irony intended when my boss took the pic :P

as the bull dozer in the picture suggest, it is being demolished.
you can even see the brisbane river in this picture, the blank space between the planks just under the "sustainable energy research group" sign, which gives an idea of how vulnerable it was when the flood came.
oh well, life goes on and lets continue to flood this blog with pics from another disaster hit country north of this one~
stained glass with image of creatures from princess mononoke 幽灵公主, ghibli museum, mitaka 三鹰
asa with the robot in laputa 天空之城,ghibli museum, mitaka
i am to say that the museum is such a gem. with mr. hayao miyazaki himself as curator, and probably designer, every single inch of the museum oozes out the ghibli theme. of nature, of imagination, strangeness, of beauty. apart from the exhibitions, which included original drafts, paints, mechanical displays, film displays etc, the construction of the building itself, with a european touch with its stained glass windows and attention to intricate details, was also a joy to admire. highly recommended to anyone who is going to visit tokyo :) cameras and video recorders are prohibited in the museum.
xxx xxx
it wasn't until i came back to brisbane that i realise i'm not the only person fooled by the "north side south" map in shinjuku station ^_^ ling, who had obtained a human GPS status much earlier than myself, as we used call her "bandaraya" for her uncanny ability to know the kuala lumpur city as if she'd planned the very layout of it, was deceived by this very same map.
after about 45min's walking in the rain, ally and i found omoideyokocho. which is also called the "piss alley", a place famous for the izakayas and for the people who came after work, who consumed what's inside, then relief them outside.
hungry, cold and wet ally, omoideyokocho 思?出横丁, shinjuku 新宿, tokyo
izakayas, omoideyokocho, shinjuku, tokyo
happy ally infront of food and alcohol within the warm izakaya, omoideyokocho, shinjuku, tokyo
first sight of mt. fuji, kanagawa 神奈川
fiand?, kawaguchiko 河口湖 station, yamanashi 山梨
delivery service 宅急便, kawaguchiko station, yamanashi
man hole cover, kawaguchiko-machi 河口湖町, yamanashi
fuji-san 富士山, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
fuji-san and kawaguchiko, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
baseball batting practise courts with different ball speeds, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
ally taking a swing~, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
autumn colours, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
fuji-san from mt. tenjo 天上山 a.k.a. mt. kachi kachi 歌知山, kawaguchiko, yamanashi

fuji-san and kawaguchiko from mt. tenjo, kawaguchiko, yamanashi (click photo to enlarge)
a small shrine at the summit, mt. tenjo, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
clay pieces for wishing, mt. tenjo, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
kawaguchiko view, mt. tenjo, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
persimmon in season, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
autumn flowers, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
fuji-san, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
and again...
and once more... with fishing ppl
crystal tree, music box museum, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
rose garden, music box museum, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
white rose, music box museum, kawaguchiko, yamanashi
tatami room, fuji-hakone guest house, senkyoro-mae 仙乡楼前, hakone
it was refreshing to see how the bus stops in hakone are named after the businesses around the stops. imagine there's a bus stop in front of my dad's shop called "depan guan fatt motor", hm... at least gf motor has been there for 40+ years and they wouldn't need to change the stop's name for a while.
more to come soon, missing u ppl... take good care until i see u next time!
wow, so the scenes from jap dramas are real... the Mt Fuji, the izakayas (didn't attempt the izakaya crawling?), the boxy delivery van, and the yakuzas infested batting ground... cool~~~
as for the lab, nature +1, (old) lab -1, ei... 54 lab? '唔死'(de)lab?
hahahaa... 联想力果然一流~希望真能承你美言而不死咯~
嗯,是啊。yakuzas infested red light district oso. not sure if i would've gone to kabuki-cho without a local guide ^_^ de pimps there really gel and colour their hair like those in dragon-balls de le...
omg, i really miss 晴耕雨读咧,such 诗情画意的sake,名字和呛度都不简单~美好的一晚啊~hahaha...
absolutely! and hoppy! such happy and hippy name~ 美好的一晚啊~
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