and the swedish spring is lagi crazy~
it's a time and place where u can find protected species (保育科植物, try to take picture nxt time~) in the 魔鬼森林 10mins walk away from your home (wot? din watch 王子变青蛙? XD), observe how deers eat tulips at de same time, see a herd of deers crossing de main road outside your school, and run 2k and still dont develope a drop of sweat~
anyway, we continue again with haggis land~ scotland have so many unique things i can name it a different name everytime ^^
lets start the "the legendary tour guide RUTH's tour"~~ a 3hrs+ walking tour, minus the two hogwartses, coz u've already seen them XP but we'll have more from JK Rowling, anticipate! ;P
we start from the Royal Mile, an almost mile long street :)
a symbol of love? nay! it's the tax tariff office symbol that all edinburghers love to hate!
scottish flag in the sky~

and then we went to the castle, and then to visit one of the most haunted ground in edin, with a famous little terrier keeping watch at the entrance ^^ sweet~ this time not my fault ah, ruth brought us there...
edin castle view from the graveyard
that "hogwarts" school just beside the graveyard
here!! the birthplace of fred and george and lee jordan and harry potter!!
the coffee shop where JK Rowling spent her time in the winter writing HP since it's cheaper that way than paying for heating in her house :)
back view of the coffee house, the floor same as the bridge. rowling probably sat beside one of those windows that overlooks both edin castle and that nobel school ^^
and finally~ that's ruth!! ^^ talking animatedly in princess st garden.
we met choylan and lily again after the walk. here's where we had lunch! everyone claims they have the best haggis, but this one is a bit creative ^^ oh i forgot to mention, we had dinner in a msian restaurant on de 2nd nite!! de owner came from seremban ^^
scottish coffee~ they mix whisky and coffee and cream~ yum~~~ yean having irish coffee, with coffee and bailey's O.O
lunch! starting from left, haggis fritters, goat cheese pastry topped with baked onion, fish from lily's fish and chips~ all of them were so yummy~~~~ probably because of my empty stomach. haggis is made of the internal organs of sheeps. it really heated us up, working better than the whisky coffee to shred the early spring chill from 3hrs walking. you can really feel the blood rushing after the first mouthful!! we din have the traditional way served with neeps(turnips ="=) and tatties(potatoes ="=) tho.
after the wonderful meal, we continued to lepak in edin~~

probably the best view of edin caslte~
花衬人美 :P
partial of our dinner ^^ doesnt look much but it tasted like german pork knuckle! yum~~
one a penny~ two a penny~ hot cross buns~~~ english easter~~^^
sunset lu~~
promised yean to make this one into a post card ^^

okej folks~ that's it from the photogenic edin ^^
coming up next - northern inverness and the highlands! remember "Brave Heart" by mel gibson? ^^
the colour contrast of the brick road is wonderful
it is it is~~
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