alcohol boosted, hope i wont write anything silly XD
SMAP - sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana >>
是啊 我们皆是
都那麼美丽 所以难以抉择
是啊 我们皆是
原本 就是特别的only one
moto moto toku betsu na only one... it was one of those tht replayed over and over and over and again on my comp for the whole day until my aunt came and beg me put on something else XD
and remember, tonite we vote :) 8.30pm, lights off pls! ^^
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
the early bloomers
sooner than i thought :)
more snow drops ^^

a blend of them

bee flower :D
i like this effect, so lomo~~ ^^ the colours came from the original picture, i dimmed them a few notches and then max contrast :) it makes my little bee stand out ^^

the following are extracted of the same sorts from these 不起眼的 little bloomers under de tree ;)

ah~ sounds like a malaysian in sweden ^^

and we end this with two different takes from the same angle, infront of the city library ^^

i saw hints of daffodils already :D ppl brought news that tulips are blooming south, in netherlands ^^ today is an incredible 9 degrees in gothenburg! tho cold change is coming again early in the week, predicted to be bringing more snow. the last snow? aw~ i'm going to miss the white flakes so much...
perhaps to the islands after scotland :) dandelions and daffodils, just like last yr. promise :)
more snow drops ^^

a blend of them
bee flower :D
i like this effect, so lomo~~ ^^ the colours came from the original picture, i dimmed them a few notches and then max contrast :) it makes my little bee stand out ^^

the following are extracted of the same sorts from these 不起眼的 little bloomers under de tree ;)
ah~ sounds like a malaysian in sweden ^^

and we end this with two different takes from the same angle, infront of the city library ^^

