Tuesday, May 29, 2012

K-potter chapter 1: Our duet

sorry for the late update again... i was suddenly summoned to Shanghai ="=
anyway, although very tiring, it was a good trip :) so, will be posting pictures from SH too~
but for now, lets have our belated first chapter of de promised fanfic~~~ ^^

xxx  xxx

Chapter 1: Our duet

I could always remember the day when Harry Potter sunbaenim sent Voldemort away, forever! Yes, for 8 years now, we no longer live under the shadow of the name which were once feared and not spoken of.

See, I could shout his name out loud ^^

When Father Maneija broke the news to us after our evening prayers that day, IU hugged me so hard I thought she was going to break my bones. We were both 11 then. The fall of Voldemort meant that we would be able to attend Hogwards School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the coming autumn :D

Father Maneija found me when he was travelling 18 winters ago. I was wrapped in rags and placed between two massive roots of an old willow at the edge of a village. In the fifth autumn after that, we found IU where the Morning Creek meets the edge of the woods, the place where we used to gather mushrooms.


"Taemin ah, that sounded good. But you weren't paying attention. I caught you staring into space~" IU shifted the weight of her guitar to her right and ruffled my hair with her freed hand.

Illuminated by the candle light, I thought she looked like a porcelain doll. I stood up from the organ bench and smiled back. "Well, just remembering the day when Father Maneija told us Voldermort was gone. It was in this very room wasn't it?"

We always enjoyed our little duet sessions, with IU playing the 6 strings, and me at the black and white keys of the church organ. Father Maneija was a squib from the well respected Fudge family. Although not blessed with magic, he was a man of skills and wisdom. He left the magic folks at a young age and became a Christian in the muggle world. He learned things feverously, finding them suiting him as a non-magical person much better. He taught us some of these muggle skills, along with common knowledge of the magical world. Father Maneija made sure that we would not be at a disadvantage when we were to live among the magical folks again.

"Mm hmm, we were so exited we couldn't sleep that whole night~~~~" IU joined me at the memory we shared.

"And got degnoming for detention because we were dozing off in the basic runes class the next morning ^^ "

"And then continued to doze off while we were getting rid of the garden gnomes~"

"I still remember one of them sneaked up to you and bit you in the ear." We both LOLed at that.

Then there was a light knock at the door which was already ajar. It was the caretaker Mrs. Jenkins, a middle aged muggle widow who came to the church after her wizard husband was killed by a Death Eater.

"Taeminnie, Onew-ssi wants to see you. He's in the tea room."

This late? I wondered. "OK, thanks for getting me. Hey IU, suppose we'll have to stop here."

"Ne. Wonder why is Onew-oppa visiting this late. Could it be about your last mission?"

I shrugged. I just came back from the mission the night before and was still uncertain if our clients were happy with my service. And they were scary clients who made me nervous all the time T.T

"OK, I know you don't want to talk about it yet." IU gave me a comforting smile and ruffled my hair again. "You will be fine! Anyway, I'll go back to my room then. You two have fun~"

With that, IU set her guitar back onto the stand and we left the music room together. Watson who had been sitting quietly at the couch by the fireplace leaped down nimbly and joined us. IU gave him a good rub at the back of his ears before parting with us at the stairs. Watson and I went down to the hall and then to the east wing where the tea room is. Onew-hyung was having a sip of banana milk from his cup as I walked in. He looked up and set his cup down.

"Omo Taemin ah, it had only been three month since we last met and you've already grown prettier! Are you sure you havn't got any Veela blood in you? I can do a blood test for you you know?"

This again =_= They always did it to me... Don't like!

Because I don't agree well with the polyjuice potion (expensive, loooong brewing time, the pain during transformation, and most of all the disgusting taste, eww! everytime I drink them I just puke them right out again), I started to disguise as women in some of our missions since a few years back. Since then, the boys had never let a chance to tease me about my feminine look goes by.

"Not again! Is it the hair? I dun mind you guys making fun of me while I was still growing up but Hyung, I’m a man already T.T" Don't think my protest would work either T.T Well, at least being teased wasn't as bad as drinking polyjuice potion...

