Wednesday, October 06, 2010


as usual, a light storm and gust had tumbled our battered mailbox yesterday and the contents spilled allover and were all wet. a mail that is supposed to be delivered to 67 Breton street was among others. the address is one that is along my jogging track, so it was easy to just have a short walk and drop it at its supposed destination.

suppose that tiny deed had brought me a non-proportional reward in the form of a mail from karin this evening, with Poseidon, Gothenburg's guardian, proudly stamped on it ^^ so she hasn't move to the north as mentioned in her last mail I received in Malaysia. guess that would mean that the move will not happen soon, as winter closes in up north there in Sweden. in this era, it is probably a bit strange to know someone who you can only correspond with by traditional pen and paper mails ^^ information is delayed by a certain period and people talk about things that are a few months old~ imagine that a soldier writes to his wife, and said everything is fine, but when his wife receives his mail a month later, he's actually X_X already :P

all those thoughts passed me as I tear open the bright yellow envelope. kinda glad she hadn't use a stamped seal or i'll really let my imagination bring me back to ancient times ^^

a birthday card? hasnt been expecting that! not yet in the correct season of the year afterall... equally elating anyway :D

it's probably the joy i feel when receiving physical mails from private acquaintances that motivates me to continue sending them out myself :) though it is also ever a pleasure to mindfully word the sentences, carefully design the decorations, and thoughtfully consider the attachments. each of those is almost a work of art and creativity. mails is probably the one and only thing that i never discard and bring along no matter which bit of the world comes under my feet.

no, email can be fast and effective, but it can never replace the posts :)


Guan Fuat Motor said...

o..oh,like mother like daughter!妈妈至今每年还寄出一大叠贺年卡,就是那一种感觉。。。。会不会不环保了? 代妈妈问候karin.

x said...

妈妈每年寄出一大叠贺年卡都没有包括女儿在内 *受创* T_T

呵呵,女儿的定义里,环保是不要做无谓的浪费和破坏。妈妈的定义呢? :)
嗯,会转寄问候 :)

Guan Fuat Motor said...

噢,妈妈竟然没有女儿现居住址呢! 定义嘛,母女所见略同也,哈哈。。。。。。

x said...

过分哦,走之前不是给你了*受创x2* T_T
私下再谈 :)