first, wish mom one road smooth wind, a safe and comfortable trip :)
then, wish june one road rough wind, better get lost in the jungle, meet a tropical honey bear, a swarm to cross, and then safely find ur way out afterward XD
lastly, wish anO welgo home, sleep til noon evday and dun miss me from the empty bed beside urs XD
ok, now de long post~ i'll write something about the lovely hooi ching jiejie next time, and i'm told xunxun's name is actually 杨循循 la... havnt meet him yet still XP but still c'mon, wot kind of msian hav name like that?
november snow, instead of rain ^^ everything is in greyscale ^^ i was told there was 15cm of snow fell in helsinki yesterday by a finnish friend, how envious~ here u go, splintvedsgatan covered with snow and ice pillars (somehow also has a thin layer of snow on top) XD de weather keep making me wonder if there's something wrong with my fridge when i load my cold groceries from the shops, how come it's warm?!!! XD imagine the fridge is effectively 16degrees warmer wei~ even my relatively insensitive thermal receptors can sense that...

gothenburg's city museum then. it's free for under 25. they ask, and u just say "yes, i'm under 25" and it's free :) this u call TRUST. i despise those who unlawfully exploit it, and had long shred it from our part of the world... and i stil dunno how to explain why was the outcome of the hitch hiking home from penang important to me... anyway... city museum :P
it's not called the city's museum for nothing. all exhibitions are solely devoted to illustrate the elements that this city posseses from the pass til now. the building itself was the administration centre of gothenburg in 17th century, and it is located beside Gustaf Aldolf's Torg or locally called Stora Torg or big market in english. it was, and still is the most happening part of the city. with Nordstan, the largest shopping complex in scandinavia, which is probably only as big as any jusco in malaysia, sitting on the other side of the torg.

this is from inside the building, looking at the other side of the building. they are arranged in a square, and interconnected now. which is typical of gothenburg's old buildings ^^

a small room dedicated for prehistorical artifacts from flintstone age ^^ i looked at the fish hooks carved out of bones and they are not so unlike the one i'm wearing infront of my chest XD

and the all mighty vikings. the only preserved viking boat in sweden, some viking ornaments and game pieces, and some statements about their ppl ^^

then there are the main sections about how gothenburg has become an industrialized city as today, about work and life, and dream of a better life. words are written to describe and to represent. words that touched me ^^ i felt as if i just had a bath ^^
"at night i dreamt something about i never dreamt before"

"if you were neat and tidy you were not poor even if your clothes were mended many times. but to be dirty and wear ragged clothes was a sign of decay"
it's all about how you carry urself! :)

Poverty and yearning for a better life.
Good times - or bad, with no work to be found.
Democracy - or a disgraceful treatment.
To break up to seek a different life.
From the countryside to the city.
From one country to another.
America - the land of dreams.
Sweden - the land of dreams."

they even started to relate poverty and drinking problems as early as the 1800s ^^

they also said something about lifes in a damp basement, with no proper kitchen but just a stove. water had to be collected and there were no drainage. vah! isnt that my life?! how come i dun feel so bad about it XD
the old volvo factory scenes was on display as well, reminds me pretty much of how favco was like, just much more ancient. and so was the shipyards, as gothenburg was a big port city. the sound of everyday life was played thru an audio system. noise from trams, baby crying, ppl talking, machines working, boats sailing...

model of a modern/typical swedish church

the massive iron scale, imagine they were using it at Järntorget, or the iron market in english, where iron carried by the ships were bought and sold. that place remains happening today, with a high concentration of shops and cafes and tram lines.

this we dun see so often now in sweden, but it is still very popular in southern france and spain! ^^

and then we were lead from the working class section to the wealthy middle class settlements ^^ ah, all those furnitures, those tapestries, those rooms with special functions (drawing room, study room, living room, dining room etc...), and music is then in their lifes, steady lifes ^^ ppl wont do so much with their places if they are only going to stay there for a year or two, i told myself XP
then came my favourite section - All These Chairs XD
mom says i think too much but i've always liked isi tersirat XD see this pic for introduction

every single chair represents something :)

"chair search owner" XD direct translation, make sense of the grammar urself ;)

"milking was women's job"

i had to leave by then coz the museum was closing.
the xmas/sunday crowd in nordstan, where i can take a direct bus home.

she at brunnsparken, the well park in english, cant remember her name... was a queen i think.

more ice pilars XD long -ve streak!

and i'll end this post with a couple of wonderful night scene along göta älv, the gothenburg canal :) night? no, taken between 5-5.30pm