I poured myself some banana milk (yum~ if only all potions taste like it...) and observed Onew-hyung while emptying a vial of hair styling potion into it. He looked tired with circles around his eyes, but at least he's still spirited enough to tease me. I waited for him to bring up the talk, drinking my precious banana milk ^^

xxx  xxx

omo... not even sure wot kind of tone i'm going to write this in yet, just making things up as i write, haha...
let me know wot u think so far, if anything at all... ^_^

The songs Taemin and IU were singing:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

fanfic writing in cold nights

今天去买给D farewell的蛋糕的材料, 扛着一堆东西回来路经我们的local mini market时看到这个~

Happy socks, good sleeping~ 晚上不用怕脚冷咯~

手又痒了。。。当SHINee遇上harry potter?还是想写RO呀。。。
Anyway,先给你们介绍主人翁SHINee的小鬼们吧~ ^^

Leader Jinki aka ONEW aka 豆腐,因为个性和厚厚的声线象豆腐一样温软呀 ^_^ 
是常常出状况(e.g. 绊倒、掉mic etc),常被四个弟弟们欺负,成绩却竟然是全校第二名的leader~

C.H.A.S.I.N.G    D.R.E.A.M.S
老幺TAEMIN,曾经爱喝香蕉奶的迷糊小舞王,现在已是亭亭玉立的青年了呀 ^_^
被访问时常被要求来一段solo,taemin的反应: (脸红)哦,好的。。。(变脸+气势+完美演出)跳完了。。。(用手遮住嘴笑,继续脸红)

blingbling JONGHYUN aka jjong,据说是dino + puppy 的混血。。。爆发性的声音,jjong的舞台魅力和感染力很赞哦!
加上敢说敢做的性格,让很多人误会他才是SHINee的leader ^^

flaming charisma MINHO,呵呵,是啊,不用再扮酷了!管他flaming charisma什么的那个交给jjong,放下这怪image的包袱尽情地笑,尽情地享受舞台吧 ^_^
minho先生可是个好胜的sports idol~父亲是韩国国脚,哥哥是体育系学生,自己擅长足球、篮球、田径、游泳、。。。还有rapping & SHINee的新一代visual门面?^_^

万能钥匙 KEY aka kibum,就是这个在lucifer里的造型把我带入了SHINee world :)
因为能歌善舞又能rap,被灌上了万能钥匙的称号,女子团体的舞全部都会跳 O_O 又因为是fashion潮人,也被称为巴黎市民 ^_^

呀哈,请期待故事的开始 ^_^

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

warming up + 24 seasons drum!

last few days had been so cold even my thick quilt wasn't enough at night.
when i'm actually awake and cold and the jacket wasn't enough, i'll just go through the "sherlock" routine once to warm things up. by the end of it, the jacket is usually off instead ^_^

introduced my colleagues to 24 seasons drum in today's company lunch, u might heard me calling it pizza lunch.
this clip is chonghwa KL's performance during 2010 national competition.
the piece, "catching dreams" won the silver medal, best formation and best percussion prizes.
lets have fun watching this too. my heart still beats stronger and faster with the rhythm after all these years :)

do i have enough material to make up one post already? 
well, lets post it ^^

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Because you’ve always been there to protect me
Because you’ve taken the criticism that I should receive
You have shielded me without a word and now
I will reflect you like a mirror

When it becomes tiring and I want to give up
When I am weak and I want to run away
Your small hand becomes my biggest strength
For the rest of my life, I’ll sing a song for you

You have always been there
Believing in me and protecting me
I’ll convey this song of appreciation

At the end of this very long connection
At the end of this train stop, unaware of where it’ll reach
We learn as we go on and feel many things
I’m always late at expressing my emotions

You won’t be forgotten in my heart, right?
You’ll remain in my eyes as you smile, right?
If my joy can become your happiness
I'll be grateful


[SHINee - Honesty]

a beautiful song for my beautiful mama...

Friday, May 11, 2012


初步的内幕消息,6月过后会被续聘 ^_^
(update: yeah~ it's official! boss said, "don't just stop showing up after your contract ends". wee~~~)

哦还有,之前忘了说,TS2宝贝痊愈了~~~ 多些关心 ^_^

Sunday, May 06, 2012

confined hello

upload过后画面会跳呀 T.T
改了又改,音乐大概只lag 0.05秒了,你们就将就一下吧,呵呵~

真没办法选了呀。。。所以hello就乘虚而入了 XD

anyway, taemin 的 lip sync~ minho 的 hip swing~ 这首还是有它好玩的地方的 ^_^

Saturday, May 05, 2012


aah... 不用化也有烟熏妆呀。。。最近的确睡不长 :P 今天有好多给自己的时间,所以跑去染发了 ^_^ 喜欢这个颜色中~~ 在太阳底下很亮哦~

接下来是laundry和打扫房子~ 然后然后葡萄和frankenstein分别在冰箱和包包里等着咯~
