obviously (for those who also read it) just visited june's travel blog... for those who dont read it, a little background: june my buddy is on a 6 months working holiday in NZ and recently being employed as a fund raiser for an organisation called GreenPeace. The name says it all, it's all environment.
from the blog's description beside kimi's handsome face up there ^ you might be able to tell (or not...) that i'm also an environmental freak :P
wonder since when i started to use liquid paper without a second thought...
since when i started to print like papers are not from the trees...
since when i started to see ppl throwing non-biodegradable rubbish everywhere and thought "well, that's the norm of our society..."
since when i started to give in and start driving... (msia having one of de worst public transport system in the world is not a good enough excuse...)
when it comes to sustainable energy and environmental issues, sweden is leading the world! that's one of my many reasons behind "why sweden?" althought i'm never sure when i leave this country, will the technology and knowledge gained here have any use at all. if the society has no awareness of this issue, individual strength will be too insignificant. my ex-boss once went "it's not making any money, why would we care?" and others in de discussion just started to laugh. am i too naive? or it just doesnt work in our country?
and freakin hell, it's all against my intuition again! a quote from june's post:
"Thursday was a bad turf, like really bad 'coz firstly, we were assigned to a rich area. I wouldn't say that rich people are downright rude, but they are most apathetic and very, very protective of their bank account details. And, they are downright rude."
and zero sign-up in the rich area... wot is 20bucks per month for these ppl?! and so it seems that the ppl who are always driving the world to become a better place is actually the same bunch since de renaissance era - 中产阶级知识分子... "Middle class intellectuals" if you dont read chinese or only see chinese characters as blocks on your computer.
another quote from june's post:
"Yesterday someone gave me a $40 signup and told me to migrate to New Zealand, as "the country needs more bright people like you, with your heart in the right place"."
as if msia dont... if nz NEEDS ppl like you, msia is DIEING FOR...
funny i heard this twice in de period of 24hrs from two ppl who are not very different ^^, tho talking about totally different things. i shall make it the 3rd time here:
"things can only get better when we've already seen the worst."
so lets be positive, and go on to believe, and continue to contribute :)