可以调素琴,阅金经;无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。只可惜少了谈笑的鸿儒,呵呵 :P
再怎么说,还是安静地享受着现在浑身自在,no strings attached 的感觉 :)
总觉得生活这样,也不需要再多些什么,能够一直这样就好了。。。本来无一物,多出来的,都是尘埃呀 ^_^ 有鸿儒的地方,也总会有些丝竹和案牍等着的。等把堆积得让我喘不过气来的尘埃洗净后,再回去见你们吧,我的鸿儒们 ^_^
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
one of the best hikes
Totally quenched my inner fire. And I'm a happy girl ready to take on the world again XD This 6hrs hike is probably the biggest challenge I've faced in a while and it's totally wicked sick!
2hrs drive south of Brisbane lies a certain Mt. Barney. The area around the lower and upper portals is where all the excitement unfolds ^_^
The hike reminds me so much of the one down Wallaman Falls with Ally and Surein, I was even basking in the joy of the memory ^_^ The first part of the hikes were quite similar, where the ground is clad with open eucalyptus forest typical to this region. Then it came to the never ending uphill downhill uphill downhill bit. After a few creak crossing, we arrived at the lower portals of Mt. Barney after about 1hr15min. Then, it was time to get wet, and we found a shallow place at around knee hight to wade thru the rather rapid stream.
We then continued to hike thru a particularly high hill to get to the upper portal. And then the fun, or terror, whichever way you want to look at it, beggins ^_^
The picture shows a part of the valley at the upper portal, with Mt. Barney itself as background. Walking, sliding, dropping, climbing, lizarding up and down the rocks, was the only way to traverse the valley. To be honest, wearing a pair of running shoes, I couldn't have done the lizarding parts without the attention of the seasoned rock climbers.

A small drama to add some effects:
We departed Brisbane at 6am and I got dropped off home at around 6.30pm. The hike is finished at an effective 40degC heat. Two of our group of 15 got heat stroke and needed a small rescue team to bring in water and electrolytes. Fortunately both recovered after taking the electrolytes and were able to walk again. In the end they even came to the pub for a beer with us :) Similar incident happened in the same hike the year before, and I'm just glad that everyone turned out OK. Lesson learnt: always bring your first aid kit to a hike!
Bad sleep at the backpackers last nite, and it's been a long day. Seeking my bed soon, nites :)
late PS: signed up for this coming Sunday's hike at Binna Burra, Lamington National Park ^_^
2hrs drive south of Brisbane lies a certain Mt. Barney. The area around the lower and upper portals is where all the excitement unfolds ^_^
The hike reminds me so much of the one down Wallaman Falls with Ally and Surein, I was even basking in the joy of the memory ^_^ The first part of the hikes were quite similar, where the ground is clad with open eucalyptus forest typical to this region. Then it came to the never ending uphill downhill uphill downhill bit. After a few creak crossing, we arrived at the lower portals of Mt. Barney after about 1hr15min. Then, it was time to get wet, and we found a shallow place at around knee hight to wade thru the rather rapid stream.
We then continued to hike thru a particularly high hill to get to the upper portal. And then the fun, or terror, whichever way you want to look at it, beggins ^_^
The picture shows a part of the valley at the upper portal, with Mt. Barney itself as background. Walking, sliding, dropping, climbing, lizarding up and down the rocks, was the only way to traverse the valley. To be honest, wearing a pair of running shoes, I couldn't have done the lizarding parts without the attention of the seasoned rock climbers.

