to urquhart castle~~
we had our late lunch at the hill overlooking the castle by the loch, or to be more precise, castle ruin actually ^^ digestive biscuits and the last drops of those we carried in the bottles XP delicious anyway, given how hungry we were ^^ although we've had 2.5 chocolate bars each that morning and we've already downed so many sour snakes (a kind of gummy candy) on the bus~

水光潋滟晴方好?山色空蒙雨亦奇!:D something i truely believe in ^^
half 阳 half Rain ^^
and after the rain...
a good place for refilling water bottles ^^
got selamat jalan ho!!

then we started to drumnadrochit, where we would finally rest our kesian legs XD
the delta where two river mouths at drumnadrochit feed into loch ness. but we had a while more to go... are we there yet?...
(i wasnt really complaining, look at the crazy landscape!)
passing more farms~~ are we there yet?!...
and finally we saw that landmark fire station beside our 歇脚地 for the nite! our only private room of the trip! there, the middle window on the 2nd floor, wot a reward! ^^
yean thought she prefered to stay back and enjoy our only nite with tv ^^ so i went to fetch our dinner while exploring drumnadrochit a little ^^
and found nessie!!! XD
and another rainbow~
random building in the village
and more 山色空蒙雨亦奇! XD i really dunno how many times i got wet and dry and wet and dry and... that day ^^ ish... dunno how to take rainny day pics la... gimme time, practise makes perfect XP
anyway, dinner was fish and chips from the kampung of the original fish and chips~~~ and a basket of sweet juicy plums~ i cant tell u how much i enjoyed that meal XD we've wolfed everything down before i could think of taking any picture XD
we were obviously away from the world for a few days, and the 1st piece of news from outside world we received via the tv, was the terrible quake in italy. and via the tv, i also watched my first MU game on tv in X many months! (i usually watch jumping frames online ma...) champion's league, vs porto in OT~ oiyoyoy! tmr play the gunners kids~~~ chelsea barca playing... comp batt nak die dy, cannot watch X| tmr must remember to bring power cables home... this is wot happen when thesis room becomes my 1st home and my home my 2nd, haha... my neighbour making a lot of noise again, must be watching that match... we should go back to de post, must finish before batt dies XD
we go to day 6 breakfast ba... told u this is the best we stayed at T.T
weetbix... so aussie man! ^^
and then off we went~ goodbye nessie lake~~~
aiks, forgot to tell story about urquhart castle and "brave heart" O.o nvm la, u go watch urself XD
up next, the finale~ back to inverness~ then back to glasgow and back to gbg!
sounds boring to rewind? i guarantee u not XD at least it wasnt for me :) hang on with me ^^
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