i saw hints of daffodils already :D ppl brought news that tulips are blooming south, in netherlands ^^ today is an incredible 9 degrees in gothenburg! tho cold change is coming again early in the week, predicted to be bringing more snow. the last snow? aw~ i'm going to miss the white flakes so much...
perhaps to the islands after scotland :) dandelions and daffodils, just like last yr. promise :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
外国人系列 之 中国人看我们?
或许你们还记得,去年我在这里提到那个一听到我是马来西亚人,就决定推荐我一个master thesis offer的中国老教授?
星期五下午三点,是我们材料系的fika时间。fika是一个瑞典人管叫我带回我的雨林,代他们宣传的优良文化XD 说穿了就是大家坐在一起,喝咖啡,吃甜点,然后聊天说地 ^^ 这里很多公司,很多部门都有他们自己的fika tid,是促进同事之间的良好关系的桥梁。
我们材料系里的中国同事不少。大多数都是像李常海老师那样,在这里移民多年的老瑞典了。他们有个共同点,就是每次他们的目光移到我的脸上,总会让我发毛 ="=||| 感觉就像。。。在被眼神解剖。然后,又是一样的treatment,他们对大马人的印象,似乎跟李老师对我们的印象一样好。谈到我的时候,他们的statement总是"马来西亚人"怎样怎样,而不是"我"怎样怎样。他们把我们当稀奇古怪的动物了?在拿我衡量整个大马的人?O_o
咳,这倒让我想起来瑞典之前,一个很好的朋友提醒我,来到瑞典我可是在代表大马呐。是个玩笑吧 ^^ 玩笑成真了 ^^
我总是不厌其烦的告诉我的中国同事,我不能代表大马人。而他们的回复 ="=
>.< 我知道他们在开玩笑,可是也只得解释下去。。。只是,一直到星期五,他们还是拿我来当典型大马人了="=||| 而我也明白了他们会这样看我的原因。
星期五,我和lisa领了我们的咖啡和一种瑞典特有的cinnamon paste为材,馅的味道和颜色都很像红豆沙的面包,坐在曹玉大姐姐的旁边。我们谈着谈着,她又把话题绕到了马来西亚。当然在外一年半后,大马已经是个我熟知自己要怎么呈现的话题了:P 她给我的一字一句的专注,很flattening也很吓人啊。。。后来lisa因为赶时间提早走了,曹玉就拉着我,把她对马来西亚人的看法告诉我了。这次,换我把专注全留给她的字句了。。。
