And see wot you people have done to me now!!!!!!!!!!
The decos and build ups down here in Brissy are not as strong as it was up there in Sweden, where the whiteness that covers everything itself was a constant reminder of the festive season. However, everything just seems merrier than it has ever been! Even our serious CTO Stephanie did a nice one, the card she left on everyone's desk on Friday morning was a very personalized and well thought one... soak up the sweeeetness ^_^
Marc and I volunteered to organize Hydrexia's second xmas party of the year ^_^ Actually I never did, he made me do the veges... Matt Plato was again behind the barbes, nice people~ Evil food and evil drinks, with loads of fat and alcohol under a warm early summer sun, everyone was basking with happiness and became so sooo amiable. LL's wisdom: You want to make guys happy? Feed them XD
In the midst of things, the long missed light-hearted-ness had somehow found its way to my door step. It is almost as if it's school days again... and it's not so difficult to just go on and embrace it :) Whether it is the whole nation boiling the atmosphere up, or the anticipation of my family's visit, I cannot tell. A shame that the blokes are back in Semenyih, 扛着顶着咱家屋顶的柱子 ^_^ Things would be perfect if you two are here, 就当是遗憾美吧~ ^_^
To save mama from frowning when she sees me on Wednesday, I went for a last minute hair cut. Either the hairdresser was feeling my mood and was trying to make me look like it, or I really just look like a student... >_<

Hereby wish you a Merry and Peaceful Christmas