Tuesday, December 23, 2008

night out

it's the most beautiful night i've seen in gothenburg.

yean cooked 汤圆 for 冬至 malaysian style
i cooked 饺子 for 冬至 chinese style ^^
hooiching brought pasta sauce, so i cooked some gnocchi to go with it too.
our small celebration was held in MC2, yean's office ^^
it was a nice little gathering, it wasnt until 9.30pm that we part.

had to wait 20mins for my transit bus. i decided to walk.

typical of december, the warm advent lights spill out of every window. some windows have stars shining too. tho the soft lights are not strong enough to mask the stars that for once blink brightly on the cloudless winter sky ^^

i was heading east, as tht's de part of gothenburg where i live. orion, the icon of the winter sky, was constantly on my right, like a guardian who has always been and will always be there. i greeted it with a smile, and kept tilting my head towards it as i walk with my creative zeb stone plus enchanting my ears with musics. oh right, the stone plus is named "kiki" becaused i got it the day i first saw cesc ^^

i was slowly realising that, as i was heading east, right = south. so, that means, ursa major (北斗七星) should be on my left (north)?

i tilted my head left, skywards ofcoz. yes, not as bright as orion, but it's there! it's de first time i've seen them both on the same sky! ^^

still unfamiliar with the constellation, but definitely nice to have it there. so, as i walk, i was tilting my head left and a while later right, and then left, and then...
two guardians.


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