Saturday, May 30, 2009

the CL final

a well writen article from eduardo alvarez, a soccernet.espn journalist, gave me a lashing. i should really stop producing crappy posts, no excuse! XP

Winning over one of the madridistas (click to read article), was the title of the article. madridistas is a collective noun for the real madrid football club supporters. both eduardo and i are part of the noun :P i love to read eduardo becoz his articles give an inside view of how spaniards celebrates their futbol like a religion; how battles in politics are transfigured into battles on the green fields in the country. this particular article is about barcelona's wonderful win over manchester united in the champions league final.

doing it the benitez style:
fact 1: madridistas love to hate barcelona. arch rivals, politics, it's red hot...
fact 2: for goodness sake, i AM a UNITED FAN!
fact 3: the article is all and all pro-barca...
fact 4: but... i enjoy the article so much i'm dedicating a post to it.
fact 5: like eduardo, i enjoyed barca's futbol so much i had to applaud Pep (their coach) even as my heart breaks seeing them beat united...
no kidding, i skipped thursday morning and lisa later asked if it was "a barcelona induced headache".

the catalunian Ruth in our department has the words "viva barca" on the message board on her office door, looking down proudly on the passerbys. she's got an annonymous united fan adding congrats in a small corner of her board.


long live football!


Anonymous said...

Heartbroken indeed.

But wait, Kaka!!!! Kaka???!!!! What a nice surprise! :D I am happy already.

x said...

indeed... kaka... wow.
and even he, he from the heaven, lies XD

Anonymous said...

Hmm, how about C. Ronaldo?

x said...

mr. c. ronaldo 7 comes from hell XD
be very afraid all opponents~
if madrid buys him, we'll have ANGEL AND DEMON live every match they play together, haha...