原来,李老师的儿媳妇,是个大马人。她的用词是“原来的儿媳妇”。我脑海里闪过他那个ericsson在中国的总裁儿子。回想起李老师当时给我们上完那唯一的一堂课后,留下来给我们说的事。嗯,他那个儿子是他的骄傲呢^^ 然后,曹玉说,“他对他这媳妇儿可满意了”。接着就是一大堆他凭什么对他这媳妇儿那么满意的citation,然后就是大谈很多在中国已完全变型,却在大马人身上得到了保留的最传统的中国文化。啊,那他们是在我身上寻找这些被保留的东西了?我印证了李老师这个已别人世的媳妇儿的故事了?曹玉recite这个故事时在里面放的激动是她自己的,还是李老师的?每当我跟李老师说“老师好”的时候,他携着那个“好”而来的点头和微笑,是属于全大马人的?是一个老人家的遗憾。。。我皱眉了。
好像从被母树砍下,断了根,却在接枝法下,从新树上长出来的果实吧 ^^
今天送上新开的snow drops一小丛。这可真的是瑞典的春的典型^^ 请耐心地等着更多野花charm着这一页^^
星期五下午三点,是我们材料系的fika时间。fika是一个瑞典人管叫我带回我的雨林,代他们宣传的优良文化XD 说穿了就是大家坐在一起,喝咖啡,吃甜点,然后聊天说地 ^^ 这里很多公司,很多部门都有他们自己的fika tid,是促进同事之间的良好关系的桥梁。
我们材料系里的中国同事不少。大多数都是像李常海老师那样,在这里移民多年的老瑞典了。他们有个共同点,就是每次他们的目光移到我的脸上,总会让我发毛 ="=||| 感觉就像。。。在被眼神解剖。然后,又是一样的treatment,他们对大马人的印象,似乎跟李老师对我们的印象一样好。谈到我的时候,他们的statement总是"马来西亚人"怎样怎样,而不是"我"怎样怎样。他们把我们当稀奇古怪的动物了?在拿我衡量整个大马的人?O_o
咳,这倒让我想起来瑞典之前,一个很好的朋友提醒我,来到瑞典我可是在代表大马呐。是个玩笑吧 ^^ 玩笑成真了 ^^
我总是不厌其烦的告诉我的中国同事,我不能代表大马人。而他们的回复 ="=
>.< 我知道他们在开玩笑,可是也只得解释下去。。。只是,一直到星期五,他们还是拿我来当典型大马人了="=||| 而我也明白了他们会这样看我的原因。
星期五,我和lisa领了我们的咖啡和一种瑞典特有的cinnamon paste为材,馅的味道和颜色都很像红豆沙的面包,坐在曹玉大姐姐的旁边。我们谈着谈着,她又把话题绕到了马来西亚。当然在外一年半后,大马已经是个我熟知自己要怎么呈现的话题了:P 她给我的一字一句的专注,很flattening也很吓人啊。。。后来lisa因为赶时间提早走了,曹玉就拉着我,把她对马来西亚人的看法告诉我了。这次,换我把专注全留给她的字句了。。。
原来,李老师的儿媳妇,是个大马人。她的用词是“原来的儿媳妇”。我脑海里闪过他那个ericsson在中国的总裁儿子。回想起李老师当时给我们上完那唯一的一堂课后,留下来给我们说的事。嗯,他那个儿子是他的骄傲呢^^ 然后,曹玉说,“他对他这媳妇儿可满意了”。接着就是一大堆他凭什么对他这媳妇儿那么满意的citation,然后就是大谈很多在中国已完全变型,却在大马人身上得到了保留的最传统的中国文化。啊,那他们是在我身上寻找这些被保留的东西了?我印证了李老师这个已别人世的媳妇儿的故事了?曹玉recite这个故事时在里面放的激动是她自己的,还是李老师的?每当我跟李老师说“老师好”的时候,他携着那个“好”而来的点头和微笑,是属于全大马人的?是一个老人家的遗憾。。。我皱眉了。
好像从被母树砍下,断了根,却在接枝法下,从新树上长出来的果实吧 ^^
今天送上新开的snow drops一小丛。这可真的是瑞典的春的典型^^ 请耐心地等着更多野花charm着这一页^^

