LL drove us to Garden City for groceries, and there were some quite telling scenes, as fresh food were swept by consumers and supplies are not ready to come in.

The basic essentials like bread and milk are all still available tho. We aren't gonna starve just yet ^_^
A few of my colleagues are affected. Matt Greaves was evacuated, Marc was supposed to move to his new place the day it flooded and now the new place is flooded, and Todd couldn't get home for a couple of days but is now believed to found a way back.
Live shots from choppers broadcasted on TV had confirmed that our hydrogen lab and a few machines left with it are well and truly gone.
CTO just msged to let us know that Hydrexia's gonna be open tomorrow but people are to judge if it is safe to travel to work. Guess I will leave it for the Queensland Rail to decide for me. Hope the train service will resume soon.
the scene is amazingly saddening...
下次post true aussie spirit苦中作乐的照片 :)
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