Sunday, October 14, 2007

feeling the change of season

more greens are constantly turning into reds and yellows since last week's pictures were taken. and the icy crisp october mornings are the best forewarnings of the coming winter.

it's bloody colder than melbourne's coldest winter already!! combination of the uninviting weather and the up coming exams pretty much convinced me to shut myself indoor. fixing my eyes more on the texts and figures on the lecture notes and handbooks, than on the flying birds and flowing canals in various parts of gothenburg. good thing it cant take little 海燕 away from me~ ^^

so the believe is, most of the reds and yellows would have already left the bare trunk to withstand the menacing winter all alone when my (once dad's) nikon coolpix3700 will be in action again.

a two-year-course abroad is not so much different from a working holiday ^^ except you exchange the papers we call money with another paper we call certificate. two years, exactly as i like it~ i left malaysia a bit too soon T.T needed 6 more months to make two years... then it would've been great.

if you are wondering, nope, the "two-years" theory has no logic behind it at all :P it just sort of emerged when i started to hate australia after being there for two years. the 3rd and 4th years were dreadful... and in the case of malaysia, there are a few unfinished businesses that i would rather prefer to put right before saying byebye... borrow the wise words from LL and june, procrasinating and undecided, serves me right! and since i used to work on project basis, another half a year would meant a whole lot more experience and witnessing de delivery of perhaps another two of my babies (cranes ofcoz).

and this has nothing to do with the change of season, LOL...

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