Saturday, December 18, 2010

caught by the festive spirit

Less than a month ago, I was telling LL that I wasn't really going to celebrate xmas...
And see wot you people have done to me now!!!!!!!!!!


The decos and build ups down here in Brissy are not as strong as it was up there in Sweden, where the whiteness that covers everything itself was a constant reminder of the festive season. However, everything just seems merrier than it has ever been! Even our serious CTO Stephanie did a nice one, the card she left on everyone's desk on Friday morning was a very personalized and well thought one... soak up the sweeeetness ^_^

Marc and I volunteered to organize Hydrexia's second xmas party of the year ^_^ Actually I never did, he made me do the veges... Matt Plato was again behind the barbes, nice people~ Evil food and evil drinks, with loads of fat and alcohol under a warm early summer sun, everyone was basking with happiness and became so sooo amiable. LL's wisdom: You want to make guys happy? Feed them XD

In the midst of things, the long missed light-hearted-ness had somehow found its way to my door step. It is almost as if it's school days again... and it's not so difficult to just go on and embrace it :) Whether it is the whole nation boiling the atmosphere up, or the anticipation of my family's visit, I cannot tell. A shame that the blokes are back in Semenyih, 扛着顶着咱家屋顶的柱子 ^_^ Things would be perfect if you two are here, 就当是遗憾美吧~ ^_^

To save mama from frowning when she sees me on Wednesday, I went for a last minute hair cut. Either the hairdresser was feeling my mood and was trying to make me look like it, or I really just look like a student... >_<

Hereby wish you a Merry and Peaceful Christmas

Friday, December 17, 2010

bass logistics

About the task of carrying around a bass guitar, 2/3 my own height...

Imbas kembali....

Back in high school, I used to have my bass lessons on Sundays. the classes were in Cheras, which was conveniently on the way back to my rental place from home town. Every Saturday, I would leave my rental place in KL carrying a slick black Yamaha RBX270 in a strapped bag along with other luggage.

Bus fares was 80cents towards the Kota Raya direction, it didn't matter where you stop. Affected with metrophilia, I had always preferred to take KTM from Sentul station to Kajang. Also, with the carry-ons as I had, packing onto a sardine tinned bus was a nightmare I don't want to recall. However, the problem was, getting from the bus station to the train station involved a 15mins walk under the steaming hot sun. With the luggage and the bass guitar, the task became formidable.

Then we started to look for options. Taxi from batu 3 1/2 Jalan Ipoh to Sentul station usually costs ~RM2.5 to RM3. If you get 3 or 4 to share, it almost costs the same as the bus journey costs. It very quickly became my default route to home ^_^

Cab drivers were often careful and curious people, wondering what on earth was in my heavy black long pack. M16s??! quite a few asked ^_^

Back to current...

This morning the task of carrying a bass guitar on a journey involving taking a train, a bus and a 400m walk had again fallen onto me. With the helpful Aussies who voluntarily opened the train door, who patiently waited and made sure I got off the bus first, and who stopped his bike to allow me to cross the road; along with the kind summer morning sun, it din seem as formidable at all ^_^ aah, people~

Looking forward to the jamming this arvo :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


彻底地打扫了房间,清理了一些琐事,又换来了周日半日闲 :)

soy milk 泡的rusian caravan真的降服了我的味蕾呀~ 喝着这茶,今天看的是不太容易入口的萧红。是当年华文课本里那一篇《火烧云》让我认识了这个奇特的黑龙江作家吧。还记得那时候和爸爸说起对《火烧云》的喜爱,竟然得到了他的共鸣和长篇小说《呼兰河传》的推荐呢 ^_^

