Saturday, December 11, 2010

working with fine measurements

Started on writing a post about bugs, and then thought it might freak ppl out and better not to post it XP

Finally got a bit less hectic at work :)

Two and a half hrs to go until next experiment ends, and next output deadline is just before xmas. Sounds like time for a blog? ^_^

Thesis work with Ericsson has poisoned me permanently with designing and performing R&D experiments, where my chaotic brain seems to function best. Hydrexia practically employed me for this "Carrier Stress Proof Testing" program, as they thought it's a Sci-gineer's job. Can't possibly find a job that suits me better :)

The carrier stress testings involve measuring carrier tubes with wall thicknesses down to 0.1mm. Diameters are in units of XX.XXmm, measured to an accuracy of 0.01mm wei~ No one wanted to believe my test results in the beginning as they are so far away from their prediction from working with the material for close to 5 years. For a while, the lack of confidence and experience had me doubting my own data under the grilling of seniors.

But as the program goes on, we learnt. Didn't realise that using Verniers involves such techniques and delicate fingers ^_^ With my supervisor backing the results up, we built a mathematical model that gives sense to all the test data. As our story was bought, the CTO and Mech Eng manager has also given their full support, even contributing explanations for data points that have gone astray. That left the PAE manager Jordan P to be convinced... He's one hard nut to crack man XD

On the other hand, the Technosystem machines test with 1gram samples. The accuracy of this one goes right down to 0.0001g. Probably can measure the weight of my soul with it XD Marc and I have been competing to prepare a sample as close to 1.0000g as possible. Apparently, he had been doing it for almost two years and had never achieve the feat, and, ahem, my record is already on 1.0005g~ ^_^

aaah... boss just sent more work in. Will worry about it on Monday.

Papa, mama and Xuan, have an awesome trip ya! :D


Anonymous said...

woah, sounds like a bit of a big progress report... doesn't callipers have 0.02mm accuracy although the resolution is 0.01mm?

x said...

haha, it does, it does XD it amuses me to place so much trust in something u cant tell visually or sensually :)

lazy to type +/- :P

Anonymous said...

lol, innocent is a bless... you'll never felt betrayed from the trust you've always had

x said...

until everything collapses and the betrayal crushes u? :P

Anonymous said...

well said.

x said...

we.are.sick XD

Anonymous said...


x said...


lov ya!

Anonymous said...