottskogen was beautiful even in such a gloomy day... and i was happy just to let the cold wind take me anywhere...

then the weather somehow got worse... and got really awful on monday... inspite of it, IFK göteborg's game was on schedule since weeks ago. shrugging off every inch of unwillingness, i went. in miserable 4 degrees rain, the stadium was packed by 41470 anxious others. without knowing the stake and context of the game, i was lucky to be part of it... the outcome of the match is the cumulative joy of 40000 ppl... it's like a light that burns so brightly all the cold and darkness just went away... hope this will also brightens up your day =)

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