Friday, January 07, 2011

over zealous

Work before and after the Christmas - New Year period has been about occupying myself with self generated work, along side with the occasional tasks or meetings boss might come up with.

Too much paper reading. On topics in reports I'd already submitted. Which wasn't entirely a waste of time as there happened to be an overlooked point which might have significant impacts on our vessel design. The issue had been circulated to the Apps team managers and our CTO under boss' recommendation. Mildly amused by anticipating their reactions~

Then too much web surfing. To prepare myself for the programs coming in the first half of this year. On subjects that might potentially come in handy on those researches, like Expanded Natural Graphite, Thermal Programmed Desorption, mass spectroscopy gas analyzer, random particle packings etc. It might all sound alien, as it was to me two days ago. Though Xuan would have loved this part of my job, as checking up new stuffs on wikipedia is one of his most enjoyed hobbies.

Anyway, leave me like this for much longer and I will be bored to death XD

Can't wait to resume experimenting, and submerging myself in the entanglement of unexplainable data ^_^


Anonymous said...

aiks, experimentalist...

x said...