Saturday, November 24, 2007


Tuan-tuan and puan-puan, saudara and saudari sekalian:
i cakap nak tulis dgn BM ma...
jadi tulis dgn BM lo...
tapi BM i lebih teruk drpd BM pasar dan pasar malam tambahkan sekali...
kalau tak faham ketawa aje la...

still tak tau kenapa bukan "sehelai" pintu... azura cakap pintu tak blh guna helai... kan shape pintu sama dgn kertas... blh diflipkan juga... kenapa tak blh helai? ...

tak pe... sebab post ni nak tanya sikit-sikit tentang Revolusi Kuning
bukan nak tau ape berlaku, tapi nak tau ape yg average msian tau tentang Revolusi Kuning ni...
sebab i baca khabar atas,
khabar yg dipamerkan sana adalah reciprocal apa yg dipamerkan oleh bloggers msia... baca dari link-link yg dibagi oleh june. juga baca satu article ditulis oleh seorang australian...
badawi cakap trafik jam ialah sebab lain... bukan sebab Revolusi... dia tipu budak ah???

sekianlah pos saya dlm BM ni... nikmatilah gambar-gambar fellow country men/women kita yg cantik...

links: A beautiful account of what happened by one of june's favourite bloggers - an 18 year old girl who went there. Read the heartwarming scenarios from here. Some lyrics and pictures.

Look at the stars; look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow

I came along; I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then I took my time
Oh what a thing to’ve done
And it was all yellow

Arm-to-arm to form a human shield to protect the people.

It was great to see so many different races coming together to show their support. It was great to see so many ordinary people from all walks of life joining in this rally - a mom who came alone since her friends chicken out, students, a man who walked with a stick, engineers, techies, teachers, and even a pastor.

pictures and words by Josh Incorrigible!


Anonymous said...

Hey there..kimi fan (should the theme be red now that he is in ferrari?)
thanks for the link up.. i am touched.. i am all feverish now... yellow fever.

x said...

hey, i thought "borrowing" your pix would go unnoticed... nice ones to picture the actual scenes. thanks for putting them up for us who were not there.

i know... but still dont feel like going red...