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
满天都是~莫扎特小星星变奏曲^^ 喜欢ing~ >>
everyone knows this piece. why not put it on while u read on? ^^
half a month to go to 自虐苏格兰~ and after talking to woei, i decided to go and measure myself in the slightly hilly woods around the still [half frozen + half concealed by fog today] lake, härlanda tjärn.
4km in 25mins. i'm staying neutral, dunno if tht's a good or crapy time ="=
actually the route is longer than that, i took the last bit walking, to straighten the cramp on my right calf as it started to rain also... so pandai ho? doing this carrying the after effect of blasting imaginary reina's goal for 45mins juz de day before yesterday, dai sei cramp...
fancying myself to do a first-in-the-lifetime 10K attempt if i got my legs back during the wkend XD
给我打气呀~ ^^
oh, ofcoz also couple that with: if the weather is good :P so many excuses XP
everyone knows this piece. why not put it on while u read on? ^^
half a month to go to 自虐苏格兰~ and after talking to woei, i decided to go and measure myself in the slightly hilly woods around the still [half frozen + half concealed by fog today] lake, härlanda tjärn.
4km in 25mins. i'm staying neutral, dunno if tht's a good or crapy time ="=
actually the route is longer than that, i took the last bit walking, to straighten the cramp on my right calf as it started to rain also... so pandai ho? doing this carrying the after effect of blasting imaginary reina's goal for 45mins juz de day before yesterday, dai sei cramp...
fancying myself to do a first-in-the-lifetime 10K attempt if i got my legs back during the wkend XD
给我打气呀~ ^^
oh, ofcoz also couple that with: if the weather is good :P so many excuses XP
8.30PM 28/3/2009
8.30PM 28/3/2009
have you wondered why does Johor keep flooding recently? have you notice that our trees no longer shred their leaves in display of a dry season? where has the constant white winter in sweden gone? what has caused lifes to perish in the bush fires in the not-a-single-drop-of-rain-in-2-months melbourne?
let us remind ourselves of all of these yet again ba. 1hr as a reminder, 1 lifetime as a practice ^^
our malaysian earth hour site is so cool~ penang bridge is going to be dark, be careful drivers ^^ look at de participating companies, air asia (dark plane? XD), ikea damansara, sunway pyramid, KL tower (oh~ the combination is so promising for a plane crash)! and even a tiny town like semenyih is joining the party~ i'm a very proud malaysian today :D
sign up, sign up, go *push in the back* ^^
for this hour, let our stars twinkle brightly against the light pollution like they do in mozart's variations ^^
Saturday, March 14, 2009
MU vs LIV (updated)
de online stream is killing me! it is reducing into jumping frames ="=
and my heart jumping just as feverently....
the noise today's crowd is making is enough to summon my mind and immerse every single cell of my body in the atmosphere of the magnificent structure in the outskirt of manchester, rattling in the human worship of a live PL game... i cant help wondering if it will go down in history analogous to coliseum in the roman era.
in the end they got 4 against us...
they were awesome. overall it was an awesome game, except for the scoreline... to be fair we did create our chances. but, their goals came from everywhere. the first of their come back came from torres' sharpness and pace; the 2nd was a stevie G unsavable pen.; the 3rd was a sweet aurelio freekick special; the 4th dossena's volley, a flick from the inside of his left foot over the helpless VDS. equal amount of inapt from our defenders and the brilliance of their players contributed to the goals. the first when vidic let the ball go; the 2nd evra's reckless tackle; the 3rd vidic's red card as he brought stevie down; the 4th o'shea let the ball bounce again...
elnino runs himself shattered, one might think he'd collapse the way he sinks into his bench at the dug out when he is substituted. and so does rooney to the very end of the game.
in the end, among the eardrum bursting buzz in old trafford, i could only make out two clear songs. the Torres Song and YNWA. it is in a way, heartbreaking...
no, we are still in the driving seat. take this as a wake up call and march on to the end.
ah, i shall pick up my own ball and go vent my restlessness also. we've planned for a 64km hike in two days to walk the length of loch ness. i nv doubt yean's mental strength but as much as that, i dun think she's got the physical endurance to do it XP anyway, as for my own, i'll still make sure i wont be the one who'd spoil the plan. training training~ ^^
reina will be my imaginary goal keeper today XD
torres' right foot, another blow or played on injured? ="=
de online stream is killing me! it is reducing into jumping frames ="=
and my heart jumping just as feverently....
the noise today's crowd is making is enough to summon my mind and immerse every single cell of my body in the atmosphere of the magnificent structure in the outskirt of manchester, rattling in the human worship of a live PL game... i cant help wondering if it will go down in history analogous to coliseum in the roman era.
in the end they got 4 against us...
they were awesome. overall it was an awesome game, except for the scoreline... to be fair we did create our chances. but, their goals came from everywhere. the first of their come back came from torres' sharpness and pace; the 2nd was a stevie G unsavable pen.; the 3rd was a sweet aurelio freekick special; the 4th dossena's volley, a flick from the inside of his left foot over the helpless VDS. equal amount of inapt from our defenders and the brilliance of their players contributed to the goals. the first when vidic let the ball go; the 2nd evra's reckless tackle; the 3rd vidic's red card as he brought stevie down; the 4th o'shea let the ball bounce again...
elnino runs himself shattered, one might think he'd collapse the way he sinks into his bench at the dug out when he is substituted. and so does rooney to the very end of the game.
in the end, among the eardrum bursting buzz in old trafford, i could only make out two clear songs. the Torres Song and YNWA. it is in a way, heartbreaking...
no, we are still in the driving seat. take this as a wake up call and march on to the end.
ah, i shall pick up my own ball and go vent my restlessness also. we've planned for a 64km hike in two days to walk the length of loch ness. i nv doubt yean's mental strength but as much as that, i dun think she's got the physical endurance to do it XP anyway, as for my own, i'll still make sure i wont be the one who'd spoil the plan. training training~ ^^
reina will be my imaginary goal keeper today XD
torres' right foot, another blow or played on injured? ="=