A small drama to add some effects:
We departed Brisbane at 6am and I got dropped off home at around 6.30pm. The hike is finished at an effective 40degC heat. Two of our group of 15 got heat stroke and needed a small rescue team to bring in water and electrolytes. Fortunately both recovered after taking the electrolytes and were able to walk again. In the end they even came to the pub for a beer with us :) Similar incident happened in the same hike the year before, and I'm just glad that everyone turned out OK. Lesson learnt: always bring your first aid kit to a hike!
Bad sleep at the backpackers last nite, and it's been a long day. Seeking my bed soon, nites :)
late PS: signed up for this coming Sunday's hike at Binna Burra, Lamington National Park ^_^
Saturday, February 19, 2011
做了奇怪的事情。有人在自己的人地盘住backpackers的? 嗯,其实如果Make sense的话,又有何不可呢? ^_^
哎,话说回来,今晚住backpaCkerS是为准时赴明早6点在weStend附近的登山集合。这种时候最怀念每次把我载上载下的阳弟和父亲大人了XD其实也因为没有看过周末夜晚人声鼎沸的West End才觉定了作怪的。
明天的登山,今晚才从美国登陆的技术总监S,竟然在最后一分钟报名了…就让我今晚活在不知道会不会和技术总监一起登山的复杂情续下吧 ^_^
希望明天会是个登山的好天 =)
哎,话说回来,今晚住backpaCkerS是为准时赴明早6点在weStend附近的登山集合。这种时候最怀念每次把我载上载下的阳弟和父亲大人了XD其实也因为没有看过周末夜晚人声鼎沸的West End才觉定了作怪的。
明天的登山,今晚才从美国登陆的技术总监S,竟然在最后一分钟报名了…就让我今晚活在不知道会不会和技术总监一起登山的复杂情续下吧 ^_^
希望明天会是个登山的好天 =)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
是因为实验室没有了过后,工作方面太没有意义了吧。。。感觉像是在浪费时间。搬来YP的办公室后,背后多了很多双眼睛,没有了在UQ那里的自由。那是把本来是要被浪费的时间拿来做自己更有营养的事的自由 ^_^
那天难得扭开电视,看到一个广告,一个人被问"what do you want out of life?",他的回答是"可以写意地在海边散步,还有和认识的人在一起"。。。多诱人的答案呀!
是因为实验室没有了过后,工作方面太没有意义了吧。。。感觉像是在浪费时间。搬来YP的办公室后,背后多了很多双眼睛,没有了在UQ那里的自由。那是把本来是要被浪费的时间拿来做自己更有营养的事的自由 ^_^
那天难得扭开电视,看到一个广告,一个人被问"what do you want out of life?",他的回答是"可以写意地在海边散步,还有和认识的人在一起"。。。多诱人的答案呀!
Friday, February 11, 2011
在这个被iPhone垄断的年代,我却还是对SE忠心耿耿呢^_^ Xperia X10的mini版,这家伙差不多做到集全部好用的gadget于一身,而且还要体积小的要求了=)
希望它也可以像之前的K510i那样,陪我走过好多风雨好多路 ^_^
在这个被iPhone垄断的年代,我却还是对SE忠心耿耿呢^_^ Xperia X10的mini版,这家伙差不多做到集全部好用的gadget于一身,而且还要体积小的要求了=)
希望它也可以像之前的K510i那样,陪我走过好多风雨好多路 ^_^
Monday, February 07, 2011
The apotheosis of the dance
Got the ticket to Beethoven 7 in June! T_T Got box seats de ticket!!!
Tickets had only been open for sale earlier this month and the box seats are almost sold out already! Geez, it comes to prove that people had really been prying on this one...
1. Wagner Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde
2. Liszt Piano Concerto No.1
are also on the menu for the night and I had been doing homework on them. And ended up falling in love with Liszt's T_T The night will be concluded by Beethoven's 7th. Wonder if my emotion state would end up like how it was stirred by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra playing this piece... Apotheosis indeed >___<
On another overdue note, here's Rafa practicing and drawing a crowd in Melbourne Park about two weeks ago, during the Australian Open.
Te amo rafa~ Should go and watch him in Roland Garros someday :)
Tickets had only been open for sale earlier this month and the box seats are almost sold out already! Geez, it comes to prove that people had really been prying on this one...
1. Wagner Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde
2. Liszt Piano Concerto No.1
are also on the menu for the night and I had been doing homework on them. And ended up falling in love with Liszt's T_T The night will be concluded by Beethoven's 7th. Wonder if my emotion state would end up like how it was stirred by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra playing this piece... Apotheosis indeed >___<
On another overdue note, here's Rafa practicing and drawing a crowd in Melbourne Park about two weeks ago, during the Australian Open.
Te amo rafa~ Should go and watch him in Roland Garros someday :)

Thursday, February 03, 2011
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