Saturday, April 30, 2011




kids fun :)

shaolin angmo~


blood bank and the brilliant brisbane city

Sunday, April 24, 2011

it's been a while since a football incident push me over into such intense emotion.

like never before, this time it's a man in blue.

damn him fernando torres...

nando finally scored his first for chelsea. and stamford bridge erupted.

kanelbullar attempt

The Millennium Trilogy has rekindled my cravings for kafe och kanelbullar. Good old Swedish coffee and cinnamon roll. Skimming through one of LL's recipe books, a page dedicated for kanelbullar suddenly jumped up. It looks easy enough so why not? We've got all the required ingredients at hand anyway :)

Self rising fluor 2 cups
A pinch of salt
90g butter
2/3 cup milk

If you knead them all together and roll it out, it becomes the bullar base.

60g butter (softened)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoon brown sugar

Mixed in an electric mixer, and we've got the filling. Easy~

Roll it up and cut into 2-3cm pieces, and they are ready to go for heat treatment, in material scientist's term ^_^

Recipe says heat treat for 12mins at 190degC if oven is fan forced. In my case, 200degC for 16mins plus 3 mins at 210degC gave a good result. Crispy outer crust and moist soft inside :)


Ready to serve. Looks a bit more appetising than IKEA's name damaging version hey? XD

Mama, scones next? ^_^

Easter and Anzac edition

A wabbit for Easter and a rising sun for Anzac day :)

One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns~ My boss' 2yr-old call them "ssbuns", dividing the words up in the wrong place ^_^ Anyway, if there are cookie monsters in the world, I think I should be their ssbuns counter part. On top of that, there's the long weekend off that makes Easter always welcomed. As a matter of fact, we downunder are having 8 out of 11 days off. As Anzac Day and Labour Day conveniently stick close to Easter.

Lets post some photos for the long weekend edition~

I have been recently poisoned by smart phone photo editing apps, all thanks to the contagious Whatsapp kakis >_< Lomo film, vintage papers, dreamy white shines, simply awesome. The natural consequence is, I'm in desperation for a model. So please send in your application in any kind of communication means. Otherwise, you'd only have the alternative of seeing me, camwhoring... XD Ah well, okay not entirely, the first two below were proudly done by LL~ Ling! Ling! Ling!!! The colours are a bit too warm and bright to have come from me, no? ^_^

Saturday, April 16, 2011

the girl w...

Not many things can beat a weekend with a good book over a delicious cuppa and scone. And this is turning into a routine since coming back from Malaysia, seeking peace... and seeking good coffee :)

It becomes even better when Lisbeth Salander's story came into my hands. The stories are fully sick, but not even close to be as interesting and engaging as the girl's character itself. In that accord, the leading male character looses out by a hundred miles ^_^ But I'm only half way through the trilogy, lets see if Kalle Blomqvist can live up to Salander's standard in the remaining 1.5 books :)

Also important to myself personally, it is based in modern Sweden, the Sweden that colours two parchments full of my life, if life can be recorded into parchments that represent each year passed by. The resonance it created within me is therefore likely to be more severe...

The Millennium Trilogy - "The girl with the dragon tattoo", "The girl who played with fire" and "The girl who kicked the hornet's nest" by the late Stieg Larsson. Disturbing and extremely addictive as one's darker inner self can almost relate to most of the dangerous stories being told...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

少しづつ消えて行く Our Memories

傷つくだけ 傷ついて 解ったはずの答えを
どうしてまだ 問いかけてる

Am I wrong to be hurt - yes...
Am I wrong to feel pain - yes...
Am I wrong to be in the rain - yes...
Am I wrong to wish the night won't end - hell yes...
Am I wrong to cry - yes...
But I know It's not wrong to sing the last song
Cause forever fades - you are absolutely right...

Sunday, April 10, 2011



这一次,是梦想着一个可以好好地招待朋友的地方吧 :) 客厅不用太大,却要有舒适的沙发,然后pantry里齐全的各种各样的茶、咖啡、还有其它饮料,冰箱里可不能少了啤酒咯~以爸为榜样的话,或许还得存放着几种更高酒精的液体。自己和多数女生爱喝的甜的,bailey's,malibu,kahlua。。。还有比较standard的vodka,whisky之类的。妈要晕了,呵呵。还是来呷呷茶的人多吧 :)

那样的话,也希望可以有一个烤箱啊~客人来之前,先把小点心以他们喜爱的口味弄好,幸福哦~ 当然,如果有人一起来弄的话会更幸福哦~ ^_^

说起吃的,那pantry里面也不能少了配茶、下酒的咯~会选择坚果、豆类的吧。在这里的话,可以临时去买些乳酪配饼干;马来西亚的话,去买一包muruku好了 ^_^ 还有,削好皮、切成bite size,用叉插起来就可以直接送进嘴里的水果~ 妈妈不可思议的家教啊。。。

再来,就是在客厅里放一些扑克牌、board games、棋盘什么的,两个人以上进行的活动。至于电玩嘛,再考虑 :P还要有一个mp3播放器,客人可以自己选歌,当然也可以带自己喜爱的playlist过来,丰富播放器的collection。


进一步去想,如果可以的话,大门是对朋友们敞开的,爱什么时候来就进来,肚子饿了又还不想回家,就自己过来煮一包面什么的。只要别入侵我的神圣的房间就好 ^_^ 如果容许的话,希望有一个小书房。里面的书和杂志像图书馆那样按种类编排着。书也任借(得还啊~),任捐。喜欢的话就拿起一本,躺在客厅里看。

最后,还是希望有自己的电子琴呀。加上那个被抛下n多次的贝司 ^_^ 要弄成jamming room的话,隔音得做得很好。还要一个amp system吧?然后大家自己带自己的乐器过来,像音符被五线谱穿起来那样,通过音乐穿在一起~

怎样?是做梦吧 XD 漂亮的梦 ^_^

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


在想着,张学友和周润发第一次听杰伦的《听妈妈的话》,不知道会不会被勾起一阵笑容呢 ^_^
'你会开始喜欢上流行歌 因为张学友开始准备唱《吻别》'
'对了!我会遇到了周润发 所以你可以跟同学炫耀 赌神未来是你爸爸'

四月来了后,天气是转凉了一些呢~今天pizza lunch时同事们惊人的胃口,代表着他们的winter belly归来有期了,哈~

从马回来三个星期,终于开始沉淀下来,渐渐回到之前那样的频率、规律和纪律 :) 总觉得还是有好多想做的事还没完成呀!啧,啧,啧。。。好奇心kills a cat,好知心kills asa~