事过大概十年了吧,却至今还未着手于《呼兰河传》。这次看的是比较少接触的散文和短篇小说,共16篇。这书的排版还真不错啊,文章是越到后面越引人入胜。看完了第13篇,《山下》,被它给俘虏了~ 不同于它前面文章里的浓厚乡土味,这一篇虽然仍然在写最低的劳作阶层,却有一种宫崎骏/studio ghibli 清新朴实的气息呢 :) 同时也在多方面的探讨人性在不同情况下的变化,多方面的体验生活的小细节,让人倒抽一口气地赞哦 ^_^


p/s: studio ghibli 的作品一直是俺的精神死穴,至高解放wei~ ^_^

Saturday, December 11, 2010

working with fine measurements

Started on writing a post about bugs, and then thought it might freak ppl out and better not to post it XP

Finally got a bit less hectic at work :)

Two and a half hrs to go until next experiment ends, and next output deadline is just before xmas. Sounds like time for a blog? ^_^

Thesis work with Ericsson has poisoned me permanently with designing and performing R&D experiments, where my chaotic brain seems to function best. Hydrexia practically employed me for this "Carrier Stress Proof Testing" program, as they thought it's a Sci-gineer's job. Can't possibly find a job that suits me better :)

The carrier stress testings involve measuring carrier tubes with wall thicknesses down to 0.1mm. Diameters are in units of XX.XXmm, measured to an accuracy of 0.01mm wei~ No one wanted to believe my test results in the beginning as they are so far away from their prediction from working with the material for close to 5 years. For a while, the lack of confidence and experience had me doubting my own data under the grilling of seniors.

But as the program goes on, we learnt. Didn't realise that using Verniers involves such techniques and delicate fingers ^_^ With my supervisor backing the results up, we built a mathematical model that gives sense to all the test data. As our story was bought, the CTO and Mech Eng manager has also given their full support, even contributing explanations for data points that have gone astray. That left the PAE manager Jordan P to be convinced... He's one hard nut to crack man XD

On the other hand, the Technosystem machines test with 1gram samples. The accuracy of this one goes right down to 0.0001g. Probably can measure the weight of my soul with it XD Marc and I have been competing to prepare a sample as close to 1.0000g as possible. Apparently, he had been doing it for almost two years and had never achieve the feat, and, ahem, my record is already on 1.0005g~ ^_^

aaah... boss just sent more work in. Will worry about it on Monday.

Papa, mama and Xuan, have an awesome trip ya! :D

Saturday, December 04, 2010


阿肯大哥的msn pm又变成了 流浪中... 。对比起来,另外一个在msn列表上,名字刚好在他上面的家伙,pm用了 发现自己很像一个浪子。。。 ,看了不觉好笑 ^_^

看来,别论程度,爱当浪子的人还真不少呢。。。有些是想当却从来没机会当过,像上面的X君;有些是真的爱当不归了,如肯大哥;还有些是爱当却被社会捆缚着跑不掉的,perception上,小小的我也是一个被这样定型的人吧 ^_^ 近一年多来,有点想摆脱这个定型,可是却徒劳无功,束手无策呀。还是蛔虫们看见了,一个说我在cut back on travelling,另一个说我已经过饱和了,呵呵。事实呢?travelling已经成了自己的一部分,好像呼吸那样,没特别地去在意,去想它,却完完全全的和生活融在一起了吧。所以都没特别计划去什么地方做些什么,却还是一直在旅行吧。。。对放下一切踏上旅途的游方,现在却很少在想了。成了夜雨间,一杯热茶在手,什么时候的一首不再流行的歌忽然播出时,难得激起的涟漪吧 ^_^

爸爸昨天在哼的歌,是很普及的一首,送给在被生活蹂躏着的大家 XD 好啦,好啦,换成在和生活较劲的大家好了 ^_^ 年轻人,加油咯!


想要飞 却怎么样也飞不高 
也许有一天我栖上枝头 却成为猎人的目标 
我飞上了青天才发现自己 从此无依无靠
幸福是否只是一种传说 我永远都找不到

所有知道我的名字的人啊 你们好不好
世界是如此的小 我们注定无处可逃 

Saturday, November 27, 2010


到了周末都会想回部落格这里,有时候是来整理生活里所接触的一切,有时候是来发"离骚" ^_^, 有时候纯粹是让心灵歇一歇。


星期二的晚间通常是被grocery shopping和练琴占据吧~
星期五是羽球天,虽然别扭的羽球不是心头好 XD,但还是喜欢运动,还有和朋友共渡的时光吧 :)

那么简单固定的时间表,其实会让心扎实起来 :) 容易满足的小鬼? ^^ 不小咯,呵呵。。。

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chermside Hills

feel like smothering that EMO kid... instead, i wore it with me to Chermside Hills.

