right, 168hrs per week is de same for everyone, lets see how i do for this semester ^^
study: 8x2(lectures for 2 subjects)+ 14x2(revisions&assignments)=44hrs
lepaking: 6x1(long lepak)+4x2(short lepaks)=14hrs
hmm... ~33%... slightly better than first thought...but still no wonder i cant be a professional lepaker...^^
i vow no more lepaking + photo shooting until next thursday! that's the end of exams~
so i decided to post some older pics from others' camera instead~ and therefore for those who are starting to miss my sunshine smiles, here's a dose of ME... wakaka
most are from the islands, a few from other places.

in case you are getting addicted, more supply is always attainable in Flickr (why am i talking like my thick-faced brother...?)
late comer, this came in today (19th Oct).
my groupmates for this term! from left, lisa, petri, me, martina and mahdi behind the camera :)

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