Wednesday, July 01, 2009

today, tomorrow and thursday

my last three days in sweden wei~~~
when i take myself out of my own life and look at it, sweden still sounds mystical somehow ^^ my sincere gratitue to those who make these two exhilarating years a reality, not mentioning those who gave me their blessings and supported me throughout :)

karin: what do you like best in sweden?
asa: hm... there are so many things i dont know which one to choose from. ak, right, it's probably the nature!
karin: aaah... javisst (ofcoz)! (then she started to go on and on about how beautiful is norway's landscape instead.../swt)

the woods surrounding the härlanda lake has kept me stay put in this same basement which has no doubt become a cozy home throughout my time here. the nature, with some help from the weather, has turned me into a walker. i hardly spend a week without walking more than an hour at a time. i hardly spend a week without venturing into the woods also ^^ my visitors too, get to have a taste of the nature as slottskogen (the castle forest), härlanda woods, and the islands have proven to be among the most-popular-destinations-asa-likes-to-lure-ppl-to :P

karin also wanted to know what do i hate most in sweden. but since she turned the topic to norway, i din hav to answer it XD anyway, i do have an answer to that. an easy one for me. the distance, away from people dearest to me. easy hey?

today, i shall do the second round of cleaning to make my room gleam and sparkle, do the last round of laundry, and stay away from food that might make me sick XD
tomorrow, i shall give away and post away everything that would be useful...
thursday, i shall do the final round of cleaning to make my room whitewahsed ="= no, juz some final touches... and final packing, and... yup, need to say goodbye to the woods :)


Guan Fuat Motor said...

So many woods, remind me of Vienna woods. 如何?有一些离别时的不舍吧?该感恩这两年的所见,所闻,及知识与学术的强化,不虚此行矣

Guan Fuat Motor said...

So many woods, remind me of Vienna woods. 如何?有一些离别时的不舍吧?该感恩这两年的所见,所闻,及知识与学术的强化,不虚此行矣

x said...

Vienna woods? can eat de? hungry oo...

没有不舍。像上次离开北极圈的时候那样,即使已完全被极光和冰川、一望无际的雪山震撼。他们说极光有夺走人类灵魂的魔力;我说,当心与灵魂早已属于那一片热带雨林,再强的魔法都无法从这躯壳里留下些什么 ^^