Today's theme is Oasis' "Don't look back in anger". Not totally relevant but it underlays the fire i had been feeling... feel like smothering that EMO kid...

Slip inside the eye of your mind
(wood carved kookaburra)

Don't you know you might find a better place to play
(i spied with my little eye, something begins with "W" here. came face to face with a wallaby, lucky~ ^^ )

Step outside the summertime's in bloom

Stand up beside the fireplace, take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
(the result of city council's controlled burning)

So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away
"But don't look back in anger", I heard you say

Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows if it's night or day
(the hills have very little human visitors, the only fellow homo sapiens i met were a friendly old couple and a guy coming from the opposite direction, pouring white powder from a canister... wot the hell was he doing? when i walk on, and saw more tiny pools of white powder, the question mark in my head grew larger...)

(when this came up at the end of that particular track, a smile followed. it's clear enough, the guy was leaving markers :) taking whoever concerned to the place that he goes like the lyrics ^^ )

(no doubt of it as more and more of them adorns the tracks in the area :) some sort of event hey? children's event perhaps? :) )

Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock 'n' Roll band who'll throw it all away
(cant wait for the first batch of june's lomo pics~ so i faked one just to get things warmed up ^^ )

Friday, November 19, 2010

busy busy de

how things can change in quick successions...

multi-tasking again... yet miraculously having a substantial amount of leisure time. surreal. makes me wonder where does all the time goes whenever i'm in malaysia...

been breaking promises to myself lately. should make it up, i should, i should. life is a hell of a story XD

Sunday, November 07, 2010


玲和rand告假去moreton island放松了。可恶呀,竟然比我早了一步呢 ^^ 是想在圣诞假期间和过来作客的妈妈、轩弟弟和nOnO一起去的。倒是现在有人帮忙搜集资料咯 ^^

昨晚在和玲和她们的客人素、彦和克里斯大玩wii Just Dance后的亢奋下,彻夜看了dan brown的 "the lost symbol"。一直到天色淡白才不甘愿却dutiful地就寝。中午醒来又是home alone了,一面呷着加豆奶的russian caravan,一面继续紧张的剧情,dan brown的作品真的会让人放不下来,想一口气看完啊~ 而且还是让人变神经质的作品呢,什么风吹草动、门呀、桌椅呀稍稍发出任何声音都有威胁感呵!*惊* 偏偏家里一个鬼影都没有 T_T 持续的阅读只被准备和消耗自己弄的怪怪的green curry鸡饭打断 XD

在玩wii的大家 ^^

然后,又去跑了4k。officially 变成4k了呢。比上个星期快了2分钟,但还是有点pathetic的时间,只有微坡的跑道竟然要花上23分钟呀。上个星期还说可以怪罪于旅途的劳累,这个星期难道要怪昨晚的酒精?呵呵。。。下星期天6.30am在布里斯本市区内有一个沿河的5k长跑,没参加过这样的活动,也没一口气跑过5k,该试试了吧 :)

回来躺在庭院的木长凳上喘气,眼里却是意外地漂亮的一幅画~映入眼帘的,一角是在落花的jacaranda,一角是微暗的屋檐,直插进来的阳伞的顶端,然后就是一大片的蓝天,和往东南方缓缓前进的白云 ^_^
心也变得很静 ^_^
嗯,也想起了欠你们的jacaranda照片。这就来咯~布里斯本漫天漫地的紫色sakura ^^