Friday, March 13, 2009
you wait for patients i wait for materials
mm~ heavy snow outside de department overhead window. probably the last of this magnitude that i'll ever experience :) already for one or two days, the weather hinted of spring.
my rubber is sitting nicely and warmly in its oven under a pressure of 70MPa. and i wait. and blog.
btw, we found a 5micrometer football and an alien insect in it, see! see!

the scale-like thing covering the alien bug is highly suspected to be ZnO nano-particles ;)

ah tak nak write dy, i juz feel like sitting here and watch the snow... white :)
my rubber is sitting nicely and warmly in its oven under a pressure of 70MPa. and i wait. and blog.
btw, we found a 5micrometer football and an alien insect in it, see! see!
the scale-like thing covering the alien bug is highly suspected to be ZnO nano-particles ;)
ah tak nak write dy, i juz feel like sitting here and watch the snow... white :)
Monday, March 09, 2009
4x 80+ + 1x 60+
does the title make sense? XP
ahem, let me clarify...
when i dreamed of coming to sweden, i dreamed big.
i dreamed of all the things that i would do when i was going to be here. i told myself study must be first priority, then learn the culture, then absorb europe, and life. i dreamed of aurora, i dreamed of solo journeys, i dreamed of getting under the skin of gothenburg. but never in my wildest dream, i dare to imagine a warm table full of homely swedish food, shared with 4 elders that are older than my grandparents and 1 that is also too old to be my mom. i dont even fancy that to happen in malaysia with my own ppl...
one popo doesnt speak english at all, another popo said she had not spoken english in 50yrs... my goodness me, 50 yrs... and one gonggong that still got the language within him. thus, we campur mostly both swedish and english. and when "si" and "gracias" came out as one of the popos asked me to pass her her brown hand bag, i found she would prefer to speak the torres-tongue with me... oops, sorry, jag prata inte spanska, i speak not spanish :P but these old folks are truely amazing ^^
now, the title must have made sense ^^
and ah, wot a weekend of joyful football :D
ahem, let me clarify...
when i dreamed of coming to sweden, i dreamed big.
i dreamed of all the things that i would do when i was going to be here. i told myself study must be first priority, then learn the culture, then absorb europe, and life. i dreamed of aurora, i dreamed of solo journeys, i dreamed of getting under the skin of gothenburg. but never in my wildest dream, i dare to imagine a warm table full of homely swedish food, shared with 4 elders that are older than my grandparents and 1 that is also too old to be my mom. i dont even fancy that to happen in malaysia with my own ppl...
one popo doesnt speak english at all, another popo said she had not spoken english in 50yrs... my goodness me, 50 yrs... and one gonggong that still got the language within him. thus, we campur mostly both swedish and english. and when "si" and "gracias" came out as one of the popos asked me to pass her her brown hand bag, i found she would prefer to speak the torres-tongue with me... oops, sorry, jag prata inte spanska, i speak not spanish :P but these old folks are truely amazing ^^
now, the title must have made sense ^^
and ah, wot a weekend of joyful football :D
Sunday, March 08, 2009
day: in de world of freakish rubber
night: in either music notes from the black and white keys, or words and words surrounding the Fool or Althea. ow~ and Reyn... he is so real and yet not real...
weekends: in sports, or steam, or lepak, or occational gatherings here and there...
outdoors: in chill light of sky or street, or snowy rain...
sometimes, i really wonder how a person with all the time in the world for her to dispose can hav all of it occupied and wants more... my thesis work doesnt require me to be there at fixed hours, i have no other commitment. free.
yet, i work a standard 40hrs a week. and the concentration i'm paying to my work and my keyboard and my books and at activities which require hastening of my blood circulation, are astonishing even myself. such single minded persues... i'd once thought i've lost that ability somewhere in my first yr in melbourne.
this, is the old 海绵. the one that cares about nothing else, other than the one thing that is then occupying her mind... that have no concept of the elapsing time... that will only stop when physical discomfort of using certain muscles for too long creeps in. then, the elation of wot had been accomplished. a feedback that tells the brain "you should do that again nxt time". an unbounded positive feedback loop...
perhaps it's started when the rubber called out its mountain of challenges. we're even still ignorant of its true name and can only call it "the rubber"! it got me excited and got my conqueror's blood boiling... sigh, i doubt it's much good. let me get over with it soon and get out of this stage. not another metamorphosis...
