Saturday, November 27, 2010


到了周末都会想回部落格这里,有时候是来整理生活里所接触的一切,有时候是来发"离骚" ^_^, 有时候纯粹是让心灵歇一歇。


星期二的晚间通常是被grocery shopping和练琴占据吧~
星期五是羽球天,虽然别扭的羽球不是心头好 XD,但还是喜欢运动,还有和朋友共渡的时光吧 :)

那么简单固定的时间表,其实会让心扎实起来 :) 容易满足的小鬼? ^^ 不小咯,呵呵。。。

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chermside Hills

feel like smothering that EMO kid... instead, i wore it with me to Chermside Hills.

Today's theme is Oasis' "Don't look back in anger". Not totally relevant but it underlays the fire i had been feeling... feel like smothering that EMO kid...

Slip inside the eye of your mind
(wood carved kookaburra)

Don't you know you might find a better place to play
(i spied with my little eye, something begins with "W" here. came face to face with a wallaby, lucky~ ^^ )

Step outside the summertime's in bloom

Stand up beside the fireplace, take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
(the result of city council's controlled burning)

So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away
"But don't look back in anger", I heard you say

Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows if it's night or day
(the hills have very little human visitors, the only fellow homo sapiens i met were a friendly old couple and a guy coming from the opposite direction, pouring white powder from a canister... wot the hell was he doing? when i walk on, and saw more tiny pools of white powder, the question mark in my head grew larger...)

(when this came up at the end of that particular track, a smile followed. it's clear enough, the guy was leaving markers :) taking whoever concerned to the place that he goes like the lyrics ^^ )

(no doubt of it as more and more of them adorns the tracks in the area :) some sort of event hey? children's event perhaps? :) )

Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock 'n' Roll band who'll throw it all away
(cant wait for the first batch of june's lomo pics~ so i faked one just to get things warmed up ^^ )

Friday, November 19, 2010

busy busy de

how things can change in quick successions...

multi-tasking again... yet miraculously having a substantial amount of leisure time. surreal. makes me wonder where does all the time goes whenever i'm in malaysia...

been breaking promises to myself lately. should make it up, i should, i should. life is a hell of a story XD

Sunday, November 07, 2010


玲和rand告假去moreton island放松了。可恶呀,竟然比我早了一步呢 ^^ 是想在圣诞假期间和过来作客的妈妈、轩弟弟和nOnO一起去的。倒是现在有人帮忙搜集资料咯 ^^

昨晚在和玲和她们的客人素、彦和克里斯大玩wii Just Dance后的亢奋下,彻夜看了dan brown的 "the lost symbol"。一直到天色淡白才不甘愿却dutiful地就寝。中午醒来又是home alone了,一面呷着加豆奶的russian caravan,一面继续紧张的剧情,dan brown的作品真的会让人放不下来,想一口气看完啊~ 而且还是让人变神经质的作品呢,什么风吹草动、门呀、桌椅呀稍稍发出任何声音都有威胁感呵!*惊* 偏偏家里一个鬼影都没有 T_T 持续的阅读只被准备和消耗自己弄的怪怪的green curry鸡饭打断 XD

在玩wii的大家 ^^

然后,又去跑了4k。officially 变成4k了呢。比上个星期快了2分钟,但还是有点pathetic的时间,只有微坡的跑道竟然要花上23分钟呀。上个星期还说可以怪罪于旅途的劳累,这个星期难道要怪昨晚的酒精?呵呵。。。下星期天6.30am在布里斯本市区内有一个沿河的5k长跑,没参加过这样的活动,也没一口气跑过5k,该试试了吧 :)

回来躺在庭院的木长凳上喘气,眼里却是意外地漂亮的一幅画~映入眼帘的,一角是在落花的jacaranda,一角是微暗的屋檐,直插进来的阳伞的顶端,然后就是一大片的蓝天,和往东南方缓缓前进的白云 ^_^
心也变得很静 ^_^
嗯,也想起了欠你们的jacaranda照片。这就来咯~布里斯本漫天漫地的紫色sakura ^^

Saturday, November 06, 2010


专业角度上,这种多愁善感状态会很不好吧。在favco的话,可以想象,生存不下去 X_X 现在却偏偏有一个industrial hippy当上司,不小心投其所好了,呵呵。
至于学习方面,诗人状态倒是pick up超快,脑筋耐力超强的~是因为全心全意在感受、在浸淫吧。

进入诗人状态,会变成名副其实的multi-task-queen 哦 ^^
是因为一个常理上会吸掉很多时间的component不在,暂停了对他们的责任,却让他们成了原动力,疼的人 :)

i am strong, when i am on your shoulders
you raised me up, to more than i can be...