Saturday, November 06, 2010


专业角度上,这种多愁善感状态会很不好吧。在favco的话,可以想象,生存不下去 X_X 现在却偏偏有一个industrial hippy当上司,不小心投其所好了,呵呵。
至于学习方面,诗人状态倒是pick up超快,脑筋耐力超强的~是因为全心全意在感受、在浸淫吧。

进入诗人状态,会变成名副其实的multi-task-queen 哦 ^^
是因为一个常理上会吸掉很多时间的component不在,暂停了对他们的责任,却让他们成了原动力,疼的人 :)

i am strong, when i am on your shoulders
you raised me up, to more than i can be...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

the great barrier reef road trip

the best pics are censored and haram-ed by my two enjoyable travel kakis ally and surein. so there's not many for you to see XD

surein with his D90 took the honor to be the cameraman of the trip and ally's retro camera which i really cant remember wot brand and model now caught most of the fun trio shots~

the reef trio at brisbane domestic airport, waiting for the flight to MacKay~

approaching whitehaven beach, where the sand is of pure white silica and the only party who can legally take sand away from the beach is NASA, at the rate of 1tonne a year, to melt it and make their telescope lenses.

at whitehaven beach

the Big Fury that got us there :)

continue with the beach~

the cove entry


airlie beach~

ally with miss ellie at airlie beach!

sunset at port something at airlie beach :P

rotary club lookout between airlie beach and townsville. got us illusions of african savannas :)

and that's all folks~ might post some of ally's and surein's pics here when they are ready :) all in all, road trips are fun to have, but don't forget to check your fuel level!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


home alone, yet again.

waiting for the hydrogen content on my experiment to get to the targeted wt%. shouldn't take more than half an hour now. before that, i have nothing else to do as all previous results has already been incorporated into the report. a second program has been completed early this week and now there's only this one on my desk. had a glance that marc's tests on the technosystems had finished running, shall do the post test processings for him as he's caught a cold and taken leave for the day. all in all, i miss the never ending workload in favco, where u can choose to work on another thing when u are fed up with one.

home alone, as in i'm literally alone in our tree sheltered UQ office by the Brisbane river. different measures had to be taken now. the doors are shut and i put a sign on it for visitors to call in for access. for my frequent travels between the two offices, i continue to be the mail girl and delivery person, but at least cleaning service resumed so that is now stroke off my job scope ^^

the jacarandas of brisbanian spring are blooming so magnificiently it matches the famous sakuras. will definitely do a post on them after coming back from cairns :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

the overdue mt. coot-tha hike

high wind and splendid sun for brisbane~ LL voiced her concerns on slippery tracks from the down pour last night but this weather is too good to miss :) however it was indeed a good foresight as mt. coot-tha wasn't spared by the recent flooding events in queensland. however, it was still a good 4hrs hike overall, combining various roads and tracks over a few creeks and falls :)

sigh, god does delay things for good reasons... first of all i would not have found my way across Simpson's falls today to a well hidden alternative for the closed down track if it isn't for the track maps that i had only foraged from the GardenCity library two weeks ago; and the trip wouldn't be as appreciated if a tropical wind hasn't blown colours back into my otherwise placid life just the nite before :)

an hour's travel on train and bus brought asa from Sunnybank to the Brisbane Botanic Garden at the foot of mt. coot-tha.

but nay, as much as my scholarly brother xuan might appreciate this place, today's destination is the hiking tracks that webbed all over the 287m mountain which happens to be the most Northern part of Australia to record snow. sit back and enjoy :)

lyrics: The Carpenters "Top of the world"

such a feeling's coming over me

there is wonder in most everything i see

not a cloud in the sky got the sun in my eyes

and I won't be surprised if it's a dream

Everything I want the world to be

Is now coming true especially for me

and the reason is clear It's because you are here

You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen

I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation

and the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found

Every since you've been around

your love put me at the top of the world

Something in the wind has learned my name

And it's tellin' me that things are not the same

In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze

There's a pleasin' sense of happiness for me

There is only one wish on my mind

When this day is through I hope that I will find

that tomorrow will be just the same for you and me

All I need will be mine if you are here

Sekian :)