since i'm on vacation, interesting things find their way to my door steps ^^
first to talk about is ofcoz de trip south with aik yean. we were warned against de snow storm that would probably jeopardise copenhagen's public transport and hence our trip. but we went on regardless. it was, as expected, freezing cold. going around on feet, we were surviving by seeking shelter in museums and churches, which are attractions themselves ^^
as u might have guessed, we were renting beds in backpackers, meeting more fascinating ppl. a lady who came from azerbaijan with a sole purpose, to find a man to marry so that she can stay in west europe forever... a tiny teenage japanese girl who travels alone, so polite she bows to the bus driver after getting a ticket ^^ de address in malmo's backpacker's lead us to a deserted house with broken windows and washed away paint -_- so when i happily shouted "yokata~" as we finally found the place, her eyes brightened and kept bowing to me, ha...
fairy tales, no wonder they always come in white. should have remembered that andersen is a dane ^^ and a travelling dane ^^ if you go back and see Tivoli in de pictures in the previous post, it is where andersen's first stories were played ^^ growing up with these stories nourishing my imaginations, it's wonderful to visit their place of birth and see the original hand written manuscripts ^^
no easter egg this yr but karin popo came with a piece of welcome home cake, home made ofcoz ^^ i'm really finding it hard to take so much kindness from an 85-yr-old :P
with this trip over, i hav to start planning for the next (tho i din really plan this one...), the big one... vow to watch spain vs. russia in spain, so the other places just hav to accomodate ^^ the travelmate i mentioned earlier pulled out... so i guess this is going to be a solo trip, unless aik yean finishes her master debate before the trip, which is highly unlikely. ooy, mom, it's not my intention... anyway, sahara becomes feasible now :D morroc and it's hashish~~ XD (which gave assassin it's name, hashshashin/hashishin XD) poisoned~ poisoned~ XD
but before getting carried away, lets talk a bit about study, which i suddenly remember is de main purpose of why am i here :P Tailored Materials last quarter was a very interesting elective, despite that Giant Magnetoresistance report ^^ Polymers was our last compulsory subject, which means the coming ones are all going to be my choice ^^ for the next quarter, Environmental Adaptable Product Development and Manufacturing is no doubt my first choice.....
OMG!! heart got beat~ heart got beat~~ while searching for the full name of that enviro course, i saw my published results... not as spectacular as last quarter, but... 48.5/55 for polymers T.T (88% means no lamb stew for you ppl, wakaka) tailored materials 42.25/45 (94%) of exams, no results for that GMR report yet, but it's already a grade 5 T.T either there's really miracles in the world or i'm a genius, agree biao meimei? wakaka~
ok back to where we were interupted. one of a million reasons WHY SWEDEN is because of their role in solving enviro problems the technical way, the engineers' way, my way ^^ so this course is unpassable. hope to take another one or two enviro courses in this year's autumn term after returning from malaysia. i've considered long and hard for the other course, and after exchanging a few emails with eddie de la favco, we decided that composite and nanocomposite materials would be the best :) although it means i'll see rodney de head spinning polymers lecturer again >.<
another joy~ kimster' 2nd malaysia crown!! ^^ with kubi and heikki at his either sides on the podium, charmed~~ ^^ and MU's big win against liverpool, consolidating our spot at the top, with christiano scoring again T.T and david villa~~~ that's probably the only way to beat buffon at his best ^^ no regrets to see him inherit raul's #7~ nice to see cesc, xavi and iniesta doing crazy things in de middle and senna anchoring for them too ^^ hope the good form will continue to euro08~ havnt seen elnino pair up with villa in a while... and with options of joaquin and vicente operating on the wings, wot a squad...
haha, f1 and football could be alien language for some of you... but here is something for everyone - at last but not least, lets re-visit the snow storm that hits north eastern europe in the past week. gothenburg clad in white. took tons of pictures ^^ but this post is already very very very very long even without them flooding the page ^^
my favourite woods


grave yard at redbergsplatsen


a short video taken when it was snowing outside my window, u've seen how the scene change through out 3 seasons outside this window now ^^ the pic below is the end product after a week of snow, u can see de garden bench is almost burried... the snow was so thick karin popo couldnt open the main door that morning ^^