night: in either music notes from the black and white keys, or words and words surrounding the Fool or Althea. ow~ and Reyn... he is so real and yet not real...
weekends: in sports, or steam, or lepak, or occational gatherings here and there...
outdoors: in chill light of sky or street, or snowy rain...
sometimes, i really wonder how a person with all the time in the world for her to dispose can hav all of it occupied and wants more... my thesis work doesnt require me to be there at fixed hours, i have no other commitment. free.
yet, i work a standard 40hrs a week. and the concentration i'm paying to my work and my keyboard and my books and at activities which require hastening of my blood circulation, are astonishing even myself. such single minded persues... i'd once thought i've lost that ability somewhere in my first yr in melbourne.
this, is the old 海绵. the one that cares about nothing else, other than the one thing that is then occupying her mind... that have no concept of the elapsing time... that will only stop when physical discomfort of using certain muscles for too long creeps in. then, the elation of wot had been accomplished. a feedback that tells the brain "you should do that again nxt time". an unbounded positive feedback loop...
perhaps it's started when the rubber called out its mountain of challenges. we're even still ignorant of its true name and can only call it "the rubber"! it got me excited and got my conqueror's blood boiling... sigh, i doubt it's much good. let me get over with it soon and get out of this stage. not another metamorphosis...
Thursday, March 05, 2009
I natt jag drömde
interesting... the line i quoted in the post about göteborg stadmuseum, or gothenburg city museum, actually originates from this well-known swedish nursery rhyme...
I natt jag drömde, något som jag aldrig drömt förut.
Jag drömde det var fred på jord, och alla krig var slut.
Jag drömde om en jätte sal, där stadsmän satt i rad
Så skrev de på ett konvolut, och reste sig och sa:
"Det finns inga soldater mer, det finns inga gevär.
Och ingen känner längre till, det ordet militär"
På gatorna gick folk omkring och drog från krog till krog.
Och alla drack varandra till, och dansade och log.
i try to stay true to the original words with my humble attemp at a translation, i trust you to understand :)
last night i dreamed, something about i never dreamt before.
i dreamed that is peace on earth, and all wars are ended.
i dreamed about a great hall, there government-man sat in rows
so wrote them on a scroll, and they walk up and said:
"there is no soldier any-more, there is no rifles.
and no thoughts any-longer to, the word military"
On the streets went folks around and draged from tavern to tavern.
and all drank each other to, and danced and smiled.
I natt jag drömde, något som jag aldrig drömt förut.
Jag drömde det var fred på jord, och alla krig var slut.
Jag drömde om en jätte sal, där stadsmän satt i rad
Så skrev de på ett konvolut, och reste sig och sa:
"Det finns inga soldater mer, det finns inga gevär.
Och ingen känner längre till, det ordet militär"
På gatorna gick folk omkring och drog från krog till krog.
Och alla drack varandra till, och dansade och log.
i try to stay true to the original words with my humble attemp at a translation, i trust you to understand :)
last night i dreamed, something about i never dreamt before.
i dreamed that is peace on earth, and all wars are ended.
i dreamed about a great hall, there government-man sat in rows
so wrote them on a scroll, and they walk up and said:
"there is no soldier any-more, there is no rifles.
and no thoughts any-longer to, the word military"
On the streets went folks around and draged from tavern to tavern.
and all drank each other to, and danced and smiled.
Monday, March 02, 2009
evidence of passage
outside my high window, calmness after the snow storm

neighbour's house

haga old quarters in gothenburg

see the tiny child with the tobogan behind his parents? ^^

short hike, up we go~


eskimo couple ^^

and then the snow thwarts and the frozen river flows partially once more.
spring, it breaths ^^

the post would hav ended nicely right there but sorry ppl... i just had to add this...
they beat barca 4:3 at home in madrid while real travels to catalunya for a win agains espanyol.
4 points separates real with barca now, just 4!
tht's somehow more exciting than MU winning the carling cup ^^
neighbour's house
haga old quarters in gothenburg

see the tiny child with the tobogan behind his parents? ^^
short hike, up we go~

eskimo couple ^^

and then the snow thwarts and the frozen river flows partially once more.
spring, it breaths ^^
the post would hav ended nicely right there but sorry ppl... i just had to add this...
they beat barca 4:3 at home in madrid while real travels to catalunya for a win agains espanyol.
4 points separates real with barca now, just 4!
tht's somehow more exciting than MU winning the carling cup ^^
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