One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns~ My boss' 2yr-old call them "ssbuns", dividing the words up in the wrong place ^_^ Anyway, if there are cookie monsters in the world, I think I should be their ssbuns counter part. On top of that, there's the long weekend off that makes Easter always welcomed. As a matter of fact, we downunder are having 8 out of 11 days off. As Anzac Day and Labour Day conveniently stick close to Easter.
Lets post some photos for the long weekend edition~
I have been recently poisoned by smart phone photo editing apps, all thanks to the contagious Whatsapp kakis >_< Lomo film, vintage papers, dreamy white shines, simply awesome. The natural consequence is, I'm in desperation for a model. So please send in your application in any kind of communication means. Otherwise, you'd only have the alternative of seeing me, camwhoring... XD Ah well, okay not entirely, the first two below were proudly done by LL~ Ling! Ling! Ling!!! The colours are a bit too warm and bright to have come from me, no? ^_^

小时候,妈妈说,不要做不切实际的梦 XD
话说回来,复古风是很赞吧~ :)
梦想女儿明天突然说要嫁人都比招亲实际 XD
wow, testing camera and practising posing at the same time :)
it's called efficiency ;)
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