Tuesday, November 22, 2011

难得啰嗦 + j city hopper 3


mm, might move back to our old place in sunnybank~ ^^
will be close to the wonderful asian restaurants and my workplace at yeerongpilly again~
只是要和玲分居了 T^T

work has been unbelievably busy and my schedule is already packed till mid january. that's unusual by hydrexia's standard but i'm totally enjoying it~

两天前被讲得不好意思,烘了一个oreo cheese cake,又容易弄又不健康的东西,妹不屑的东西XD。带了家里吃剩的两小片去hydrexia rasuah人,却让我从此多了一个lab的帮手,真好rasuah呀 O_O 是纯属巧合啦~ 那独占了短短6天的lab,不再是我专属的咯~ 只是,看来这周末真的该bake点什么去安抚人心了,呵呵~

just realise we hopped out of the city dy oh XD

ally 数百里挑一,指名说喜欢这一张呢~ 那就post这一张吧 ^_^ 同样click on it放大哦~
silver grass field 银芒, sengokuhara 仙石原, hakone

a rare duo shot :), silver grass field, sengokuhara, hakone

leg onsen 温泉 cafe, miyanoshita 宫之下, hakone

tozan 登山 railway station, miyanoshita, hakone

sounzan 早云山 cable car station, gora 强罗, hakone

the steaming land, owakudani 大涌谷, hakone

kuro tamago 黑蛋 hello kitty, owakudani, hakone

kuro tamago being consumed, owakudani, hakone

murky onsen that is piped to households and onsen hotels, owakudani, hakone

owakudani, hakone (click to enlarge)

ashinoko 芦之湖, togendai 桃园台, hakone

togendai, hakone

man hole cover, hakone-machi, hakone

our kuro tamago and matsu konbu tea 梅子昆布茶, hakone-machi, hakone

ally with 300 yrs old sugi 杉, moto-hakone 元箱根, hakone

beautiful day in gotemba premium outlet where branded goods are at an unbelievably lower price :), gotemba 御殿场

hand drawn local map? they were everywhere, senkyoro-mae, hakone

on that note, we got to odawara 小田原, where we split and ally went east back to shinjuku in tokyo, while i continue my journey to heian city 平安京 kyoto. as ally called it, 各奔东西 ne~ ^_^ the post should stop here as a token of thx to her as a wonderful kaki :)


shinkansen 新干线 platform, odawara


Anonymous said...

now only I know we can click on the photo... then photo enlarged with slides show, wow

hahaha one more friend. 不健康的不屑 xD

esp. like what you said earlier about naming after long-established businesses, this is really part of the culture. What made Japan, Japan.

Anonymous said...

and good to know you have settled well... already baking and all, LOL

x said...

hahaa, good to know that there's someone who realize that i do need time to settle.

i really only baked that cake bcoz ppl at work had been bugging me about it so much XD

Anonymous said...

啰嗦一点也不错, 至少有故事看... 欸, 没有去泡温泉喝清酒?

凯恩 said...

arigato gozaimasu~for being a wonderful kaki throughout the trip too ^^ when we splitted at odawara, really a bit 百感交集 haha..人生就是酱咯,常常各分东西但却不时有惊喜的交叉点..不知何时我们会再窝在哪个小角落,碰碰杯吹吹水咧 :P 愿你在南边有个美好的“重来”呵呵,take care la 朋友!

Anonymous said...

Owakudani, 大涌谷,the steaming land, ho..ho..ho..勾起了几许回忆。。。

x said...

sake是一定要喝的~ 下一篇先post一些味蕾上的advanture好了 ^_^ 温泉嘛,在hakone的guest house有私人温泉,在那里的两晚我们都去泡了。ally严禁我带相机进去,哈哈~

嗯,碰碰杯吹吹水啊~ 有时候人生好像是为了等待下一个这种时刻的来临而存在的 ^_^ 你也好好地过 :)

嗯,大涌谷是有它特别诱人的地方呢。绝对是hakone的highlight :)