Monday, October 01, 2007

my first video... on YouTube

ppl will start to get sensitive to a word when it's mentioned so many times in one night, wont they? for me, and i believe also for a few certain others, "YouTube" is definately one of those words....

it's 8:41min, featuring woods in gothenburg, 10mins walk away from my place. i was hoping to see a wild moose, but non appeared... the journey back home is also included, to let ppl hav a real feel of surburban gothenburg :)

apologize for the quality, it's compressed to 1/5 it's original size to be publish on YouTube. guess you just have to concentrate to get anything out of the commentary and the camera is shaking quite violently at de end :P

right, lets delay no more, my first ever YouTube video~ "woods in gothenburg"


Anonymous said...


cool man.. good job!!!!!

hahaha keep the good job ...

x said...

appreciate de encouragement ^^