☑ 1. maritime museum
☐ 2. gothenburg city museum
☐ 3. star gazing at the observatory
☑ 4. gothenburg symphony orchestra performance
☐ 5. ice-hockey match
☐ 6. valborg
☐ 7. midsummer festival
☑ 8. allswedish women's league match
☑ 9. paddan boat trip
☐ 10..... to be explored and filled in
if u feel that the check boxes are familliar... yeah, they are stolen from Zn XD
escaped from my exam hall 2hrs after the 4hrs exam begun. coz i need to print my reservations and maps and find out how to get to oslo airport and from london heathrow airport to king's cross. and ofcoz, de concert starts at 6pm!! no... bcoz i already wrote wot i can write in 2hrs... way much better than yesterday's toturing 5hrs exam >.< come out already bcome zombie and still hav to study for today's paper til dawn ="=
but that's done with now ^^
de 2nd and last movement was wonderful T.T gan dong T.T beethoven's 7th that is... and de violin concerto was brilliant too. i think it was mozart's 5th? got something like that onot? de conductor himself was de soloist ^^ after the 7th, de lady sitting behind me shouted "bravo!" so loud XD
yean and i reckon >95% of the audience are >65 de lo XD
so many white heads~~~ see for yourself~ taken with k510i again lo...
de hall is called stora salen, this i can translate, the grand hall, hehe... tmr i'm going to stor britanen, this i can also translate, the great brittain, haha...
see u in a while!
har det gött ni alla~