Monday, September 10, 2007

Jag heter Xin Fu

i met a little swedish friend tonight.
she wrote "ADINA" in her little writing book and shown it to me with one on her hand placed on her chest and said "Jag."
right, i understand that. so i replied "Jag heter Xin Fu", and that, i guess, was the only meaningful full sentence i spoke to her all night ^^
so she went away happily and then came back with more writings on her little book which says "SIMFOT"... ahk... that's an attempt to spell my name?!! how cute~ and i was later told that it means "swim foot"... wakaka

my kind landlady invited me to her family dinner, and there i met her family. four-and-a-half-yr-old adina is her great-grand daughter :) people from de family are really nice. they come from de north, and like most other swedes, speaks good english. and my landlady actually speaks german, french, latin, italian and russian also... scary? i was remembering my great-grand mother, she only spoke pu tian...

to my surprise swedish dinner is not very unlike italian ones. first you hav salad (with lettuce, tomato, corns, cheeze and olive) with bread and butter (tho italians use olive oil sometimes), then rice (risotto? italians will prefer pasta...) and sauced chicken with pickled cucumber and olives, then coffee and cake.

adina's younger sis who's always been frail is admitted to de hospital and most of de family went to see her after dinner. so i was half baby sitting a girl who we dont understand each other's language... that is new... but after cousin jonathan, it turned out to be a piece of cake really ^^ de girl's favourite pass time has been picking flowers, mushrooms and berries in de wild. that's how swedes grow up then? anyway, de best part of de night was spent learning swedish from and colouring children books with her, haha...

it's been another great experience to be taken onboard to permanent memory :)

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